Anne & James Lifting Oscars... And Spirits?

Should baby kittens, cupcakes and dimples be getting nervous, phoning their publicists? James Franco & Anne Hathaway continue to make bold claims to a future shake up of the Cute Hierarchy! In their latest Oscar promo they go right on suggesting that on Oscar night they'll be dazzling us with fizzy bff chemistry and (if we're lucky) contemporary screwball energy.
James: We took some photos.
Anne: ...with statues!
James: We held some Oscars.
Anne: We held Oscars. It's heavy.
James: It's really heavy. It's really heavy.
Anne: It's really heavy. It feels important though.
Hathaway plans to break a toenail. Here's the latest promo.

Reader Comments (12)
T'will be a dark day indeed if anything is cuter then baby kittens.
That title makes it sound like they're also hosting the spirit awards (which would be great).
They're the cutest.
Michael -- they've held the #1 spot since 1938 so i think they're still safe, those baby kittens. Some things can't be improved upon.
I think James and Annie are a little too sexy/dirty to be as cute as baby kittens anyway...
Watching this - and having seen Anne at the Oscars two years ago and recently on SNL, I'm feeling sure she can handle herself capably. Franco? I'm not so sure now - he seems like Mr Mumbly-face from the Marlon Brando/Method school; he barely finishes a sentence in this promo. Fine for deep, dramatic work, but for a job where you have to improvise and be light on your feet? I'm suddenly wishing they'd have offered the job to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (Or to Neil Patrick Harris - the rest of the known awardage world has been smote by his charms, what's wrong with you, AMPAS?)
Is Amy Adams even in the Top 100 anymore after THE FIGHTER?
If not for the good editing, they'd seem overly self-conscious here... but I still think they can do a good job. We'll see.
@Janice - yes! Joseph Gordon Levitt would be great! He looks so at home in his tuxedo for the Vanity Fair shoot and speaks well and appreciatively of others.
I love James Franco too but I agree that he should take a week off everything else before Oscar night and just get some sleep. he's got to remember he's got a partner here - Hathaway - and part of his job is making her look good. Not just her having to pick up after him.
"Well... in the fashion world she is quite heavy"
............Thank god these two are pretty or I'd be worried about getting bored as I watch the Oscars on mute.
Yeah she might outdo him, which is strange since he's supposed to be the wacky one and she the straight one, a la Colbert to Stewart. But then Anne Hathaway pulling more punches ould make the ceremony more interesting.