TIFF: That time Glen Powell told me to "Google 'Tyler Hoechlin's Superman ass'"

Nathaniel R reporting from TIFF
Glen suggested doing a "serious" pose for fun - it's very prom!
Hidden Figures Brunch Pt 1
This morning began with a brunch for Hidden Figures, the female mathematicians at NASA picture, opening on December 25th, attended by stars Taraji P Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae and co-star Glen Powell (who plays astronaught John Glenn in the picture) as well as Pharrell who wrote two original songs for the movie...
They were all in a very good mood. After they broke their funny pose Glen stuck around a bit to talk Everybody Wants Some!! with me. He loved the experience, and the costumes, and plans to work with Linklater again soon. He and his castmates from the comedy group text frequently to razz each other and their current favorite target is still Tyler Hoechlin in his new Superman suit.
They added padding to his ass and he already had a round one. Google 'Tyler Hoechlin's Superman Ass'! You'll see"
So I did.
They've taken to photoshopping things balancing on that abundance.
More stories from the Hidden Figures brunch soon.
Reader Comments (8)
I'm sorry but that is not a superhero's ass. I will not be able to watch that movie. That is porn star ass right there. For good superhero ass please refer to Chris Evans in Captain America
Hoechlin's Superman looks a lot less sexy than Cavill's.
Hope you're having fun! Is Hidden Figures any good?
beyaccount -- the movie isn't completed so they're only showing limited footage.
Glen Powell fucking won me over in Everybody Want Some!! and now he's touching Cookie.... I like this guy.
That a$$ is cartoonish. I'll allow it.
Finally a superhero (movie) I can get behind!
That's not for a movie. Tyler Hoechlin is Clark Kent/Superman in season two of Supergirl.
strangely, suddenly, i'm a huge superhero fan.