A Quickie With The "Four Whores of the Apocalypse"

You have to have noticed by our hastily slathered wallpaper that we've entered MOULIN ROUGE! WEEK. Baz Luhrmann's "Spectacular! Spectacular!" went into wide release ten years ago tomorrow! (Tomorrow night we'll have a "hit me with your best shot" episode celebrating the movie and at least a couple of other posts, this week, too.)
So to get us in the mood...
"Harold Zidler... and his infamous girls. They called them his Diamond Dogs.
Also known as "The Four Whores of the Apocalypse." Can you even choose a favorite?! Everyone should vote! Don't be a wussy bystander; risk it all on that chaotic dance floor.
And in related 10th anniversary polling. Remember "Lady Marmalade", their intro music?!
Who was it for you at the time: Mya, Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim and P¡nk? And is your answer the same today, ten years on?

Reader Comments (15)
Yes!! The MR! week (L)
My favourite at the time was and is P!nk still
Wow, that video was a blast from the past! Not sure who was my favorite at the time. I'd love to say Pink, but I really don't know. If you ask me now though, it's Pink, most definitely. Though Lil' Kim's end tag was probably the best of the four.
P¡nk for me as well... loved her even more thereafter!
Nini Legs-in-the-Air is my fav in the Moulin Rouge! but it's rather an unfair contest since Baz gives her the most to do. Mome Fromage definitely gives good face in her split second shots though.
Back then I was in love with Lil' Kim and Pink, didn't care much about Mya and kinda dislike Christina... now I'm madly in love with Pink, like Christina very much, like Lil' Kim and care even less about Mya...
omg i had *totally* forgotten that Missy Elliott is in the end of that video/song. ha. okay i have to change my vote. MISSY. (where has she been? it's been forever since the last cd!)
My favorite was and is Kylie Minogue (thinking outside the box).
So I loveeee your wallpaper!
Christina Aguilera and Pink are still my favorites now :)
Thing that makes me deliriously happy: seeing the Green Fairy all over the site.
Yay! MR week!
Favorite whore: well, it has be Nini. She gives the whole game away in a deliciously bitchy way.
Favorite girl in Lady Marmalade: Christina Aguilera! The whole song is building towards her delightfully over-the-top vocals. In the song, she makes an entrance just like Satine in the movie. But i did like Pink's costume more.
What do i think now: I appreciate Lil' Kim's rap much more and Mya does happen to look the best in the video. Artist-wise, i'm more inclined towards Pink these days. She's had a good run these past few years. I don't think the rest of them can really say the same.
Was and still is Christina, although I was never a fan of the lion's mane hairdo. Pink wins for best costume/hair, although I kind of love those shots of Lil Kim (who I can't stand) with that RED hair. Love the Green Fairy wallpaper by the way. I think it's about high time I pop MR into the DVD player. It's been waaaay too long.
Moulin Rouge! My first filmic love. <3
I was obsessed with Christina in my youth (I was 9 when MR! came out) and now love P!NK and Christina very much.
Nini obviously. Like you said, she's given the most to do. But El Tango De Roxanne is my favorite number and I love her in it and right before it.
My favorite at the time? Not sure since I was only 8 or 9. Either P!nk or Christina, probably Christina.
Now my favorite is definitely P!nk. Christina kinda bothers me now.
Nini is my favourite, but Araia is by far the worst. THE WORST. Ugh. Go away Christine Anu.
Could they do a "I'm not homophobic, but..." site? I personally find that homophobic people are a lot less ashamed to admit their homophobia, thus their homophobic rants rarely follow such a disclaimer.
Maybe when things are a little different (ie, eradication of widespread institutionalized and legislated homophobia in the land of the free), we'll see such a site.
As a Kylie Minogue fan, I was delighted to see the Green fairy plastered all over your site. I would to see a collaboration between Kylie and Nicole Kidman.
LOVE the wallpaper!
And, yeah, it is kind of no contest for Nini Legs-in-the-Air. She's the only one given any substance at all. Although Mome Fromage is probably the most, um, historically accurate - and I LOVE what great face she gives!
As for Lady Marmalade, I still love Mya, who easily looks the best in the video, my love for P!nk has grown and grown, I still feel nothing for Lil' Kim, and Christina frustrates me even more than she did then. Such a talented girl, and she keeps screwing it up! Although, I kind of love Burlesque for the exact same reason. Great set-ups but stumbles all over the execution - and somehow that makes it MORE endearing! Kind of like Moulin Rouge... but that's a topic for another post, I think.