'Running for your life from Shia Labeouf'

Love this so much.
The world needs more certifiably looney celebrities because they inspire such great great pop culture moments. I can't even pick a favorite moment in this song because every word is awesome.
Shia Labeouf,
music videos,

Reader Comments (8)
Even though his recent interviews make him seem insufferable, it does make me crack up that he was arrested for freaking out at Cabaret!
Well, it's a good ol' case of a meme becoming self aware. For anyone that doesn't know, it started with this a couple of years ago - It's nice to know that, despite apparent insanity, Shia is a good sport.
This song is quite a few years old, I'm so glad Shia finally decided to play along. It's brilliant.
I like Shia's "Citizen Kane" -style clapping at the end!
This was utterly delightful but
I laughed like a complete idiot at the little kid saying "quiet, quiet" and I don't even know why.
If this is part of the image rehab tour with the Jimmy Kimmel/Cabaret story and the Interview spread (mmm.) then he's doing something right.
"Normal Tuesday for Shia LaBeouf": brilliant.
Jake D -- YES. okay, that's my favorite part. I chose.
GOLD: "normal tuesday for Shia Labeouf"
SILVER: "but you know jujitsuuuuuu!"
BRONZE: "you have just decapitated Shia Labouef"
Well he is still my favorite for his portrayal as Sam Witwicky in Transformers series. Another thing about him lately is about a new music video. He starred in Sia's Elastic Heart which caught attentions around the web. He has the talent and catch our attention.