Miss Sloane If You're Nasty

by Jason Adams
True story: the other day I was in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, down near the water and I looked around myself at the muddy yards of the warehouses and I suddenly had this vision of Jessica Chastain coming at me in that gorgeous white overcoat and Pfeiffer-wig that she wore in A Most Violent Year, waving her big gun, and instead of being scared I was elated -- that is, as I'm sure most of you are aware, how we actresssexuals roll. "Kill me if you must, but just be fabulous about it!"
Anyway I flashed back to that moment while watching the just-dropped trailer for Miss Sloane, Chastain's upcoming film about a gun lobbyists from director John Madden...
I am a simple man with simple pleasures and that cuts to the core of it. So Miss Sloane has a killer cast besides Miss Chastain - there's Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Alison Pill, Michael Stuhlbarg, Mark Strong, Sam Waterston, Dylan Baker, Jake Lacy, and John Lithgow - and it's out on December 9th; will it be this year's Michael Clayton (nominations all over the place) or this year's Thank You For Smoking (notsomuch)?
Reader Comments (25)
I wanna see this. Jessica Chastain as a badass bitch is $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Yes, I want to see this film.
Also, I love Thank You For Smoking. "The MOD Squad: Merchants of Death!"
Meh lawyer film...I'm sick of them. Hopefully it is good for Chastain's sake BUT this doesn't look Michael Clayton-level quality.
Hmmm. Love Chastain but the earnest to-the-camera speech has me cringing. Everything else seems run-of-the-mill...
Another Chastain lover here but I'm not feeling hopeful for this one. Very standard looking.
No YNMS for Miss Sloane?
I am sorry, Jessica, but you're not Isabelle Huppert.
I believe the rightwing conservative members of the Academy will NOT vote for this film. Can you seriously see Clint Eastwood vote for a film about gun-control?
Sorry Jessica - you are probably even gonna get death threats from the NRA and Trump supporters.
Oh, Jessica! You try so hard...
agree that it looks standard, way too standard in fact, I also don't have the greatest admiration for John Madden.
However, as long as she's not doing British accents, Jessica always delivers.
Lastly, trailers are often misleading.
Kids, give this a chance. It's Jessica Fucking Chastain in Amazon mode, for chrissakes!
Jessica stars in way too many movies. She should take a break.
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I'm a no on this one. I love Chastain, but she doesn't need to say yes to every single thing.
Looks like a TV pilot
How to Get Away With Gun Control
John Madden is hit/miss, but the trailer is pretty great.
I believe Chastain gave one great performance in 2012 and ever since I am left wondering what is her appeal,why the hosanas,she either seems miscast or plain okay.
Maybe she's my Blanchett before BJ like Nat I like her but feel she is way overrated.
She has two great performances (Zero Dark Thirty & Take Shelter), a few good and a few bad.
She's the best of our young actresses and she's notched quite a collection of brilliant performances--ZD30, Take Shelter, The Help, Tree of Life, Violent Year, Eleanor Rigby and The Debt. True greatest is at the door.
I'm sorry, Jessica, but you won't be nominated again this year...
Bette Streep - were you the person who kept posting last year that Jennifer Lawrence would not get a nomination because her equal-pay crusade would alienate the right-wingers in the Academy?
I don't think Miss Sloane will be Oscar player, but it's not because the NRA has any influence over Oscar voting.
I love Jessica but yeah not feeling it. Maybe it's just a shitty trailer. Why hasn't anyone written about Collateral Beauty?? The trailer came out last week.
jessica vacant-stare chastain doesn't seem like an actress who ever wins an oscar like amy adams and marsha mason. she doesn't have a personality. she looks great and has flawless skin and hair and stuff but there's nothing original there. she's a composite of more memorable stars and actresses. this is not her erin brockovich. this isn't even her the blind side.
When this film was conceived 9,999999% of the enlightened left would have bet their most precious possessions that Hillary had the election in the bag. Whoops ! This film might have box office in some ( formally ) blue states but it will tank in the red's. The whole concept is delusional and it has nothing to do with the NRA.. It is the choir singing to the choir and it is B O R I N G .