Secret Messages: Map

This was almost a first and last (this is also a movie's first shot) but instead it's a secret message.
Who marked that map up? But more importantly why is it secret? The correct answer is seven words long.
Second clue: The camera pans left and will eventually reveal the protagonist.
Reader Comments (18)
My seven word response:
I don't know, and I don't know.
(Hey, it may not be correct, but it fits the word count guidelines, and it's honest.)
Optramark -- well... thanks for playing. I'm shocked this stumped people. I thought it would be obvious.
Not sure what the 7 words are...but is it in the The Italian Job?
"We'll do it like the Italian Job"
Is that right?
Benny & Hannah -- i see your line of thinking but it's not The Italian Job.
3rtful - nope.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close?
"Because he needed to find more Blacks."
"There's a hundred-thousand streets in this city."
@3rtful, interesting, I also almost guessed "Zodiac". I have never seen this movie, and I don't know why, but something about the picture made me feel very strongly it must be that. But logically it made absolutely no sense to me that the movie would start with that picture, and that it would be a secret, so I chose not to.
"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close?
"Because he needed to find more Blacks.":
OH MY GOD! Laughing so much at this one.
LA Confidential?
I also think Drive - not sure though.
Alex C is right, it is Drive
The map is downtown Los Angeles, with the camera panning up to Ryan Gosling.
Wait. It's Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Craig, Ben and Alex -- it is DRIVE.
Alex you were right on that line of dialogue but i was thinking of ryan gosling's secretiveness for the 7 words
"you don't need to know the route"