Would you rather?

We stopped playing our silly Instagram game because Squarespace no longer works with Instagram embeds (I have no idea why) but we miss eavesdropping / spying on celebrities. So let's play again without embeds (more work for me, argh).
Would you rather...
...have a get together with Liza Minnelli, George Hamilton and Michael Feinstein?
...do your civic duty with Kerry Washington?
...pick blueberries with Kiernan Shipka?
... attend Gwyneth Paltrows wedding?
... take a mineral clay treatment with Daryl Hannah?
...enjoy Royal Tenenbaums cosplay with Sarah Michelle Gellar?
...nap with Paul Bettany and his cat?
... get your nails did with The Rock?
... eat cake with Reese Witherspoon?
The images are after the jump to help you decide
a Michael Feinstein, Liza Minnelli, and George Hamilton get together
Kerry Washington already voted.
Kiernan Shipka with blueberry eyes
Gwynnie's wedding
Daryl Hannah in Ischia
Freddie Prinze Jr and Sarah Michelle Gellar's halloween
Paul Bettany underneath a lucky cat
The Rock and his daughter
Reese celebrating 15 million followers
Reader Comments (24)
I'd love to have cake, and I already voted, too. But anytime I'm given the chance to hang with Liza, I'm gonna take it!
Duh, I would totally hang out with Buffy while talking about how great Royal Tenenbaums is.
I would love to smash that cake into Reese's face.
Wouldn't miss Gwyneth's wedding for the WORLD. I'm being one hundred percent sincere.
this is exciting that it's not unanimous!
but i'ma sleep on Paul Bettany's lap.
the rock can did me anytime
I'll hang out on Ischia with Daryl Hannah!
Count me in with Daryl Hannah for anything
I don't have super strong feelings about any of these particular entertainers. Not a Gwyneth fan, but I don't hate her or anything. Plus, maybe the table centerpieces would be made out of jade eggs ;)
I'd have to go with Liza because it'd probably be the most interesting and she seems like a sweet person ... although that cat is ADORABLE, and Paul Bettany isn't so bad either. And I LOVE Halloween and costume parties, so going out with Sarah Michelle and Freddie might be fun (I've never seen Buffy, though). Those are the ones that appeal to me the most.
My last choice would probably be Kiernan Shipka. Recently watched the first episode of Sabrina and definitely was not into it and didn't think she was very good.
I agree that the most fun would be smashing that cake into obnoxious Reese’s face
I'll never turn down cake. Reese is a good bonus though.
I've been in love with GWYNETH since forever....know she has her (large) number of haters but can't help but falling in love with her all over again every time she has a new film, she's the definition of class, oozes glamour and is such a talented actress ( say whatever you will, she is brilliant in everything from Emma to Shakespeare in Love, The Royal Tenenbaums, Proof and Two Lovers) wish she worked more often....and that wedding pic is flawless. REESE on the other hand is that kind of actress I really try to like ( she can be talented , Walk the Line, Wild, Election, BLL...) but find her so phony (hence this cake pic, blah), that's a rare case (for me) when the actress personality just turns me off and I don't care about her next anything. And KIERNAN is lovely, she's definetely better throwing a tantrum than being sweet, so I guess Sabrina season 2 will be better; KERRY, I MISS Olivia Pope, enough said.
I'll take a mineral clay treatment with Daryl Hannah as we talk about films and music and then pick blueberries with Kiernan Shipka.
I like what Sarah Michelle Gellar is doing even though her husband is a total dufus.
With the Crock, personally I'd like to kick the shit out of him as he recently praised a deceased wrestler who was extremely controversial for her work in sex trafficking and pimping out female wrestlers and make money off of them.
And what ever happened to Fredie Prinze Jr career?
Due to a spelling error from the Boss, Liza, not Lisa, is our new 4th Analyst, so I'll be working with her now.
Although I certainly don't want to pass up a wedding! Hmmm...
The parade of celebrites reminding me to vote makes me want to puke so I vote for smashing the cake into Reese's face. Peggy you're the best!
Even if I'm not a huge fan of cats I would SOOO nap with Bettany....
It's incredibly discouraging that the comments aren't unanimously "Do my civic duty with Kerry Washington because OF COURSE!"
Y'all better vote this Tuesday. Seriously.
So much hate on this thread: smashing a face on the cake, puke at a reminder of a civic duty, and calling someone a dufus. Not different from the current president who makes bullying normal. Not sure why "Would you rather" always bring out the worst among otherwise intelligent people.
Owl: Well said. Wish I'd said it.
yes, these are meant to be fun posts since any of the options would be amazing ;)
Everyone knows that Reese's got the slappiest face of the entire industry.
Nap with the cat! I guess Paul Bettany can be there, too...
SMJ and I doing anything together, from cosplay to cohabitation.