Link Book

Timothy Brayton took up the challenge and filled out our "Summer Report Card" (see previous posts right before this one). Well done, good sir
A Blogwork Orange is currently holding a Paul Thomas Anderson Appreciation Month
I Need My Fix Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are calling it quits *sniffle*
MNPP JA tells us about a movie we haven't heard of called Blues for Willadean. Character Actress Bonanza! Dale Dickey in Daisy Dukes.
IndieWire The pilot for Revolution is available to watch. Have anyone of you watched this "all the powers gone out!" sci-fi tv pilot yet?
"Chloe" is back! Rejoice. This time Drew Droege is "Reading"
The New Yorker has a lengthy profile on the Wachowski siblings prior to Cloud Atlas's release who, as you undoubtedly know, don't often get lengthy profiles since they're rather reclusive. Lana Wackowski, formerly "Larry" gets plenty of time and...
Gawker has a response and takes issues with the way Lana's "gender situation" is handled.
"Digger" by Ursula Vernon, a "very peculiar epic" starring a wombat and a dead god, just won the Hugo Award for best graphic story...
Hugo Awards things you've heard of like Doctor Who and Game of Thrones won the dramatic presentation prizes (aka film & television)
fuck the imperialist system "Tom Marvolo Riddle" Wow, I'm actually linking to something Harry Potter again. Something three months old even but it amuses
Vulture The CW is developing a Wonder Woman origins TV show titled Amazon. Ohmygod but I'm sick of origin stories. The dirty secret of them is even though we all know all these stories already Hollywood likes them because they can cast youngies.
Movie|Line Lana Del Rey writing a screenplay. Movies as happy place? We can relate.
MNPP It's Daniel Radcliffe and Max Minghella for the film adaptation of Joe Hill's Horns
Incidental Comics "Sketchbooks of the Pros". Hee
Empire Renée Zellweger is going to direct and act in a comedy called 4 ½ minutes. Johnny Knoxville leads the cast as a comedian who looks after the Zeéeeee's child.
Eeeep! Downton Abbey Season 3 Tease.
Very short but enough to remind that we love this show in all its soapy glory. People crying, kissing, arriving, looking worried, hostile or just deeply in love? Yes, please.
Reader Comments (7)
I'm so looking forward to Downton Abbey, mostly because of Dame Maggie. And now Shirley comes and even though she's never been a favorite of mine, I just can't wait to see her.
Off-topic: sent you this on twitter, too, but here as well in case you didn't read the message: Hungary's official submission is Just the Wind, the winner of the Jury Grand Prix in Berlin. I think it's an excellent choice. I just talked about it with one of my former teachers. It's very harrowing and brutal, it shows a terrible picture of Hungary (real poverty porn that the Academy loves). It deals w/ racist murders in documentary style. It's VERY effective. It has a legit shot, I think. It's not The Turin Horse, not too artsy, the point is mostly on the effect. It's as artsy as the Academy likes.
It's a shame Chloe keeps going back and forth between loving and hating Drew's imitation.
Can't wait for DOWNTON ABBEY! And Tim did what I wanted to do on my blog by answering your summer report card. Though I think everyone should.
I saw the pilot for Revolution and I wasn't impressed. For those like me who loved LOST, it's just another show attempting to fill its shoes. Unfortunately, it forgets why shows like LOST and 24 captured our hearts: They were fresh/unique ideas with characters we cared about.
The Wonder Woman pilot "Amazon" is a weird one. Yes, we know the origins of Wonder Woman but there maybe a whole generation who have no clue who Wonder Woman is. There's never been a major film about the character, the original TV show has been gone for decades and the comics aren't the biggest sellers. Therefore, telling the origin might be necessary in order to endear the character to a new audience.
However, having watched Smallville for most of it's run, a whole series dedicated to Diana becoming WW might be incredibly drawn out and dull. I mean I liked Smallville but it went on five years too long and never fully reached it's potential.
Also, how much can you do with WW origin? You can't dedicate a whole show to being on her home island because that would be too expensive. The alternative, however, is having her be on Earth and discover her powers (which would cause an uproar among fans as well as make it a Smallville retread). All of this may be for nothing, though, as it could end up like the other WW pilot from last season... or may not be made at all. Time will tell...
"Arnett was previously married to Penelope Ann Miller." (!!!)
What kind of Downton trailer has more Edith than Mary??? Get your priorities straight iTV!
Completely agree on the "suckiness" of super-hero adaptations inevitably falling back on the origin story. Most comic book characters have decades worth of stories to tell (and adapt to film!), often by writers far superior to their creator.
Loved the Tom Riddle link. That's a keeper.