From the Wilds of Woody-land

JA from MNPP here. I was looking up pictures of Peter Sarsgaard on Tumblr - don't tell me you haven't yet seen that shot of him jogging in shorts shorts making the rounds - when I stumbled upon some pics from the set of Woody Allen's new movie currently filming in San Francisco that seemd worth sharing.
What continues being delightful even when Woody's movies don't - yes I'm looking at you To Rome With Love - is seeing him mix up all the famous actors he gets to play with in surprising ways - why sure, I'd love to see Judy Davis play Allison Pill's mother! How astute of you, good sir. (TRWL needed more cast interaction - imagine if Greta Gerwig and Penny Cruz had fallen under Roberto Benigni's haphazard charms while managing their own plots!)
Seeing Sally Hawkins and Bobby Cannavale and Cate Blanchett and Louis CK all standing around gives me hope this next one will toss some of Woody's specific sort of thespian frission our way. Woody gets whoever the heck he wants in his movies - make use! (And hire Diane Keaton next time, dammit!)
Reader Comments (19)
See, what you site as a positive is the source of one of my biggest frustrations with the last few Woody Allen movies. He assembles this amazing cast and wastes so many of them in shrill and/or boring fictional roles. So many talented, funny people are reduced to standing in the background with their hands on their hips.
I would be much more interested in the movie if it was created by Louis C.K. instead of Allen.
I meant to say 'boring FUNCTIONAL' roles (see: Gerwig in Rome, John Gallagher Jr. in Whatever Works, all in Tall Dark Stranger).
Cate looks Great :)
I'm getting second Oscar vibes for Blanchett being that focused in proximity to Allen.
Blanchett looks good and like 4rtful said, I'm getting second Oscar vibes for her too.
My next movie wish for Woody: a love letter to New York with Diane Keaton and Jessica Chastain starring... Too good to be truth?
I wouldn't mind to see another sexy movie, like VCB or Match Point, coming from Woody
I need more Dianne Wiest. How about a third Oscar for her with Woody's writing?
@ Ed
It'd be ideal for Woody to get both Jessica(s) Chastain and Lange.
@ Chris
I suspect that's the only way she'll earn a fourth nomination.
I don't think Cate Blanchett is getting nominated for this since 2013 is very crowded and full of more baity roles, what with Watts, Kidman and Saldana all playing icons, and let's not forget Streep and Roberts in August : Osage County, Winslet in Labor Day, Thompson in Saving Mr Banks, Bullock in Gravity, Cotillard in Low Life... Blanchett will probably get a Globe nod in Best Actress Comedy/Musical though.
But I think she can win the Best Actress Oscar for Carol (2014). It's basically Notes on a scandal 2, but with Blanchett in the veteran part.
@ alexis,
I partially agree, but
1) "Carol" is slated for a 2013 release and shooting is supposed to take place in February
2) "Carol" sounds tons more baity than Saldana,Thompson or Winslet's projects; also I'm really excited about "Gravity" but it sounds less Oscar-friendly than the storyline of "Carol"
3) People say the two women are actually falling in love in the book + it's set in the 50s from what I remember + has a good ending, so apart from it being a Lesbian story it's nothing like Notes on a Scandal :) actually Notes was not a lesbian story because one of the two women was not a lesbian
but you're right, 2013 will be a fight! We also have the two Eleanor Rigby films and I'm sure much more will pop up
it could be a very Australian 2013: Blanchett, Kidman, Watts; and I think Meryl will join the club and probably Winslet for either of her two projects; Julia will probably go supporting, if she's at all any good in it (hoping she is though)
@ 4rtful
having both Jessica(s) would be some delicious to watch... and what about Woody getting Michelle Pfeiffer? the cinema industry would explode of enthusiasm!
Carol starts shooting in february, so it might not make the 2013 deadline. See : Untitled James Gray Project, Sunlight Jr., Conviction... I think it will be released in 2014, which would be a good move for Blanchett since 2013 is, as I've just written, very crowded
Oh and you obviously don't get the concept of "baity" when it comes to the Academy : Saldana and Thompson play REAL, FAMOUS WOMEN. That trumps Blanchett's part of a lesbian in a British indie.
@ alexis, time will tell :)
2013 : The Return of The Queen Cate. Since she has many films next years, maybe double nods again (with a win in Lead)? Oscar seasons have been boring without her.
by the way, about the big famous women thing
*in Zoe's case, I guess you're referring to the "Nina" project? that doesn't have a release year yet, and for which she's still rumored? with a first-time director?
and I'm sorry but P.L. Travers is not the Biopic name you want it to be, this is not Margaret Thatcher, Marilyn Monroe, or Virginia Woolf. And you don't have Meryl Streep playing her (Julia Child was recognized only because of Meryl) + that project has, for now, 2014 next to it...
There will be plenty of buzz around Blanchett's name next year and I won't be surprised by a Lead + Supporting Actress nomination combo again.
I can see the critics groups reasoning in the same line of thought as they did with Chastain last year. Best Actress: Cate Blanchett for: and they'll list all 5 of her films.
(Julia Child was recognized only because of Meryl)
Not true the Academy, American critics, and American audiences know who the hell Julia Childs is.
Im reeeeaaallly looking forward to see my fav actress Blanchett in a Terrence Malick ( fav director) movie. I hope she gets to do lots of voice overs cause she is really good at that too. Blanchett sharing scenes with Bale and Gosling in a Malick orgazm right there
@ Ed
Pfeiffer is Nathan's Goddess.
P.L.Travers wrote Mary Poppins. Emma Thompson won two Oscars. She co-stars with Tom Hanks. He won two Oscars. The film shoots this October. I rest my case.
Yes Zoe Saldana plays Nina Simone. If Gaboure Sidibe can be nominated in the Best Actress category, surely the star of Avatar playing a famous singer can.
God, the Blanchittos are a bit annoying. She doesn't automatically get in every year. See : Charlotte Gray, Veronica Guerin... and those were baity parts. Being the lead in a Woody Allen doesn't automatically translate to a Best Actress nom.
But I still think she can win the Best Actress Oscar for Carol in 2015