Would you rather...?

It's been ages since we played our favorite time wasting game of imaginary hang outs with celebrities. So let's do it.
So would you rather
...have a kickbox with Vincent Rodriguez?
...play hood ornaments w/ Billy Magnussen?
...fly the friendly skies with Luca, Armie, and Timothée?
...do an accessories check with Nicole Kidman?
...make it a trio at Sundance with Maggie Gyllenhaal & Martha Wainwright?
...visit the Blue Lagoon in Iceland with Lewis Tan?
...enjoy millinery with Juliette Lewis?
...study up on "self care for the real world" with director Sam Taylor-Johnson?
...interior decorate with Sarah Michelle Gellar?
...fight insomnia with Tom Holland?
...or do a little risky DIY cat grooming with Kat Dennings?
Pictures are after the jump to help you decide...
Reader Comments (20)
Decorate the interior of Sarah Michelle Gellar. Or do anything else she commands. (Excuse me while my unworthiness bows down...)
well, since tom holland's awake...
Make babies with Billy Magnussen.
P.S. Luca Guadagnino's handbag costs more than my entire apartment.
Is Tom Holland legal?
Without all the pictures loading I can safely say Tom Holland please and thank you!
Tom Holland is taking that Grindr thirst selfie lessons seriously
Hammer, Guadagnino and Chalamet. I'd give my left arm.
I'm having trouble with the pictures, too, except Holland and Dennngs. and since I'm not into twinks, I'll pick Kat with Cat.
Vincent Rodriguez...drool...
Vincent Rodriguez should mount me.
I'd help Nicole with her accessories and then play drums for Maggie and Martha Wainright.
The pictures are now working, and I'm GOIN' TO ITALY!!! Ciao, bellas!!!
EVERYONE -- the pics are fixed. sorry for the delay
Joey -- it's kind of a shocking transformation! Remember he was kind of verging on the chubby side of short and stocky for a little while there.
V - Holland is 21, yes.
That is three handsome men at the airport - wow!
Choice between Luca, Armie and Timothée or Tom Holland. As Blackadder says, "Ah, the agony of choice!"
Chalamet, Hammer, and Guadagnino definitely.
And could Timothée Chalamet and Tom Holland become a couple? That would be great.
And could Timothée Chalamet and Tom Holland become a couple? That would be great.
Wait how am I the first one to reply with "visit the Blue Lagoon in Iceland with Lewis Tan?" Are you all CRAZY? Look at the man.
Lot of thirst options here, but gotta go with Maggie and Martha! Even without the dirt they could dish on their brothers, you know they'd be amazing to hang out with.