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Quote of the Week

I can't think of anything worse than calling 911 and having Halle Berry answer."

- My hilarious friend Kenneth Walsh on commercials for The Call.


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Reader Comments (14)

If Halle Berry was a 911 operator, I'd call, and when she asks "What's your emergency," I'd respond with "I want you to make me feel GEWD." hehe.

Am I the only one that thinks she might get some awards traction for this movie? Idk. Maybe. But god, it looks so bad. I loved the part where he said "it's already been done" and they replayed him saying it the first time and she's like "it's the same man!" - You don't say????? No way! Like, how stupid do you think the audience is?

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip H.

Do you remember the 1965 movie The Slender Thread from Sydney Pollack? Anne Bancroft played a suicidal person calling into volunteer Sidney Poitier. I have always wanted to see this but only caught the first few minutes years ago. TCM, time to step up.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbrookesboy

Philip lol. on the 911 response. feeling gooooood IS an emergency

February 19, 2013 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I don't even like Halle but I still feel bad seeing how her career looks right now. On on hand, we can blame Hollywood for not having good roles for African American actresses. On the other hand, I think this is mostly her fault that after winning Oscar, instead of challenging herself more, she tried to be a box office star by starring in Catwoman, X men movies (where she is not even that good), Gothika..lol. This and Perfect Stranger remind me of those 90s thriller such as Deceived, Consenting Adults etc.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDrew

I agree with Drew. While I'm not a fan, I do give her props for showing up at The Razzies and accepting her Worst Actress for Catwoman. That's pretty cool.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbrookesboy

I don't know. I'm in the middle of a Susanne Bier marathon and Halle Berry is pretty damn good in Things We Lost in the Fire (just watched it for the first time last night). She's better in quiet, non-mainstream roles, so I would agree with Drew. I believe that some of our "stars" do far superior work when box office $$ is not at stake. Anne Hathaway was FANTASTIC in Rachel Getting Married, and hope she chooses carefully for the next few films (in other words, no silly studio rom-com.)

I also agree that Hollywood needs to cast more women of color, without casting them in roles of "women of color". In Things We Lost in the Fire, Berry's role was race-neutral. It could have been played by Watts or Weitz, or any other 30-something actress.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPam

Pam - YES. I always say this! We not only need some roles for colored women, we need casting directors to give race-neutral roles to people of color instead of just assuming they're all white people.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip H.

Yeah, Berry is quite good in Things We Lost in the Fire, even though if I wasn't a huge fan of the film. But yeah, much of her post-Oscar career is hers to blame. Catwoman? X3? Gothika? Perfect Stranger? That terrible movie with Olivier Martinez that has something to do with the ocean(I saw the DVD at Target and it looked terrible. Don't even think it was theatrically released). She tried to be a box-office star but got bogged-down with terrible material.

Theron's career wasn't all that impressive after Oscar (even if she did get nominated later for North Country). But since Young Adult she's been on the upswing, so hopefully there's promise for her. Ditto for Reese Witherspoon who seems to be in serious mode again with Mud and Devil's Knot coming out this year, after that seemingly endless stream of wretched rom-coms.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

I've seen this trailer during my last two trips to the theater and I swear a corpse could fall from the ceiling and it wouldn't THUD any worse than this. I'm pretty sure the oversimplified nature of the trailer is to weed out the semi-intelligent people who may accidentally see this.

Though to be fair, I do enjoy the torching of Random Citizen at the gas station. Hilarity!

But seriously, this sucker looks like one of those movies on the bottom row of the Redbox machine. One you figure is worth the buck fifty, juuuuuust in case of an out-of-place shower scene, or some Swordfish-esque sunbath, perhaps

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterm.brown

Really, I would think most men would be excited to hear her answer :shrug: and I'm not her biggest fan either.

February 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

Seems to me that they have the world at their feet and try to make the bucks when that does not work out they must sit down and think i am going to remebered for bad movies and winning a fluke oscar,a lot of people have turned their careers around theron and mcconaughey spring to mind but so many talented folks have just gone down the paycheck route esp reese wheres the fire from election.

February 20, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermark

Shout out to Aaron for the upswing comment because I was going to say that. I'm also going to say that as much as that's happening with every Best Actress winner since Julia Roberts, their pre-upswing crap period is woeful. Marion Cotillard's probably the only actress whose post-Oscar career looks most spotless. I wonder what her secret is.

February 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPaolo

Paolo, I have to bring up Marion's death scene in TDKR. Ouch.

February 20, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbrookesboy

I'd love to hear Halle Berry answering a phone call, but yes, NOT FOR 911 (unless she had a side career in say, being an EMT)!

Her post-Oscar career has been lacking (as many of the 2000s Best Actress winners), but looking at it right now, she really hasn't had that many great leading-roles since then. I loved her in "Things We Lost in the Fire" as well as "Their Eyes Were Watching God." Still haven't seen her Golden Globe-nominated work in "Frankie & Alice" yet.

February 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge P.
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