Linker by the Dozen

Salon talks to Patricia Clarkson about her career and why she never married or had kids
Pajiba 25 best triple exclamation point quotes from (recent) movie history. I added the (recent) because you know how people do with lists. It's always our lifetimes + one classic. But it's a fun list
Daily Telegraph interviews actress Rachel Griffiths on juggling career and family. "You can't win" she says
Antagony & Ecstasy remembers Eyes Wide Shut and wonders what would have happened if Stanley Kubrick had had more time with it
Gawker Bill Murray doing voicework for Jungle Book as "Baloo"
Film Stage first images from Rosewater, Jon Stewart's directorial debut
Towleroad a review of The Way He Looks. So bummed I missed this Brazilian romance at NewFest. Keep hearing good things
/Film Harry Shum Jr will co-star in the as yet untitled Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon sequel (it's based on the book Iron Knight Silver Vase but I'd be VERY surprised if they kept that title). So glad he found a post-Glee role. Love him.
Awards Circuit polled their whole staff on '10 greatest performances'... but i don't do 100s of click throughs to see all the lists so someone tell me who has the best taste ;)
super world
Comics Alliance on the importance of Superman's forelock curl
Variety looking back at Marvel's Phase 1 and Phase 2
Kate Mara Fantastic Four is a wrap. Cute photo of the cast
...and finally. 8 Bit Video attacks The Avengers. These things are so cute but I long for them to do something less expected than a blockbuster action movie. You know?
I apologize in advance for this but why does my brain always want such incongruous things as 8 Bit Far From Heaven: Help Cathy retrieve her flying scarf. Find Cathy's philandering gay husband. Train is about to depart. Or 8 Bit 12 Yea-- no, too soon. 8 Bit Black Swan Slam your psycho mother's fingers in the door for points. Pirouette until you transform into a bird. Kill your doppelganger. 8 Bit The Hours: Think you can buy the flowers yourself? Load your pockets with stones. How long can you stay underwater? Make a birthday cake while a need child looks on. GO!
Reader Comments (7)
I really want Harry Shum Jr to do the lead in the Crazy Rich Asians movie.
Loved the link to the 8-bit Avengers. And there were some surprising selections from the channel actually: Mean Girls as a role playing game with math problems as boss battles, The Big Lebowski as a competitive bowling game, and A Clockwork Orange as an 8-bit version of the infamous Grand Theft Auto series. Surprising titles to find amidst Thor, Avengers and Spiderman.
That Awards Circuit piece is basically why "greatest" is such an overused superlative rather than "favorite." It's just silly to say some of those lists are credible as "greatest" assessments. Most of them smack of "favorite right now off the top of my head."
For example, I would love to read a piece in praise of Joan Allen's work in The Crucible. But if you're tryna tell me that's one if the top ten greatest performances ever captured on film, without compelling justification or acknowledging that it's an unusual choice, I think it just seems lazy and fanciful. Especially when Davis' other choices skew so 90's...Julia in Pretty Woman? Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction? Angela? Whoopi? I like those performances too, but my gosh. Hard to take seriously.
Okay, Nathaniel... give me a sign and I'll kickstart the hell out of 8 Bit the Hours .
(As long as I can petition that there's a level involving "the crab thing")
Hayden - totally agree on all counts. The writers for Awards Circuit are almost as bad as Greg Ellwood from In Contention.
@Awards Circuit
While these lists are mostly composed of performances:
A) from Hollywood movies and / or from European artsy films
B) 99 % caucasian
I have to take my hat off because it includes more than 2 actors of color and one of those is Whoopi Goldberg in "The Color Purple" (probably the Oscar loss that hurts the most in both my mind and my heart)
It's good to see originality and inspiration when reading such lists, but that's not one that demonstrates any literacy in greatness on film. It reads like the taste of someone who came of age during a very specific time and hasn't seen many movies. I guess it's snotty to say, but that's a dumb top 10. As a cross section of "all time" you just can't justify his choices, or I shudder to imagine it.
Especially when on a site like this we get to enjoy such thoughtful and thorough consideration like in the Smackdowns. My all time favorites would differ as much as anyone's but I like to think an hour of my time would produce a bit more thoughtfully considered top 10.