Box Office: The Wrath of the Mirror Games in the Yemen

On Thursday night, Hunger Games became the highest grossing film of 2012 (thus far) so it entered its second weekend having already slain its competition. How much further can this film go? This is a very good year for both Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. Josh is nearing $100 million with his other top ten'er too. But if we're taking votes for EW's "Entertainer of the Year"... I think it's obvious that Channing Tatum is going to chart, with two 100 million hits already and more films to come.
But if we're taking votes for EW's "Entertainer of the Year"... I think it's obvious that Channing Tatum is going to chart, with two 100 million hits already and more films to come. Strong holds for Tatum's comedy and Hunger Games squeezed some of the potential life out of the two new mainstream hopefuls.
TOP TEN (Estimates)
01 THE HUNGER GAMES $61.1 (cum $251) Reviewed
02 WRATH OF THE TITANS $34.2 new in wide release
03 MIRROR MIRROR $19 new in wide release
04 21 JUMP STREET $15 (cum. $93.1) Reviewed
05 THE LORAX $8 (cum. $189.6)
06 JOHN CARTER $2 (cum. $66.2) Reviewed
07 SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN $1.2 significant expansion (cum. $3.1)
08 ACT OF VALOR $1 (cum. $67.7)
09 A THOUSAND WORDS $.9 (cum. $16.5)
What did you see this weekend? I saw Mirror Mirror (review tomorrow) and gave The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo a second spin on DVD. No, I don't know why I haven't seen Salmon Fishing yet. Ewan & Emily? That sounds like a wonderful pairing. What's keeping me. Oh, yes. Constructing the Oscar charts. It's time consuming.

Reader Comments (5)
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen must be one of the less appealing titles one can think of. I can't decide it it's a ballsy choice or a suicidal one.
I also saw TGWTDT, though some weeks ago. The editing Oscar was some kind of internal joke, right? Almost 3 hours for a whodunnit?.
I thought it was an ok movie, pretty close to the Swedish one. Both being just ok, counting with Salander as their best asset. I thought Rapace elevated her movie far more than Mara hers. Also, I didn't like most of Mara's choices, but that's subjective. I thought she built the character from outside, which I think it's the wrong approach to Salander, because it made her show every single feeling and thought. So, in short, she built a good meaty character, but not really Salander who should be the ice queen who's always undiscernable (hence why her relation with Blomkvist fails, he just doesn't get her). Anyway, like I said, that's subjective.
What I missed in both movies was the commentary on human/women trafficking in Sweden no less, which is one of the things I found most appealing in the books and that made it different for me. The way the make them into movies doesn't interest me much.
Ah, and I hated the rape scene in Fincher's movie, with Mara pointing her ass up to the air. WTF? Which woman who suspects she's going to be raped would do that? If Fincher chose that to make us be in the place of the rapist, that was a WRONG choice, if not, and he only wanted to shoot that admittedly attractive ass, all the worst. But I suppose it's on par with the objectification of the character already in the poster.
What I find most amazing about the movie though, is that they gave Fincher $90 million to make a R-rated movie. What were they thinking? And where did all that money go? To salmon fishing excursions in Stockholm?
I saw "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel". It is exactly the type of movie it seems to be, and that can be quite enjoyable every now and then. Then I went home and saw "A Room with a View". Can't get enough of Judi and Maggie!
I hadn't even heard of SFITY until I read this post, so I watched the trailer - can we do a Yes No Maybe So, Nat? 'cause if not I'll write my own up in this thread.
Oops. It just occurs to me that it's a bit late for a YNMS (sorry) as the movie is already released; on the other hand, not too many people have seen it yet.
So, YES: Ewan Ewan Ewan. Ewan now, Ewan forever. Kristen Scott-Thomas. Emily Blunt (I just caught Sunshine Cleaning on DVD and thought she was very good in it. She seems like someone who reliably gives good performances, is a warm likeable presence and, like Ewan, generous with her co-stars. She and Amy Adams made very believable sisters. I think Emily deserves a bit more of the "household name" stardom that Anne Hathaway has gotten (sorry, but I find her overrated in proportion to her fame and hype; but then again anyone would be)
And of course Ewan. With red hair AND a scottish accent! *love* BUT...
NO: There is something terribly cutesy about the trailer, and horribly predictable. Maybe the movie will throw us some curves? And, it seems like Ewan is playing Oliver from Beginners again but in a minor key - not as depressed (perhaps), does cute drawings. Sure the character seems a bit more sarcastic and cynical than Oliver, but comparisons drawn are not likely to flatter this film.
Plus - this is completely "off" and probably beyond the scope of the film, but will they acknowledge the fact that introducing foreign species to an environment changes that environment; the new species sometimes fits in well, but other times is a destructive force upsetting the delicate balance of the place it is introduced to?
MAYBE SO: Ewan. Kristen Scott-Thomas. Emily. There will be at least three good performances here. And the landscapes look terrific.
It is actually playing at a theater near me, but I could probably wait for the DVD?
FINALLY saw A Separation this weekend. After sitting for half the ride home in silence, I finally turned to my man and said, "WOW." His reponse? "Yeah." If there is one single flaw in that film, I couldn't find it. I literally couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen from the very first frame. And that final shot/scene? F--K ME, how gorgeous was that?!?!?!
And then on Sunday I took my man to see Newsies on Broadway for his birthday. Very enjoyable!