Happy Birthday Glenn Close!

Photo via Glenn Close's Instagram (she's great at social media!)
The great and still Oscar-less Glenn Close is 78 today. If seven is a good luck number than we wish her two more years of good luck towards landing Oscar nomination #9. I bring Glenn up because I promised a longtime reader a retrospective on Fatal Attraction (1987) so long ago that he probably knows how she feels still waiting for that naked gold man for what has been an inexcusably long time. Given that it's Glenn's birthday and given the long-ass wait, I felt compelled to commit publicly to discussing this movie this upcoming weekend scene-by-scene style like we haven't done since just before the pandemic (only I'll do this one solo). It's such a great thriller and it really holds up.
Anyway, before we dive into Glenn's most zeitgeisty moment, let's have a chat about her Oscar history...