Consider... Pee Wee

Hey, if it worked for Melissa Leo's Oscar run, maybe Pee Wee Herman can grab an Emmy nomination with his glamour shot?
image via Deadline via Facebook
...which is actually hers, but let's not split hairs tufts of fur. (Doesn't it seem like the Emmy nominations have the longest lead up time of any awards wait. I keep thinking they've got to have announced them by now but they're still six whole weeks away.)
Is Melissa Leo's "Consider..." the new "you like me. you really like me!"? Discuss.
P.S. I saw The Pee Wee Herman Show on Broadway on Broadway (duh) -- can't remember if I told you -- and though i had a g-r-e-a-t time it was basically an exercize in nostalgia. Which has its place, don't get me wrong, but I want NEW Pee Wee. I hope he has something cooking that actually gets served up in the near future.

Reader Comments (2)
Last year we had Mo'Nique basically saying, "Don't like me? Go fuck yourself". This year we had Melissa Leo all but begging to be liked with her 'Consider' ads. Sally Field's Oscar speech struck me as genuine with a whole heap of self-esteem issues to go with it. Leo's 'Consider' ads are a very desperate ploy to win votes. I prefer the genuine approach.
I love Sally Field I just wish the movie she won the 2nd Oscar for wasn't an exercise in nostalgic racism.