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Emmy Live Blog 2011

Arrivals and the Show, All Live-Blogged. Excuse Typos. Things Happen Fast

06:05 This does not bode well, the first arriving guest is a Nina Somebody from The Vampire Diaries who is quite possibly the most boring celebrity I have ever seen interviewed on the red carpet. She had so much airtime to say interesting or funny or quippy or diva things -- trust that you can spin those inane "who are you wearing? can you believe you're here at the emmys?""your career is hothothot" right now volleys whichever way you want. And it was all blah-blah-blah-blah-blah as if pre-recorded and lazily lip-synched to on the red carpet. And when Blake Lively is your aspirational figure that you'll have to work very very hard to deserve a like career. Wow. Let's move on. Please we must. But commercials.

Last year my Oscar dress was amazing. But tonight I wanted to be comfy."

06:15 Celebrities with personalities! Kat Deeley (sp) Lea Michele Taraji P. Henson. Sarah Hyland. Much better. Here's Lea braggin but her Oscar dress while wearing something she claims is comfy but in which she is clearly corseted like Scarlett O'Hara grabbing a bedpost. COMFY!

06:20 Sarah Hyland just had her I'M REALLY A NICE PERSON I SWEAR moment while explaining that she meant no harm when she did an impression of Lea Michele on an episode of Fashion Police. I've heard about this non-scandal but the real scandal is that E! is trying to pretend that that most famous of editorial poses -- elbow jutted out exagerrate contrapposto -- is LEA MICHELE's. I love my Rachel Berry but she wasn't even conceived yet when super-models started doing that. 

6:28 I really am not a Rainn Wilson fan but his carpet banter was funny. His TV crushes?

"The entire cast of Mad Men and the naked Dothraki girl who eats the stallion heart."


6:30 Less funny was Paula Abdul's typical spaciness. She said "blueberries" when she meant "blue balls". Even if she'd gotten the word right, is that what you want to talk about on the red carpet?

6:38 Darren Criss's nose should be growing like Pinnochios. He hasn't really even thought about whether or not the Glee cast is graduating this year. Uh, yeah.

6:40 I just caught sight of what looks like a VERY unusual dress on Julianne Marguiles which will undoubtedly get her tons of attention. Will snap a photo as soon as I can. A giant white cylindrical cheese grater? 

6:49 DAMNIT. I was wrong. It is not thick plastic with circular cut-outs but regular old white fabric with big circular looking jewels. Less insane than expected and therefore much uglier. Christina Hendricks on the other hand is bang on beautiful. YUM YUM YUM. 

6:54 Charlize Theron's new "Dior Commercial" is crazy glam explosion and she is ridonculously hot. Like molten hot. If she had been around in Golden Age Hollywood she would have been an enormous star. But Hollywood doesn't understand In Movie Glamour anymore. Only red carpet glamour. Charlize should be looking that good IN a movie.

6:58 This happened awhile ago but I am still haunted...

I bet that's how Ryan kisses all the girls.


7:07 Evan Rachel Wood... outed as Justin Beiber fan.Wasn't Marilyn Manson enough for us to process?!

7:11 Elisabeth Moss is wearing Marchesa which Lea Michele will not be happy about as she tried to claim at as hers alone. Like the ancient editorial model pose.

7:14 The continued existence of Two and a Half Men is the Living Embodiment of America's Slow Couch Death. 

7:15 I want someone to give an acceptance speech. yes, i know they're still outside the building #awardswithdrawal

7:19 Now is the time of my first fatigue (this will happen again) so please to enjoy these hilarious tweets from other people like Jarett Weiselman, Jesse Taylor, Alex Cassimaty, Libby Hill and Manuel Betancourt

7:27 Betty White to Ryan Seacrest about who she is wearing.

Oh I'm wearing a put together from a little shop that I favor called The Back of My Closet. 

Betty White is so delightful that when she speaks I forget about all the ubiquity and my ubiquity allergies to anyone.

7:31 Gwyneth Paltrow is "already a winner". Gwyneth admits she's missing a few awards for the EGOT. Actually only two. Two is not a few. Go get 'em Gwynnie.

7:37 Heidi Klum is the second person wearing Christian Sirriano. His career must be FIERCE. Do you think he still says once a sentence? Meanwhile Monty (pictured left) is NOT amused by the Emmys. He does not care who you are wearing only that you are wearing something because human skin is gross. 

7:39 Charlize Theron's 90 second "film" is airing again. This reminds me of her role in Woody Allen's CELEBRITY? Remember that? She was good in that misfire... and the only good thing about The Curse of the Jade Scorpion.

7:41 Is it weird that I resent John Krasinski for marrying Emily Blunt?



 7:46 I will check in on the comments to see what you're saying now. You said something, right?

7:53 The Jaded (But Still Marvelous) Kate Winslet

I always panick an hour before. And then when you get here you realize. It's just a carpet. I've done this before."

7:57 They're promising more from the carpet? NO.... let...


 8:02 Leonard Nimoy to Jane Lynch in the pre-opening skit "to men you're womanish, to women you're mannish." Hee. My favorite part of this opening musical number is "magical elves fill the air with laughter". Yes, MAKE SO MUCH FUN OF LAUGH TRACKS THAT THEY ARE SHAMED OUT OF EXISTENCE. The Mad Men break in the song. very funny Love the ending gag about fast-forwarding through commericals.

8:07 Only seven minutes to get to the actual stage! The Emmy Awards are 63 years old. 

8:11 Long montage about Comedy. I thought I watched too much TV this year but I didn't recognize a lot of that. Yay, I am still a snob!

8:13 BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS, COMEDY Julie Bowen, Modern Family
You know one of our brilliant readers made a firm case as to why she should win and I will remember who it is (by which I mean look it up) after the show. But she is marvelous on that show in a tricky role that could have been much flatter. Yay!

8:18 BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR, COMEDY Ty Burrell, Modern Family
I love him. I even love him in his dour thankless roles in movies where he plays like the clueless dull boyfriend/husband (Fur, The Incredible Hulk). I didn't think he was going to totally pull off that speech with a running gag about going to work in full makeup but he did. Yay! (Yay! is my general feeling when watching Modern Family hence the Yays!)

8:28 BEST DIRECTOR, COMEDY Michael Spiller, Modern Family It's going to be one of those nights, eh? Will Mad Men join it in the sweepings in its sister category?

8:33 BEST WRITING, COMEDY Steve Levitan and Jeffrey Richman, Modern Family So my Twitter feed is full of disgruntled people who don't think Modern Family is all that. I shall readily admit that I'm always sad for Parks and Recreation on Emmy night because they get better every year and still no love.

8:41 Charlie Sheen is even more useless when he's being serious and nice.

8:42 BEST ACTOR, COMEDY Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory. Weird to see a repeat in Steve Carell's last year?

8:50 Amy Poehler kicked off literally the funniest thing I've ever seen at the Emmys. As funny as the best episodes of Parks & Recreation or Modern Family as she ran up to the stage the second her name was read (as a nominee).


All the other ladies followed until one was crowned. Hilarious. If Oscar's Upcoming Best Actress category is this quality we can be really happy in February.

BEST ACTRESS, COMEDY Melissa McCarthy, Bridesmaids. No, that's not a typo ;) 

 9:00 I wish I had just typed 10:30

9:07 I just missed like seven minutes of reality something or other other than that AMAZING RACE won again? Ohmygod the Emmy voters. Are they fossilized? Did their DVRs break?

9:08 oooh grrrl. They cut Marlene Dietrich from the short version of the Dior Charlize commercial but Marilyn and Grace got to stay #ClassicStarCatFight

9:14 Musical number that I'm not following at all -- Michael Bolton is playing Jack Sparrow on the Emmys? -- but people seem to be enjoying it. Maya Rudolph in the house. It IS a Bridesmaids night. 

9:22 oops. lost the liveblog thread again. Enjoy these tweets I enjoyed from others like Jarett again, Matthew Belloni, Brice Sander and our friend Joe Reid.

9:29 I'm bored and it's like they're handing me a sedative, Two and a Half Men again? To announce Drama.

9:30 BEST WRITING, DRAMA, Jason Katims, Friday Night Lights YESSSSSSSS. I would tear up but clear eyes, (full heart can't lose)

9:31 BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS, DRAMA Margo Martindale, Justified. Sad for Christina Hendricks but I hear she is great on this show and she usually is, Million Dollar Baby excepted. But I will always think of Paris when I see Margo Martindale "Carol, I Love You"

9:41 BEST DIRECTOR , DRAMA Martin Scorsese, for Being Martin Scorsese. No, that's not a typo. First Emmy for Marty. But he'll never EGOT unless he suddenly takes up singing.

9:43 BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR, DRAMA Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones. He's the best part of the show so good on him. Though I guess this means that the brilliant John Slattery will never win for Mad Men. (sigh). This award was presented by Kerry Washington who is the prettiest. Pretty pretty pretty prettier prettiest. 

9:50 It occurs to me that they are saving Kate Winslet for last.

9:53 I feel like Katie Holmes is dutifully trotted out at every show but no producer could ever articulate why.

9:55 BEST ACTRESS, DRAMA Juliana Marguiles, The Good Wife
So pissed on behalf of Tami Taylor/Connie Britton right now. 



I need a moment.


clear eyes full hearts can't lose

10:05 ...unless your names are Michael C Hall and Jon Hamm. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. As much as I love awards shows unless the voting body is TOTALLY on top of their game and strategic (which they can't be since it's 1000s of people with different agendas), someone gets the shaft for brilliant performances. And there is really no way in a just world of acting honors that Michael C Hall's Dexter, Jon Hamm's  Don Draper and Kyle Chandler's Coach Taylor all shouldn't have Emmys for such iconic creations.

10:10 Slyest joke of the night from Jane Lynch

A lot of people are curious why I'm a lesbian. Ladies and gentleman, the cast of Entourage!

10:11 BEST WRITING, MINISERIES Julian Fellowes Downton Abbey
Weird speech, actually. Is it proper to thank the Emmy Academy by reminding them that their sibling Oscar also awarded you? 

10:12 SUPPORTING ACTRESS, MINISERIES Maggie Smith For Being Maggie Smith (in Downton Abbey)
She really is better at being Maggie Smith than anyone else ever! 

10:18 LEAD ACTOR, MINISERIES Barry Pepper for something.... i somehow got behind.

10:19 DIRECTOR MINISERIES, Brian Percival, Downton Abbey
Oh. Todd Haynes never wins anything. (sigh)  

10: 24 In Memoriam. always so sad i have totally lost all liveblogging energies. must refind for the final stretch... 

10:33 SUPPORTING ACTOR, MINISERIES Guy Pearce, Mildred Pierce
One for Mildred at last. 

This was a delightful experience making Mildred Pierce. I got to have sex with Kate Winslet many many times. 

He even used the word "insert" later on. LOL. Well he was quite the inserter in that show you have to admit.

10:38 BEST ACTRESS, MINISERIES Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce
You know I made a joke about Kate being jaded earlier but she seemed awfully green about winning, like she couldn't believe she'd ever win anything. and like she'd never won anything before. My goodness. 

Time for more apt comments from other people which is kind of like a bathroom break for me -- here's Louis Virtel, tapeworthy, Andrew Goldstein, and Megan Smith.

10:45 BEST MINISERIES Downton Abbey
Happy about this. Addictive television. 

10:47 The Cooler reunion with Maria Bello and William H Macy here to announce Drama Series
I really thought they were going to lose as, like, punishment for not being on the air when they're supposed to be. But Season 4 was such a brilliant season. Like more brilliant than we expected and we expect a lot of that show. Sad that Emmy voters never understand how revelatory the performances in that show are, though.

10:55 Strange to save this for last as its so anticlimactic

And that's all.

 But don't you wanna know what Connie Britton and Kyle Chandler were whispering to each other when Gwyneth Paltrow walked on stage with that bizarre midriff dress? I know I do. Try to guess in the comments.






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Reader Comments (110)

Now... fingers crossed for a JON HAMM win.
Please God don't let me down.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

George D. - Thanks! I have no doubt Kate will win (and then she doesn't. NOOOOO :p)

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Bates is a nine-time Emmy loser. At least she has a Best Actress Oscar and a Golden Globe to match it.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfull


(died and gone to Heaven)

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

COACH TAYLOR!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG. So happy

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSquasher88

Wow but... that means JON HAMM will never win. He'll join Steve Carell as the most ridiculous losers ever.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues


September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBensunce

so glad I won, just to see Kyle Chandler and the writing team of Friday Night Lights win. :)

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSquasher88


It seems to have a lot of support...

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

I admit: I'm happy Parsons won again.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

so glad i *watched*

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSquasher88

So happy for Kyle Chandler, but now I'm doubly pissed about Connie Britton losing!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBensunce


Believe me: I love 'Friday Night Lights' and even said Connie Britton deserved to win last year but this year JULIANNA MARGULIES was just superb.

It's very much deserved. You should be pissed for Kyra Sedgwick's win last year. That was Connie's to win.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

Taraji should not be doing this singing thing.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterK


Julian Fellowes now has an Oscar and an Emmy. Go for the Tony next, Julian!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

Queen of Upper-Class Bitchery MAGGIE SMITH wins!!!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues


September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterK

Lord Fellowes will be the only winner to use "grandiloquent" in his acceptance speech tonight, one imagines. Count on the British to class things up.

And Dame Maggie won too!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSC

Maggie now has 2.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfull

Hey Nat, I should probablly tell you that up until July, I had only seen a few scattered episodes of FNL. After I was done watching Game of Thrones and Justified (and giving up on The Killing) after Emmy nominations were announced, I decided to give the pilot a try and loved it, and made it my project up to the end of August to watch the entire show (about three episodes a day). I loved it and I wish I had hopped on the bandwagon when the show started, but at least now I can celebrate Kyle Chandler and Jason Katims' Emmys (I wish Connie Britton had won, but I can't deny Julianna Margulies, she was awesome on this season of The Good Wife!!!). Anyway, it's been a night full of surprises, and plenty of very pleasant surprises!!!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRichter Scale

[QUOTE]"no way in a just world of acting honors that Michael C Hall's Dexter, Jon Hamm's Don Draper and Kyle Chandler's Coach Taylor all shouldn't have Emmys for such iconic creations."[QUOTE]

I didn't realize MCH didn't have an Emmy (but he has a Golden Globe no?). I think Jon Hamm is soon to receive one.

Is Mad Men on the receiving end of some kind of backlash (or shunning) this year? I thought Elizabeth Moss would have strong chance this year.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbleh

I think Maggie Smith was just outstanding in Downton Abbey, I'm very happy she won :).

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commentervg21

Barry Pepper?

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbleh

Barry Pepper? Really?

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterK

And one of the most deserved wins:

Todd Haynes lost Directing MiniSeries to Brian Percival (Downton Abbey).

'Mildred Pierce' is getting kicked in the ass.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

Man, looks like Downton is going to upset Mildred Pierce.

Though Kate's Emmy should be safe, since Elizabeth McGovern had so little to do.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSC

Hallelujah is about an affair with a married woman not dead people stop it.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterK

"Hallelujah" is not an appropriate song for the death montage.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSC

Ok, 'Hallelujah' has been done to death, but those boys sounded fantastic. I didn't catch who they were though!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDerreck


Michael C. Hall has a Golden Globe, won in 2009. Jon Hamm also won the Globe in 2007 but he didn't get to accept it live because of the WGA strike.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

Guy Pearce has given the best speech of the night.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterK

Kate now within striking distance of EGOT.

Send her scripts, Broadway producers!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSC

Thanks Jorge.

I like that Kate Winslet is always so enthusiastic when she gets an award. Definitely a change from all of the sober thankyous. I think this is the most entertaining Emmys that I have watched in a bit.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbleh

Hey Nat, here's a little fun fact. Except for LOTR: Return of the King and Slumdog Millionaire, every Best Picture Oscar winner in the last ten years has an Emmy winner in its cast (we'll see if the other two ever get one).

A Beautiful Mind: Judd Hirsch (he won an Emmy for Taxi)
Chicago: Christine Baranski (she won for Cybill's first season)
Million Dollar Baby: Margo Martindale (just won tonight)
Crash: Loretta Devine (won this year for her guest stint on Grey's Anatomy)
The Departed: Alec Baldwin (two wins for 30 Rock) and Martin Sheen (a Guest Emmy win at one point, forget waht for)
No Country for Old Men: Woody Harrelson (won an Emmy for Cheers back in the late 80's) and Kelly Macdonald (won an Emmy for The Girl in the Café a few years ago)
The Hurt Locker: Guy Pearce (he just won)
The King's Speech: Geoffrey Rush (won an Emmy for The Life and Death of Peter Sellers) and Guy Pearce.

Also, Martin Scorsese and Tom Hooper are both Emmy winners (Hooper won for John Adams) and Paul Haggis is also an Emmy winner (I forget fpr what, but he is a winner).

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRichter Scale

Downton wins! See that, HBO, you can in fact lose this category!

Heh, the Macy/Bello "you look nice"; was that a reference to The Cooler?

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSC



September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

Ha, Mad Men can't lose this category, even when it loses everything else!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSC

Mad man again
These voters really have no imagination.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

I'm amazed that Boardwalk Empire didn't win anything ( Scorsese won for himself ). I think it's a great show.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteradelutza

I hope Breaking Bad is coming back with a vengeance next year!!!
Too bad Modern Family wins again for an uneven and predictable season, I think Emmy voters vote by habit....Parks and Recreation does not get any love.....very happy for Martindale :)

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarshall1

I loved how excited Kate looked when she won. "YES!! I don't have to spend years doing TV shit like I had to spend years doing magnificent movies before getting the Oscar--got the Emmy the first time out! YAY!!! I can get right on that Tony!!" Hahah.

Her career trajectory was VERY smart though...

1. The Oscar was the hardest to get so she started first, so she would still be young enough to win for years (an award that values age).
2. Randomly win a spoken word Grammy while she's working on getting her Oscar.
3. Gets an Emmy for a HBO TV remake of a respected film.
4. Gets a Tony...she has a few years for that because the stage is kinder to older actresses. :)

P.S. Jane Lynch said Gwyneth has a BAFTA...and as soon as she said that, I was like umm...no she doesn't...

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

No love for Todd Haynes :(

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJesse

Philip - I don't know if it's actress, who had better choices than Winslet in past few years. MP its not just TV Movie to get her an emmy. This is Todd Hayne's movie. Would you refused him? Would you refused Mendes, Daldry, Soderbergh, Polański? Sorry. And yes - it is very smart.

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMartin

Did they really do Supporting Actor, Miniseries AFTER Lead Actor, Miniseries? (Or was Nathaniel just behind?) If so, weeeeird.

Carol from Paris, Je T'aime <3.

Nathaniel, this was your night, Emmy-wise. So many of your wishes came true!

September 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

Derreck -- the Scott Caan rumors are mostly from the 90s and this incident was one of them. He was't really famous then though so it went largely unobsessed over.

Philip -- i love the imagined narrative for Kate. hee. STRATEGIC.

bleh -- i thought there was a backlash but i guess not.

September 18, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R


September 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans

Kate Winslet is so: SELF-ABSORBE-FULL-OF-SHIT-FACKLY-HUMBLE it makes me want to pucke...

September 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans


September 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans

Martha Plimpton dress "RULES" (does anybody remember's her in "Shy People" ? she was AMAZING in that...)

September 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans

I think Martha Plimpton and ERW looked amazing....my favorite dresses. I don't understand why you are still hating on ERW....she looks like very old Hollywood.
Martha Plimpton...welcome back.

September 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGina
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