Life of Pi and other movies inside my head. It's a zoo in there.

My head is all ascramble. Last thing I know I was boozing it up with Joaquin* Suddenly I'm waking up adrift in the ocean** with only my beloved dog***, who I'd just brought back from the dead ****, and a fierce Bengal tiger for company. All of this while trying to chase and kill an older version of myself from the future ***** !
Which movies are jostling around inside your head right now vying for attention? Which one is winning?
* The Master ** Life of Pi *** Bwakaw **** Frankenweenie ****** Looper
(Thoughts coming on all of those pictures -- a streak of happy moviegoing -- though not in that order as soon as I can collect myself.)
P.S. I'm aware that I'm burying the headline which is that I've just seen Life of Pi. Judging on the joygasms on twitter, it looks like a critical crowdpleaser and a bonafide Oscar contender. I was less ecstatic but boy does it look good. Cinematography nomination #2 for Claudio Miranda (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) coming right up. Yes, I'll update the Oscar charts this weekend. A lot of adjustments are due from shifting release dates and buzz.

Reader Comments (10)
I'm curious about your thoughts on "Bwakaw." When is the Philippines going to be shortlisted, let alone nominated, for an Oscar?
For some reason Citizezn Ruth has occupied my brain most of today. Although right now I feel like Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas...eurgh...
I think you're underestimating Meryl Streep's chances at nomination #18 for Hope Springs. When Guy Lodge sings her praises for a great performance and a hidden treasure of a movie, well, then I'm at a loss for words.
The book of "Life of Pi" was soooo good (after a slow start) that I'm really looking forward to that one. Also looking forward to your review!
Damn, that's quite a string of screenings all in a row! My first night of NYFF screenings is tomorrow, so right now I'm getting psyched up for Passion. Might watch an old DePalma favorite tonight to get me in the mood.
Also just discovered that Leos Carax's Mauvais Sang is on YouTube, and I need to check that out in advance of seeing Holy Motors the week after next!
The book was A M A Z I N G. I can't wait for the movie
The movie I am most curious about is "The Impossible" which you've already seen. Please, I'm dying to know what you thought about it.
Literally vibrating at the thought of seeing "The Paperboy next week at NYFF with Nickers in the room. We will breathe the same air...
I can't wait to see Life of Pi! and the Master!!! I also can't wait to read your reviews for the mentioned films
I saw the Life of Pi today too. I also wasn't really captivated by the story but it was totally worth it for those visuals. My eyeballs had the best time of their life. Seriously, so gorgeous.
Some of you seem to really like the book, and I do remember it being a big deal when it came out whenever ago. This is not one of those movies that made me want to go out and read the book, although the lady next to me did cry, so maybe I'm just heartless.