iTunes Review of the Week:

Think 'Zombie Kill of the Week'; just with iTunes Reviews. If anyone can top this one (#7) for the week? I will bow to you.
And no fair making a fake one. Cheating gets you nowhere. Unless you're on Wall Street.
Any takers?
Reader Comments (9)
OT: Nathaniel, there's coming out the first reviews of "The Impossible", and the average word is positive, remarking the performances and the technical aspects of the film. Maybe after the festival run, if the positive ink will continue, Watts could be at least in the top ten. But, now this is the interesting point... Summit will try to make "The Last Station" move. McGregor will compete as a supporting player, while Tom Holland -The 15 years old son in the movie- will be in the leading category
Also, Focus Features will release Gus Van Sant's "Promised Land" on 12/28 in LA and NY. It would be interesting for FF having Moonrise Kingdom, Anna Karenina and Hyde Park on Hudson and now this film. With the recent rumors of Murray's possible campaign as a supporting player and AK treatment, maybe Focus is too confident for Van Sant's film, especially in these times, where the story will keep a lot of attention?
Does it have to be on iTunes? Because there are some pretty delightful reviews on Amazon.com.
I sincerely hope the first person was serious.
Amazon works too!
This just made my day....
This is truly fantastic.
Okay, if Amazon counts, then I'd like to submit this review of Stargate: http://www.amazon.com/review/R2ZNSI6H3J4P8X/ref=cm_srch_res_rtr_alt_1. It doesn't have anything as good in it as "chimbley," but it's glorious nonetheless.
I have one in imdb, Look at his review of Holy Motors,
That's not bad, Tombeet!
But he also utilized proper grammar and correct spelling, so a bit hard to give you the prize over Meryl Streep as Iron Woman. ;)
But keep searching, please!
Liz N.:
DAMN. THAT'S GOOD... I haven't read a review that drug-addled since Andrew O'Hehir's of 'Secretariat' for Salon.com.