The Short Films: Part I

Michael C here from Serious Film popping in to give everybody an edge in their Oscar pools. For most of us the shorts categories represent a vague, uncharted area on our Oscar ballots where the blind guesses required balance out the relatively easy calls in the bigger categories. Just pick whichever doc short seems to have the most Nazis and leave the rest up to chance.
But now that Magnolia Pictures and Shorts International have begun releasing all the nominated shorts in theaters and for purchase online there is no longer any excuse to stay in the dark. Not only do you get to enjoy some of the year's most inventive work, but you get the added suspense of following categories that have not been analyzed to death and had the novelty drained out of them by every precursor from the Golden Globes down to the Sheboygan Film Critics Society.
Let's pour over this year's short film contenders and their chances of victory. Up first: Animation. The nominees are...
DAY & NIGHT – USA, 6 Minutes, Dir: Teddy Newton
This entry from Pixar was released in front of Toy Story 3 meaning it was probably seen by more people than the other fourteen nominated short films put together times ten. In case you missed it, Day & Night is the simple tale of an encounter between night and day portrayed here as two feuding anthropomorphic characters.
Style: Traditional and Computer Combination
For It: Day & Night has all the polish you would expect from a Pixar production, and its use of computer animation inside traditional 2D animation is an original concept nicely realized. More than anything the film is just plain fun; its six minutes zip by. The simplicity of its concept combined with the wit of its execution recall such classic Chuck Jones shorts as Duck Amuck and The Dot and The Line.
Against It: Pixar isn’t the powerhouse in the short category that is at feature length – it hasn’t won since 2001’s For the Birds despite five nominations. Going against Pixar can't help but make all the other nominees look like scrappy underdogs by comparison. Day & Night might also look a little frivolous compared to the more overtly artsy competition.
THE GRUFFALO – UK, Germany, 27 minutes, Dir. Jakob Schuh, Max Lang
This adaptation of a hugely popular children’s book was a hit when it aired on BBC Christmas 2009. The Gruffalo is the story of a little brown mouse that fearlessly (or foolishly) sets out into a dangerous forest in pursuit of a hazelnut tree. As the mouse encounters predators he invents a fearsome creature to scare them off with surprising results (if you're, say, ten or younger).
Style: Computer Animated simulation of Stop Motion
For It: The Gruffalo is at its most charming when it’s quietest, depicting the constant threats for those occupying the low end of the food chain. The moment when the mouse casually leads a line of bugs out of harm's way is a high point. If voters are easily wowed by big names The Gruffalo boasts an impressive cast of vocal talent including Tom Wilkinson, John Hurt, and Helena Bonham Carter. At nearly half an hour this is the most substantial entry.
Against It: This simple fable is stretched awfully thin over 27 minutes. The Gruffalo doesn’t transcend its children’s story origins. Adults used to modern animated films throwing in jokes for them will likely get bored with Gruffalo's predictable, repetitive story.
MADAGASCAR, A JOURNEY DIARY - 15 minutes, Dir: Bastien Dubois
Exactly what its title suggests. Madagascar has no story to speak of, instead opting for a collage of visual styles from simulated watercolor to a sketchy pencil to give the feeling of a journey through the African country. The centerpiece of the film is a burial ritual that involves retrieving the dead for a parade through the world of the living.
Style: Computer Animation
For It: When it comes to visuals none of the competition can touch Madagascar. Its 3D scrapbook style is a constant delight. Despite being a moods piece the film has a rollicking energy that keeps the film rolling along with lively music and a flurry of striking images. You can feel the passion of the filmmaking in every frame.
Against It: If voters want something more accessible they’ll go for Pixar or The Gruffalo otherwise I’m not seeing a drawback to this one. A beautiful piece of work.
LET'S POLLUTE – USA, 6 Minutes, Dir Geefwee Boedoe
Let’s Pollute is a spoof of 1950’s educational films that instructs the viewer how they can be a better polluter in the grand American tradition.
Style: Traditional 2D animation
For It: Voters can pick Let’s Pollute if they want to pat themselves on the back for choosing something with an environmental message. The mimicking of simplistic Hanna-Barbera style animation is spot on.
Against It: The weakest of the entries Let’s Pollute is glib and preachy, lacking the the satiric bite of the average Onion article. Not that it's awful, but after you get past the premise Let’s Pollute doesn’t add anything insightful or constructive so much as hammer the one gag over and over. Its pro-environmental stance is the only explanation I can think of for this being nominated over other such vastly superior shortlisted films as the moving mother and son story Urs, or the raucously funny The Cow Who Wanted to Be a Hamburger.
THE LOST THING - Australia, UK, 15 minutes, Dir: Shaun Tan, Andrew Ruhemann
A young man in a dystopian Gilliam-esque society adopts a strange creature and attempts to find a home for it after discovering it abandoned on the beach.
Style: Computer Animation
For It: This is going to garner some votes from those who value originality and from those voters impressed with the level of care that went into the memorable look of The Lost Thing. The moody, nicely detailed art direction recalls Shane Acker’s nominated short 9 from 2005.
Against It: A solid effort, but it’s hard to picture this winning. It lacks the “Wow” factor of Madagascar or the wit of Day & Night. If the story had been brought up to the level of the visuals this would be a winner, but as it stands The Lost Thing is an interesting but unmoving experience. I didn't exactly fall in love with the creature which is sort of a giant squid that lives inside a huge mechanical honey pot.
Marking Your Oscar Pool: If kids were voting I’d say bet the house on The Gruffalo, but since we are dealing with adults I’d recommend placing your chips on the stunning visuals and vibrant culture of Madagascar. My personal vote would go to Day & Night by a hair. I’m a sucker for anything that keeps alive the zany Warner Bros. spirit and Day & Night feels like a new classic in the making. It would go toe-to-toe with Geri’s Game as my choice for Pixar’s finest short yet.

Reader Comments (28)
wow. we so disagree on LET'S POLLUTE which i just found so hilarious. Maybe I have a weakness for one note gags where the one note doesn't outstay its welcome and is so visually well executed.
But DAY AND NIGHT does feel like an instant classic. I haven't seen Madagascar yet but I wouldn' tbe surprised if Pixar finally wins this category again for that super sharp concept executed with such panache.
I have nothing but compliments for Let's Pollute's visuals, but I didn't laugh at all. It was very much preaching to the choir, the kind of thing that I can imagine getting big applause on Bill Maher's show.
And don't get me wrong, I'm a member of that choir. But I got tired of the same point being made even at that short length. To my mind The Cow Who Wanted to Be a Hamburger makes a similar anti-consumerism point in a much more inventive way.
But glad we see eye-to-eye on Day & Night. What a wonderful film. I'd love to see it win but I'd be happy to see Madagascar take it too. It screams "labor of love". Plus the closing credits are practically a FYC ad for the film!
michael -- alas. i didn't get to see the cow who wanted to be a hamburger.
has no one else seen these movies? you people are driving me crazy with the no commenting the past coupledays. you're giving us a complex!
Just saw the shorts literally minutes ago and am now in the theater for The Illusionist. I'm in full agreement with Michael that Day and Night and Madagascar are the best. Madgascar would get my vote just for it's visual pleasure alone.
I definitely think Let's Pollute should've been given a toss in favor of the two Highly Commended shorts. Just too heavy-handed.
The theater that i saw them in was packed by the way. Great that people are getting out to see these.
I ADORED "Day and NIght," and I've been meaning to pick up "Toy Story 3" just so I can see it again. On that note, Nathaniel, shouldn't we be seeing a big Pixar retrospective sometime soon?
Off topic: for your Goya correspondent, Jose , here's a link to some red carpet photos.
You won't know who most of them are, but it's a red carpet!! Who cares?
Sorry, that was supposed to go in the open thread.
Won't lie - reading these, Madagascar sounds like a bore.
I appreciate the breakdown on these less than accessible catagories - it helps me at least have an understanding of what's going on when the winner talks about their important work on social causes or making kids laugh or telling an untold story or expirementing with new forms...etc.
Not the best group. One of the films that was eligible but didn't make it was My Name is Maria, which didn't make the shortlist despite being great and available on YouTube. Too grim?
I hope Day and Night wins. Every year, there's one short I adore. Last year it was Logorama (although I enjoyed all of them, plus Partly Cloudy). Before that, Presto (although that was one of the best groups of nominees ever, I enjoyed all 5).
I liked them all, but don't think any were as much fun as last years contenders Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty (watch it on youtube if you haven't seen it) or Logorama. I disagree that Let's Pollute should be replaced with Urs or The cow who wanted to be a hamburger, I really liked the style of it. I think Madagascar is the best bet for a win (loved the watercolor as background segment), but my personal favorite was The Lost Thing, which I found very moving.
Nat, trust me you DO NOT want to see the one where the cow becomes a hamburger. It makes Let's Pollute look like Citizen Kane. I'd rank them so: Day & Night, The Gruffalo, Madagascar, The Lost Thing and Let's Pollute. But I think The Gruffalo is definitely winning: it's the longest and it has the most NARRATIVE of the five.
RC - Ha. I guess I did make Madagascar seem boring with all that talk of culture. It's really not. It has so much energy, and the visuals are so endlessly inventive it all goes by rather quickly. It's just the right length.
As for "The Cow..." I wouldn't go out of my way to suggest it to everybody. Bill Plympton is something of an acquired taste. If you've liked his stuff in the past you'll probably like Cow. If not, feel free to skip it.
I will say without reservation that Urs is easily better than 3/5 of the nominees.
Certainly for ANIMATION, Madagascar, A Journey Diary. should win hands down. The quality and variety it shows is awsome. The depth of rendering mixed with the hand drawn or even watercolor aestetic was stunning IMHO. But second place in my book would go to The Lost Thing. Visually fun, but with a poignent story, I found it more appealing than the non-stop visual gags of Night and Day.
I saw them all last night and wasn't super impressed. There were some visually stunning films, but everything had at least one major drawback in my opinion. In order of how well I liked them:
My favorite was The Gruffalo, which was adorable to the extreme but just seemed too long. Madagascar had my favorite animation of each-- I just wish it had more of a story. It doesn't even have a postcard feel since there's really only two or three scenes max. It's a film to appreciate and not really a film to love, in my opinion. Day & Night was funny, but I rolled my eyes when the radio broadcast entered the picture. Its cheesiness did not match the originality of the rest of the film. Let's Pollute was perhaps the funniest, but had a run-of-the-mill concept. The Lost Thing had impressive animation, but I found it exceedingly boring. The longest 15 minutes I've ever spent.
I'd have nominated The Cow Who Wanted to Be a Hamburger instead of The Lost Thing only because I found it slightly more interesting. I didn't really like it all that much, but it at least made me laugh once or twice. Urs, like The Lost Thing, was beautiful but I wasn't nearly as moved as the creators would have liked me to be.
Will Win: The Gruffalo
I'll add that while Let's Pollute has been labeled "preachy," I found The Lost Thing's "Guess we're all just too busy to notice lost things anymore" message to be by far the most obnoxious-- it was preachy with a touch of mopey. I hate when movies make generalizations about "this day and age."
If I was voting, I'd probably go for Day & Night, simply because it had a formula, the animation was beautiful, and the story was tight. It never overstayed its welcome, and I'm just a sucker for comedic shorts. I cannot believe "Urs" didn't make the final five though. That was an amazingly gorgeous and touching film. In my theatre, that got the loudest applause (of the seven shorts, The Gruffalo was the only one that got no applause - you could have heard a pin drop as the credits rolled). I also would have liked to see The Cow Who Wanted to be a Hamburger in the top five. From the nominees, I would have replaced The Gruffalo and Let's Pollute (which I did really like, just not as much as the runner ups) with the two highly commended ones.
This is the second year that I've been able to see the Live Action and Animated Short Films categories, and it's been a highlight of my Oscar seasons. For Animated Short, I think "The Gruffalo" will win the Oscar. It has everything in it that I think voters will love, and as Slant puts it, with Helena Bohnam Carter's name plastered in the opening credits and a who's who of British talent behind the camera and voices, it's like yet another vote for "The King's Speech." So "The Gruffalo" for the win. That was my favorite one too. "The Lost Thing" was rambling, "Madgascar" was very weird, "Let's Pollute" came off as too cynical (or how I'm guessing voters would see it -- I thought it was great), and "Day & Night" was cute but slight.
I wasn't thoroughly floored by at least one animated short this year the way I have been the past few years I've been seeing them on the big screen -- Logorama last year, the criminally snubbed Skhizein the year before and Peter and the Wolf the year before that -- but I did mostly enjoy them all. Day & Night, Madgascar and The Lost Thing were the best so I'd say one of them wins but my slight favourite was actually The Cow Who Wanted to be a Hamburger which did what Let's Pollute only hinted at. I was annoyed to see it snubbed.
I really hope The Gruffalo doesn't win, I was bored to tears and "stretched awfully thin over 27 minutes" is right on the money, Michael.
BTW anyone interested in the shortlist the Academy sent out back in November can look no further:
I plan on watching the other three as there tends to be hidden gems among the also-rans in this particular category, history tells me.
I just got back from seeing nine of the ten short-listed shorts here in Washington, DC....
Truth be told, I was very disappointed, especially compared to last year's really fun and original short films....Seeing the films last year inspired me to go to the E Street Cinema and see this year's lot....
"The Gruffalo" (great for kids 8 and under), "Urs" (not nominated) and "The Lost Thing" (terribly dull) were visually inventive, but weak on story....."The Cow That Wants to Be A Hamburger" (not nominated) was my favorite, but it really is not as artful as the others....."Don't Pollute" was lots of fun, but also a weaker animation entry.
As for the other shortlisters, "Sensology" was a terribly abstract six minutes of my life....."Coyote Falls" (with Coyote and Roadrunner) was adorable but spare at any only three minutes.
As for the two frontrunners.....I had the pleasure of visiting "Madagascar" in 2006 the visuals brought back great memories of my holiday there, and "Day and Night" was cute, but I really don't think either one deserves to be an Oscar winner.
A weak field....Will Win: "Madagascar". Deserves to Win: None of the Above. buy cheap generic trental online generic valtrex without prescrition generic valtrex no prescription buy zofran no prescription get abilify without prescrition buy generic cheap valtrex without prescrition get cheap generic persantine buy generic trental online without prescription buy cheap coumadin online no prescription get cheap generic omeprazole cheap generic aciphex no prescription get valtrex online buy cheap zofran no prescription buy generic cheap accutane online cheap generic persantine without prescrition get cheap cozaar online no prescription buy valtrex online without prescription get accutane online without prescription get cheap generic actos online cheap valtrex online get valtrex online without prescription generic omeprazole without prescrition buy actos without prescrition buy generic cheap cozaar cheap generic ventolin buy coumadin no prescription buy generic cheap valtrex online without prescription get cheap ventolin online no prescription buy cheap abilify online no prescription get generic cheap aciphex no prescription
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I have no real horse in this race with "Urs" missing the cut. I would probably be happiest if "The Lost Thing" won and most disappointed if "Madagascar" won. I thought the jumping from style to style in "Madagascar" was irritating and did nothing to advance the story, while "The Lost Thing" stuck to a style and used it effectively and creatively to say something about being lost and getting home from a unique and insightful perspecive.
Just curious...U.R.S. is the German translation of the old Soviet acronym U.S.S.R., so is "Urs" a German-made allegory about the departure of the Russian people from from the former Soviet system on their way to a "shining city on a hill"?
Loved Urs and The Cow Who Wanted to be a Hamburger, which I found hilarious. The wailing of the cows with the blaring of the horns--just perfect. Of course both weren't nominated. Sad that Day & Night didn't win. The Lost Thing wasn't bad per se, just not terribly exciting. Did not like Madagascar at all. Just felt poorly edited and the visuals were all over the place. It felt unfinished. order generic cheap valtrex no prescription Winston-Salem
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