At the Linkies

Devine Wrath fills out our summer report card with love for Brave and Cosmopolis among others
The Many Rantings of John also shares his summer movie crushes: Charlize's eyes, Jeremy's arms, Channing's everything...
Boy Culture Madonna endorses Obama, wears her politics on her sleeve back
PopWatch a Sex & The City for gays* called Hunting Season. *As if the original wasn't?
Cinema Blend Katey's Operation Kino podcast takes on Bachelorette. They all hated it but the discussion is interesting... the way they're forced to really grapple with their negative feelings.
Movie|Line thinks Rebel Wilson (Bachelorette, Pitch Perfect) is the most interesting person in Hollywood right now
Pajiba "the first five people I'd audition for a film about Amy Poehler & Will Arnett's marriage"
Hollywood Elsewhere Joe Wright calls Anna Karenina "a ballet with words" and claims influence from the great filmmaking team of Powell & Pressburger (The Red Shoes / Black Narcissus)
Playbill interviews Sutton Foster post Bunheads (the show has been renewed. yay!)
Awards Daily a documentary on the life of Roger Ebert by the director of his beloved Hoop Dreams. It could happen!
The Hairpin remembers Montgomery Clift's long suicide and major stardom
And finally here's the poster for David O. Russell's latest comedy (?) Silver Linings Playbook about two crazies in love.
The film is in black and white but Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence's antidepressants have been cut with melange*.
*not really
Reader Comments (6)
The Monty Clift article was really gorgeous, and starring my all-time favorites (Monty, Jimmy, and Liz). Thanks for sharing!
Loved reading about Montgomery Clift, I always do, even if those stories always make me incredibly sad. That said, they almost lost me at the LeBouf comparisons. Film history is full of actors being critical with their work or with their directors (hey they mention Hepburn, at least) and then there're talented actors. Just the thought of young people reading that article and putting both of them at the same level... is scary.
Those Scandals of Classic Hollywood pieces at The Hairpin are always so good. I've actually spent the past 90 minutes or so catching up on a number that I've missed.
I love Roger Ebert. Sent him a tweet saying just that. Grateful the documentarian of (Hoop Dreams) is authoring Roger's immortalization in feature form. Ebert wrote (Beyond the Valley of the Dolls), cool points are a given, he's still here, due to his wife's insistence on no more life-threatening surgeries.
What surprises me the most about Roger Ebert is that his depth of writing and output greatly increased (ital)after(ital) his bout with thyroid cancer. His online journal is always a fantastic read and I hope this documentary does his life justice.
That article on Clift was indeed a gem.