Split Decision: "A Real Pain"

Split Decision returns to TFE. In this series two of our writers face off on a movie one loves and the other doesn't. Today, Eric Blume and Cláudio Alves discuss the season's Supporting Actor frontrunner and Original Screenplay nominee, A Real Pain...
ERIC BLUME: I'm thrilled to discuss one of my very favorite movies of the year, A Real Pain, with you. I think Jesse Eisenberg made a major film with huge ideas, packed in a tight, 90-minute breezy package: something we almost *never* see nowadays. I think it's thematically rich, briskly paced, surprising, and most interesting, light and deep at the same time. Where do you stand on the picture?
CLÁUDIO ALVES: While I like A Real Pain, I wouldn't call it a major film by any metric, shape, or form…