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'Unite the Seven' What?

The first image of Jason Momoa as Aquaman

Given that it's still 1252 days until this movie comes out (July 2018) Aquaman is a real preemie. Since I have no emotional connection whatsoever to this character (as I do some heroes from childhood) and I have as of yet been unimpressed with Momoa as an actor, I can't say that I'm excited about. Plus I always pictured Aquaman as a skinnier superhero for better hydrodynamic form under water. Momoa is too bulky to believably swim real fast but we're getting massive Game of Thrones Drogo minus his Dothraki aquaphobia.

I realize that the "seven" probably means the seas or Justice League heroes but for a split second I was like "Unite the seven what?" samurai? magnificent peeps? deadly sins? most recent best actress winners? times that Julianne Moore has played an actress/performer (omg I'd devour a movie about that --Julianne Orphan Black style. Imagine Amber Waves meeting Havana Segrand!)? wonders of the world? liberal arts? brides for brothers? makeup artists who have to do those tats everyday on his flesh?

On a scale of -10 to 10 how excited are you about the Aquaman movie?


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Reader Comments (16)


Just look at that image. Again I say: Jason Momoa as the Sub-Mariner could have worked. As Aquaman? Ridiculous.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

Agreed with Paul 100%. Also, he looks like Rob Zombie.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBilly

I get his sex appeal. But he seems like a douche.

As for another comic book adaption I wish they would stop. No reason to pimp these illustrated books any further. Hollywood deserves to be destroyed continuing on this path of mind numbing pathology.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter3rtful

Paul Outlaw: In relation to Aquaman, I think the word is "Outrageous!" (Batman: The Brave and the Bold Aquaman is best Aquaman.)
3rtful: If WB's management only wants to give us cinematic DC adaptations like this, I want cinematic DC adaptations to stop for at least a decade. As far as the cinematic comic book superhero overall? Nope, ESPECIALLY not the Marvel Studios branch.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Really it should be seize the seven, the failure to sea that pun lowers my confidence in the whole affair.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered Commentersvg

Have you seen many swimmers? They are usually pretty big you know.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterChinoiserie

Chinoiserie: Pro swimmers are kind of...weirdly built. MASSIVE legs and arms, but smaller than you'd think chests.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Chinoiserie: However: Someone humanoid living AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN would, if they could live AT ALL, probably be ripped all over. They'd also, however, probably be albino, because, again, they're humanoids living AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

-10. Though I did chuckle at Unite the 7 Brides for 7 Brothers!

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSteve G

He looks more demented than heroic.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJaragon

I remember reading that in the comics, Aquaman artist Craig Hamilton based his build on swimmer Buster Crabbe. That was my favorite version of the character because he was hot! (I'm not really into beards or body builders.)

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBiggs

buster crabbe. oh my god. what a beautiful specimen he was. this is one of my favorite pics of any actor ever.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

the only thing that could get me to this if there's a cameo by ursula the sea witch


February 21, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterpar

I thought this was from the Batman v. Superman movie and the reference was made to the Justice League members. That is, that Aquaman would unite seven superheroes (including himself).

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPedro

chinoiserie -- oh i know they're muscular... very well defined. but he's got kind of those rounded wide steroid bodybuilder muscles. And swimmers seem to have kind of flat and skinny waisted muscles.

February 22, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

It must mean the Seven Seas.

I have a lot less faith in this DC expansion than Marvel's, mostly because I was so underwhelmed by Man of Steel. I do like the idea of Suicide Squad and I hope it delivers.

February 23, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSawyer
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