Curio: Hateful Eight Art

Alexa here, back from a long vacation and ready to jump into winter film season and, despite reviews, buy my tickets for a 70mm Roadshow showing of The Hateful Eight. Keeping my expectations low worked toward my enjoyment of The Force Awakens so I'm hoping the same (and a healthy pre-show dose of alcohol) will help me enjoy the mayhem, however rote. I have enjoyed these creative artistic homages to Tarantino's latest. Perhaps they will prove superior to the film?
more beauties after the jump...
Digital sketch by YouCAnnotContainMe on Reddit.
Silkscreen by Tracie Ching, available here.
Kurt illustration by Max Dunbar.
Comic illustrated by Zach Meyer.
Poster by Sharm Murugiah.
Reader Comments (6)
The 70mm experience is a good one, even if the film, in my estimation, fails to really warrant it. But just seeing that first flicker of film hit the screen was beautiful and made me super nostalgic.
The Hateful Eight being a 70 mm production is a direct response to Paul Thomas Anderson filming and releasing The Master in 70 mm. Tarantino is incredibly insecure. For someone so popular with incredibly agency to do whatever he wants he is very reductive in his opinion of his own work and quick to dismiss the significant artistic achievement of others.
I like the movie. Prefer it over his last two historical epics.
This movies is now more of a punchbag than JJL herself. Why? While not the best QT by a landlide, it is entertaining. Extra bonus points for quoting TEN LITTLE INDIANS, FIVE LITTLE PIGS, THREE BLIND MICE, THREE ACT TRAGEDY, CARDS IN THE TABLE and countless Agatha Christie's mysteries, which are kind of awesome and very Tarantino-like in resurrecting class B scabrous puddings, which is his thing, really. And as for poor Miss Leigh, think of Jane Toppan by way of Calamity Jane and you have a pretty picture of female integrity. OK, sarcasm. But you get the idea. And at the time, even some women went on a shooting spree, ya know? . Rough times. Same madness. Different perpectives. Times have changed. But a convict could be hanged but not punched in the face. A shot would be suffice it. An should probably avoid this current PC trend about who's the mysoginist: the director or the characters? Both?. It's ridiculous. You can like it or hate it. But blame on the misery parade is hypocritical. USA as cloaca? You bet she were! Even where Abe Lincoln was in charge. Men were scumbags; so did some women. But better blame a piece of overexaggerated fiction (our of Dame Agatha is a big inspiratioin, bear that in mind) to put the misery on your own mirror. Then you can talk about condescending to the audiences. This film is as over the top as some critics reviews. I'll take the film, any day.
all i know is that these illustrations are way better than the movie!
The real sexists of Hollywood are the film makers who give women nothing to do but be a dull wife or girlfriend who supports the male hero. At least Tarantino writes interesting roles for women. As for the film it's one of his worst if not the worst of his career by a mile but it's still better than most films released this year.
Good point, Mike. And Nat, removing ALL the politics aside from the film, Tarantino does much more with thoese people in the room, than Abrahmson did on ROOM himself, with only two!. You make not like the movie, and it's fine. But you cannot deny his skills with a camera.