Introducing... Princess Merida

For what seemed like 17 weeks, I kept receiving 'character intro' emails introducing each new set of wheels for Pixar's Cars 2. That's Junk Mail! Even if you're one of those peculiar people who really loved Cars, could you possibly care enough to need weeks upon weeks of rollout images of sad descendants of Herbie the Love Bug (I'm sorry but Herbie > Cars) prior to release? I keep trying to pretend that Cars and its sequel don't exist so that I can enjoy the happy mass delusion that Pixar has never made a dud. Why do they have to make it so hard with the constant marketing. Don't make me think about Cars 2!
Here's a character worth getting a first good look at as seen at the Daily What. It's Princess Merida from BRAVE which will open on June 22nd, 2012.
Yay! She looks a bit like Lil' Orphan Annie but with pupils and warrior skills. And Sandy the dog is a big black horse.
Okay, they don't look a thing alike but we love the gingers at the movies. They're like one big feisty sorority with Julianne Moore as the head sister. Nicole Kidman is constantly having to go through initation and hazing all over again since she can't commit to the red.

Reader Comments (6)
Will Pixar finally WIN? Likely not. They're waiting to toss the trophy to Chris Nolan, just like they waited for the end of the LOTR trilogy to honour Peter Jackson. (Not that he, in his own way doesn't deserve it. But on this end you've got a director who may very well bounce back. On the other end, you've got a studio that's possibly about to suffer a period bereft of original thought.)
volvagia --- a little more context please. what are you talking about? what would Nolan be bouncing back from? and i guess you're talking about best picture? but it sounds like you're referrring to best director. i'm confused.
'They're like one big feisty sorority with Julianne Moore as the head sister. Nicole Kidman is constantly having to go through initation and hazing all over again since she can't commit to the red.'
Her face looks kind of..fat. Am I a terrible person? :(
Gingers at the movies is one of my all-time favourite actress themes to riff on - I'm almost tempted to start a tumblr devoted to the cause. It can't be coincidence that so many of the greatest (ie. my favourite) actresses rock the red: Judy Davis, Isabelle Huppert, Julianne Moore, Tilda Swinton, Patricia Clarkson... it's a compelling case, no?! Is there something about the sensitivity of their skin to light exposure that greater nuances are revealed when placed in front of a lens??? The critic Jonathon Romney describes Huppert's skin as "the most precise membrane for measuring emotion in Europe" - I LOVE this! I truly do think there's something about the delicate ginger constitution whereby everything seems to course a little bit closer to the surface... I guess I'll soon find out whether this applies to animated redheads?!
7Bis -- that's awesome blurb. translucent skin does have its appeal on screen. start that tumblr!
john -- thanks. i had much pleasure imagining it ;)