Links: Danish Girls & Norsk Men, Melancholia & Muppets

The Playlist Looks like more development hell for Nicole Kidman transgendered drama The Danish Girl
New York Magazine Can AMC survive its own success. Growing pains for the network (They've just rejected all six of the pilots they were considering.)
Stale Popcorn Glenn continues to the best of the posterologists online
Just Jared interviews Kristin Chenoweth. She's tremendously busy but I sure hope this Tammy Faye musical works out. Wouldn't she be perfect?
Ultra Culture thinks Lars Von Trier's Melancholia is major.
Cineuropa loves the new Norwegian film at Cannes from Reprise's director and star (pictured left) and writer (not pictured) called Oslo August 31st. You may recall that I was absolutely nuts for Reprise -- and met and interviewed Joachim Trier (who was a doll) -- so I'm looking forward to this one.
And in other Cannes news, Hitler has already reacted to the Cannes Festival / Lars Von Trier kerfuffle...
It's a little long for a concept joke but there are some great lines.
List Fever
Pajiba The Five Coolest Muppets
La Daily Musto the two biggest lies actors always tell. I wholeheartedly co-sign. I've never seen an actor talented enough to sell either of these but they always try, bless.
Telegraph's 10 Best HairDressing moments in film
Movie|Line 13 Facts about Woody Allen and the Box Office
Reader Comments (11)
The Hitler clip is from the film Downfall. You'll find MANY other parodies of this bit on YouTube. I'd say this is one of the better ones, though.
Bruno Ganz kicked ass as Hitler. I mean, kicked ass in terms of acting.... Oh no, They're gonna ban ME from Cannes now!
i believe the clip is from Downfall (2004).
oh well, domonique beat me to it, but yeah he totally kicked ass. it's a good film.
Really, that scene in 'Downfall' with Bruno Ganz can be used for everything. Awesome performance. His Hitler kicked some serious ass.
I didn't even notice Joachim Trier had a new movie coming up in Cannes. I loved 'Reprise' so I'll definitely be looking forward to this new one as well.
I also agree with the two lies all actors tell. The second one in particular is astonishing because EVERYONE says that. And they try to be all non-chalant, peaceful about it like it's no big deal.
The only person I believe can say the 2nd lie is Meryl Streep and I'd buy it, not because I believe it's true, but because she is always nominated so the surprise would be she waking up not knowing it was nomination day, calling her agent or turning on the tv and all media would be all over her snub.
You've never seen the Downfall parody videos on youtube before???? I'm really shocked since you seem very versed in pop culture and this has been a huge meme for years.
Anyway check some of the others out, they're some great ones.
For a sec I thought you were being sarcastic. Have you really not seen Downfall or any of the hundreds of lampoons and mash-ups it's spawned?
Anyway, the whole Von Trier thing is a stupid waste. Most of the people who are angry over it have never heard of the director or, if they have, have never seen any of his films. It's absurd. If the president of Vanuatu said he hated my mom or understood where Pol Pot was coming from, my response wouldn't be too much different: *shrug*. I wonder what news stories got ignored so Von Trier could get some free publicity for his new movie (which, despite myself, I am looking forward to).
As talented as Von Trier is (he's not one of my favorties, I'm just recognizing his abilities) deep down he's an attention whore and loves to say things for shock value. I think back to the story that before Paul Bettany met Nicole Kidman for the first time he asked Paul to stop at a gas station. Bettany got gas and Von Trier bought a stack of porn. When Nicole met Paul at the hotel, Von Trier introduced them and then said I have to leave, look at Paul's huge stack of porn, with the stuff he bought sitting on adjacent table!
If I could jump into parallel universes I would compare each version of The Danish GIrl that never was with Nicole Kidman and Rachel Weiz/ Charlize Theron/ Gwenyth Paltrow/ Marion Cotillard directed by Tomas Alfredson/ Lasse Hallstrom.
i am actually glad that Lasse Hallstrom is out of Danish Girl...
Kidman should hire John Cameron Mitchell. He got the best performance from her in Rabbit Hole since Birth / Dogville. And it's a very good move for JCM - prestige project + sexual identities.
cal -- not a bad idea but i'd love to see Todd Haynes tackle it, given that constructed identities are so much his thang.
W.J. & Dean -- i'm not really a diehard youtube person. I have friends that that's like 90% of their entertainment. But i prefer the movies/tv :) you have to sit through a lot of bad video spoofs to get to a good one.