20:10 Truer words were never spoken (by Toys)

Screen capture: 20th minute and 10th second of Toy Story 3 (with the dialogue immediately preceding this image).
It's nice. See! The door has a rainbow on it.
Tee hee. Love the basic causal evidence cited (rainbows -- duh!) and the line delivery is also rich. Don't you love Wallace Shawn as "Rex"? Def' one of the best Toy Story characters. And isn't it fun that the screaming monkey is first introduced so innocuously while Bonnie pours love at him?
Speaking of Bonnie, our first glimpse of Sunnyside is also her introduction.
Is this BONNIE!?
She is beyond adorable. Plus she plays well with toys. They do a lot of improv. (Tangent: Why is shyness so endearing in kids and pets and so annoying in adults?) How can anything/anyone be so cute rendered in pixels?
(Are you enjoying this return freeze frame series?)
Reader Comments (10)
I didn't think anyone would ever top Boo, but Bonnie does it for me. I could watch the scene where she plays with Woody and her toys over and over again.
Boo still has me. I'll never forget her "kitty" antics and her gibberish way of talking.
My god just seeing a screenshot from this film was enough to get me blubbering. I remember when I saw it in the summer and thought "well that's the best film of the year so far, but I'm sure something will unseat it." (noting personal, but there was a lot of year left). Well it's late January and while I have a little catching up to do, still nothing. Such an amazing finale to Toy Story which, now that Indiana Jones is a quadrilogy and Star Wars is a sextology (that can't be the right term can it? I'm gonna get this post flagged) I'm thinking Toy Story for best trilogy in cinematic history.
On a side note about shyness, as someone whose always been and who has 1 very shy neice and 1 very outgoing neice, I can say that while society does love adorably shy kids, it doesn't have much use for them after a few minutes. Really we'd prefer it if they were just outgoing enough to say something funny and cute... preferably to Bill Cosby.
No offense to Bonnie, of course. She is wonderful.
I liked Toy Story 3 and all but I am finding it hard to jump on the bandwagon on all the excitement and Best Picture buzz. Shouldn't a movie be able to stand on its own to generate such talk. I found it all a bit manipulative of the audience's love for the series that they almost got lazy on making it a movie strong enough to be considered without the others. Oh well
On another note I am love the freeze frame series
Isn't it possible that Bonnie is "Boo," only older and without the pigtails? I'm going to go with that, at least in my own head...
Evan -- adorable thought. I shall extract it from you and implant another idea so i can claim it as my own. (oops. wrong movie.)
I love the idea that Bonnie is an older Boo, and it makes perfect sense. Or maybe Andy donated sperm to the lesbian owner of Sunnyside and Bonnie is his biological child. I'm waiting for Toy Story 4: The Toys Are All Right.
She could seriously be like Boo's cousin or something. But I love Bonnie! <3
No problem, Nathaniel. I'll be the Leo to your Cillian Murphy any day (or is it the other way around? Actually, let's just say I'm Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Yeah- I'll be JGL any day).
Regarding shyness, I have to agree with Robert...I was shy growing up and no one found it endearing. It actually pissed some people off.