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Oscar Whispers: Marilyn & Madonna

I've recently had two brief conversations with people who have seen My Week With Marilyn and Madonna's W.E. respectively. I was happy to have the conversations so closely together because it's always fun to pair Madonna with Marilyn and one doesn't get the opportunity so much anymore. Plus, aren't we all just itchy to see some real Oscar players emerge?

Left to Right: Michelle as Marilyn, Eddie Redmayne as Colin Clark (lead), Dougray Scott as Arthur Miller, and Dominic Cooper as Milton Greene

Bear in mind that these are singular tossed off opinions and the only opinions that matter in the Oscar race are the ones from the Opinion Makers within the voting ranks (the Julias, the Beattys, the Spielbergs you know the type), and any opinons marked "General Consensus" which take their time to form. The films are also far from release so they probably saw cuts that weren't final.

The friend who saw My Week With Marilyn was pretty cool on it, finding Michelle Williams difficult to adjust to as the blonde bombshell at first but eventually just fine. The film itself was judged to be lightweight. (Though one man's lightweight is another man's "frothy and charming", don'cha know? See: billions of examples through history... and Oscar history) Kenneth Branagh was singled out for praise for a showy spin as Sir Laurence Olivier. That may be worth noting since we all know that Branagh is a big ham and who better to receive that honey-glazed THESPIAN treatment than pompous Olivier?

But what of Judi Dench, I asked? "Better in Jane Eyre" was the only opinion I wrangled there.

Madonna is hands on with Andrea Riseborough's look on "W.E."The reader who saw Madonna's W.E., which looks at the famous affair of Wallis Simpson and Prince through the eyes of a modern woman in an unhappy marriage, really liked the film but she hopes it gets a new ending. High praise went to the costumes (which we'd already suspected would happen since Arianne Phillips is involved), William Orbit's score (interesting! You'll remember that the composer worked on Madonna's greatest CD "Ray of Light"), and Andrea Riseborough as Wallis Simpson who was deemed 'award-worthy' without any qualifiers.

To my surprise she referred to Riseborough as "supporting". I think I had assumed that like Julie & Julia, the obvious recent predecessor in 'two time frames at once, joined by the modern woman's obsession' that it would essentially be a two-hander with Abbie Cornish (in the present) and Riseborough (in the past) both having lead roles. Maybe it is. Everyone seems to have very different ideas these days about what "lead" and "supporting" means.

It's not much. Just some whispering but it's fun to fantasize about future Oscar players while we wait... and wait... and wait. Only 215 days until nominations! Hee.

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Reader Comments (28)

Thanks, Nathaniel with this post...

My Week with Marilyn: After many test screeners reviews, your friend said exactly like other people think about the film. Branagh is the worthiest part of the film and the best option for Oscar nomination (and more likely with the success of "thor"). Williams has more divisible reception. She lacks of Marilyn's bombshell but when she acts she's compelling. Redmayne was good but not so much for the rest of the cast. I think this was the reason why Harvey bought "the Iron Lady" and "the Artist" in Cannes. The former, according with british thespians, Streep is marvelous and awards worthy as Margaret Thatcher and the latter is the crownpleaser film of the festival. Even if the film is silent, the audience easily love the story. Also: Old Hollywood doesn't harm either.

W.E: I'm glad with this. With the right promotion, Riseborough could win an Oscar nomination. Well, right now, she's the biggest Weinstein contender in that category. But also, I heard the relationship between Cornish-Riseborough is more ala Pacino-Streep (as Ethel Rosenberg) in "Angels in America"

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

they're are plenty of awesome reviews on michelle's performance as monroe :

Just saw a test screening of 'My Week with Marilyn' starring Michelle as Ms Monroe. Breathtaking and golden globe material.

Surprisingly good! Didn't think she could pull it off. RT @LeviCox1 @ouilicious What did you think of Michelle as Marilyn? Oscar-nom worthy?

“My Night With Marilyn was an amazing movie. Michelle Williams IS the perfect Marilyn Monroe.”

it's from twitter, personally i'm waiting official reviews but i think michelle williams will surprise us, and in a good way !

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterErica

Great, thanks a lot for the info. :D

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlex in Movieland

How interesting would it be if Madonna emerged as a good director?

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoey

I'm sure Michelle will be back at the Oscars this year.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

Thanks for sharing. I've felt comfortable taking Michelle out of my predictions ever since the test screening - I think she may win some praise, but the movie just seems all around too lackluster. And besides, she, Meryl, and Glenn were the 'big 3' that everyone was predicting early this year - there's bound to be at least one of those who drop. OR - could Harvey campaign her supporting?

As for W.E., I've read some test screening reactions myself, and they've ranged from slightly positive, to hating the Abbie Cornish storyline, and to thinking the whole thing dreadful. I don't see this as an Oscar player, and perhaps Riseborough will get her nomination next year with Shadow Dancer.

I think I'm dropping Close from my predictions as well. Her movie has failed to pick up a distributor so far, and while we still have TIFF to go, all of the better studios are already full. I see this being a 2012 release like with what happened to Meek's Cutoff or it being turned into a TV movie. :/

New Actress predictions: Olsen, Streep. Knightley, Mara, Foster... with Swinton next in line.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle

William Orbit's score (interesting! You'll remember that the composer worked on Madonna's greatest CD "Ray of Light")

No, no, no. <B>Erotica is everything.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11


Streep would be the frontrunner I assume as she is already in many prediction blogs...

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermed

The Oscar picture is so darn murky this year. So many movies that I'm looking forward to that don't seem right for Oscar.

It wouldn't surprise me (though I'd imagine AMPAS is hoping against it) if there were only 5 Best Picture nominees.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

Well, Danielle (I know you Knightley fan), but being a lackuster film wasn't exactly off of Oscar consideration after all (Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Felicity Huffman, Judi Dench, Salma Hayek and Juliette Binoche can expalin that). Even I throught with Williams reviews, she could be easily win a third nomination, than Knightley with a very polarized film and especially performance (I know the imdb reviews said she's standout, but even they said the film will be a though sell by critics and Oscars). Even with the top billing, Knightley could go in the supporting category (Emma Thompson won a lead Oscar and she's fourth billing or Robin Williams top billing in "Good Will Hunting")

My predix for Best Actress:

1. Meryl Streep
2. Rooney Mara

Each day, I more confident the Oscar will be between these two, especially with Mara's AMPAS membership (Remember the precedent with Streisand accepted one year before winning the Oscar) and the strong buzz she received in these weeks. Only a huge failure (And I mean huge) could prevent her Oscar nomination. For Streep, even if the film really bombs she could make it, she's la Streep.

3. Elizabeth Olsen - The ingenué spot
4. Jodie Foster - If the film adaptation is a success...
5. Michelle Williams - The last two spots are open. But Williams could have the afterglow effect, especially with three potential acclaimed performances.

Next in line:

6. Tilda Swinton - She deserved this, but the studio is too small
7. Charlize Theron - Another comeback?
8. Kirsten Dunst - The big question mark.
9. Keira Knightley - But again she could go to supporting or even she could be snubbed.
10.Michelle Yeoh - Maybe is just a hunch, but early word said she's marvelous and we'll know in Venice (Note: Luc Besson was involved with two Oscar winners in their debut film performances: Marion Cotillard and Natalie Portman)

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I agree that if Rooney Mara can really pull off Lisbeth and she is absolutely electric on screen...no one will beat her. It would be too irresistible to reward a young, sexy newcomer who will, most likely, have one of the biggest box office hits for 2011/2012.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBia

I dunno Bia, while I have The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Mara in my personal predix, it's really only becaues "Fincher goodwill" right now is a stronger case than I can make for many other films. I'm feeling very shaky about both.

I certainly would argue against your assumption that the film will be a hit. A movie priding itself on sex and violence and calling itself the "feel bad movie of Christmas" isn't exactly setting itself up to set the box office on fire. The Swedish film was popular for a foreign film, but that doesn't necessarily suggest much in terms of mainstream box office success. Not to mention, Fincher's not exactly a blockbuster making machine.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

Robert, you're right in one point::

A movie priding itself on sex and violence isn't exactly setting itself up to set the box office on fire.

But you forget that the swedish films are made in 2009 when no one would know the novels, but after the author's death and the first receptions of the film for Internet, the novels and Lisbeth Salander will came internationally famous in only two years. I travelled in Latin America and Europe and let me tell you in some places (Mexico, Brazil, Spain, France, UK) the book is a best-seller for weeks. My cousin and her friends (Which they're 12-13) know the story and the character; even she joked she wanted that costume by Halloween). Thanks for the Internet, the book became an international phenomenon.

The Swedish film was popular for a foreign film

Yes but in how many movie cinemas were released?

Not to mention, Fincher's not exactly a blockbuster making machine.

That's true to a certain point, but his films weren't exactly mass appeal hits.

The Social Network: $225 millions of dollars worldwide (Budget: $40 millions)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: $334 millions (Budget: $150 millions)
Zodiac: $85 millions (Budget: $65 millions)
Panic Room: $197 millions (Budget: $48 millions)
Fight Club: $101 millions (Budget: $63 millions)
Seven: $337 millions (Budget: $33 millions)

Even with a low points (Fight Club and Zodiac) his track was good in terms of box office (At least better than other high profile directors)

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

The books are far too popular for GWDT not to have HUGE numbers, especially with the holiday opening. BUT, I'll feel better about its chances when I hear the actors speak...I'm freaked out by the rumors that they will have Swedish accents.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBia

Anonymous & Bia - So I did a little research into the popularity of GWDT in the hopes of finding something comparative to solidify my point and I actually may have to concede my point. That book is really friggin' popular, even moreso than I thought.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

I saw "My Week with Marilyn" and it is definitely NOT an Oscar film in any way, tonally. It's truly too 'lightweight' to count.

I also thought Kenneth Branagh was terrible. I don't know why everyone is throwing such strong adjectives his way. I do agree that Michelle Williams' Marilyn needs warming up to.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMattyD.

Sounds like Nathaniel has to downgrade Williams on his next Oscar chart =). I still have the faith with Michelle getting her 3rd as long as the critics hasn't bash her performance. We won't know exactly who's leading the race until after Toronto and Venice film festival. I am keeping my hand cross.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterchand

Michelle will ONLY get her third if she gets great reviews... not only if she doesn't get bashed. It's such a packed year that every actress (excluding Meryl) is going to have to knock it out of the park if they want to be nominated.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle

Yes, Williams needs not to being bashed and need good reviews, but I think GREAT reviews aren't neccesary a big factor anymore (At least not in primal focus). Actually depends especially for these factors:

-The studio behind it
-The big prizes nominations

If I compare Williams situation with others, even she's in better position than others. I don't say she's a shoo-in for nomination, but she has those elements:

-Big Studio: Harvey Weinstein (CHECK)
-Big prizes: At least the Golden Globes and maybe the BFCA could easily nominate her (POSSIBLE).
-Externalities: She has three films this year (Excellent reviews for Meek's Cutford since Venice). It's considerated right now one of the best of her generation. Afterglow effect - Sometimes AMPAS likes an actor and nominated him/her doesn't matter for which performance.
-Reviews: Even when she received a few bad reviews, the others were good/excellent

Binoche, Hayek, Blanchett and Bullock are the examples of this. If an actress only need the great reviews it would be a different story.

June 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

The reviews for My Week with Marilyn (mostly test screenings) say that Williams' performance is a disappointment, she is miscast, the writing for her character is weak. Harvey will probably try for a supporting nod but I don't think a nomination for Williams is going to happen - lead or supporting...

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermed

A friend of mine from New york saw a test screening of W.E and was really surprised how good W.E was. He said Andrea was sublime. He thinks W.E will get nominations in the Best screenplay, best Actress, best Score and best Costume designer category.

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHendrik

Very happy that rumors concerning W.E. are so good...do you know whether Madonna is preparing also a new song for her movie? it should be nice, if you consider William Orbit's involvement in the soundtrack.

So nice that Michelle Yeoh is mentioned among the contenders, even if for a long shot nomination...she was so awesome in CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMirko

I thought W.E. was awful and Risenborough certainly doesn't deserve a best actress nomination.

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermed

can you elaborate on that mrs. bitter queen *ugh* i mean "med"?

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterV.K


Just my Mrs. Bitter Queen opinion. I'm sure you will ignore it. By the way, how did you find out my drag queen name - Mrs. Bitter Queen...

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermed

Having read "God of Carnage" and "The Talking Cure" and after saw the trailer of "A Dangerous Method"; I currently have more faith in "Carnage" than "A Dangerous Method". Yasmina Reza's play is so vastly superior than Christopher Hampton's. Many prior comments said Hampton is more a hit and miss... They're completely right about this. Hamptons' play is dull and plain, even for the subject matter (And the kinky situations). I was bore after reading. Reza's play isn't exactly perfect but is captivating and human. With a right direction and compelling adaptation it would be a great film. Polanski has an excellent timing in dark comedy and is an actor's master. I really like Cronenberg, but his other stage adaptation (M. Butterfly) wasn't exactly a rotund success

Both female central roles (Foster and Knightley) have similarities between them, but in a inverse manner. Knightley started off crazy and then she eventually gains her sanity and Foster went from a civilized state to a disturbing decadence. Also, both women have very extreme moments.

But, even if Danielle gets crazy for that, I have more trust in Foster than Knightley. I know, it's just a trailer, but Knightley looks really atrocious (From an laughable and stage-y beginning to a wooden ending). I admire her effort, but after reading the play, I think she's miscast. A young Tilda Swinton would be perfect for that role, even Eva Green is an interesting idea. Also, Foster isn't my first option for that role (Isabelle Huppert was my first option), but Foster has a diverse (even short) filmography and she's known for her intense female driven performances.

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

it suits your comment perfectly...you,just hating without any justification...you must be a Mariah fan or GaGa's monster or something

June 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterV.K

it suits your comment perfectly...you,just hating without any justification...you must be a Mariah fan or GaGa's monster or something-Ferragamo Canvas shoes for cheap

July 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjames
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