Podcast: Cheetah Tattoos & Broken Sailboats

Nathaniel, Nick and Joe welcome back Katey, who's been in London gazing into Chris Hemsworth's eyes at the Thor junket. We gathered to discuss J.C. Chandor's All is Lost but as per usual, the conversation turned.
Topics include but are not limited to...
- Gotham Nominations: Blue Caprice & Inside Llewyn Davis
- Awards Futures for The Butler & Frances Ha
- The Counselor & Cameron Diaz
- Actor Retirements from Goldie Hawn to Leonardo DiCaprio
- Wolf of Wall Street & Release Date Swappage
... and a few leftover feelings from 2012 from Bad Teacher to Django Unchained turn up, too! You can listen at the bottom of the post or download it on iTunes. Join in the conversation in the comments.
Reader Comments (22)
There's never a bad day to lay into Django Unchained a little bit.
GIRL. Podcast. You are killing me with these Blue Is The Warmest Color references but no commentary.
Still, listening and loving, even though I haven't seen any of these movies yet. Curious to see what happens with All Is Lost if it continues to disappoint at the box office. In another year I'd say that it would have a shot in some categories, but the major films and their box office performances have been so strong so far that I wonder if movies need the money behind them to make an impact this year. And I'm with @will h. Every season is open season when what you're hunting is Django Unchained. Also love the Farewell My Queen references! A movie that doesn't get talked about nearly enough! Go Diane Kruger!
Oh and re: Greta Gerwig and Frances Ha, I think it's good to keep in mind that she's part of IFC Film's slate, and they are currently funneling all of their money and efforts to Blue Is The Warmest Color. In fact, lately I've been wondering if they're actually burying the movie on purpose?
@Will H: Totally. Totally.
@TB: You'll have your wish before you know it!
"In fact, lately I've been wondering if they're actually burying the movie on purpose?"
Curious you say this because they've been playing Frances Ha at IFC Center in the Village for what is an eternity. Where else can I say I saw a movie in the same theater twice in a four month span?
I find Roadside Attractions handling of All is Lost puzzling and not just the way it has opened it. The best they seem to be doing is RTing people saying how it compared vis a vis to Gravity and preferring All is Lost. I find that disrespectful to the competition and something of a false equivalency. It would be like Sony/Annapurna RTing people who were comparing Zero Dark Thirty over Argo last year. To me they're doing different things and I know plenty of critics that were cool on Gravity but after they saw All is Lost did not like it a whole lot either.
My pick for 2012 film that was actually a 2013 turnover pick:
I wish Killing Them Softly had what was recommended by Joe for The Counselor: a small, arthouse release rather than getting the odd positioning 2012 election time release that likely contributed to a lot of the criticism against what people believed it was about. Even if TWC putting it in 2013 would had the scent of dumpage, I do think it would have done just as well as the box office and not have earned the notoriety of the F cinemascore. Although, as Scott Tobias notes: You could have a great festival of the F cinemascore movies. Bug, Soderbergh's Solaris, The Box, and Wolf Creek in addition to Killing Them Softly!
Request: Can we talk about Lou Reed's various gifts to cinema, especially in Trainspotting? Guy had the perfect song for a thousand tawdry scenes.
Tim -- i'm afraid I'm not well versed enough in his cinematic connections though I appreciate that one.
Oh, lord. Well, I loved Cameron Diaz! Although, I did find it weird that she apparently wasn't playing an American -- I know she was working a weird accent at times, but her backstory was so murky. For me, it was beautifully designed, but the story seemed irrelevant.
will h, Nick: Amen. ;-)
I ever so love these podcasts! Ya'll have great banter and don't take yourselves too seriously. Feel like I need to see Counselor just bc of how weirdly awful it sounds. Maybe I'll buy another ticket to 12 Years and just sneak into that one so I don't feel badly about my purchase.
In respect to Django vs 12 Years, I kind of feel like Django would have sat better with me if it had come a couple years after 12 Years. Like Django was sort of playing around/mixing in genres with the slave epic, when there hadn't yet been a really excellent/realistic slavery epic. Felt like Django skipped an important step there.
In addition to Trainspotting, Lou got attention in Hedwog, 20 Feet to Stardom, The Doors biopic, Adventureland, and rather notoriously, not featured in I Shot Andy Warhol on Reed refusing to give out his music rights to a movie on Valerie Solanas.
Did he have anything in Velvet Goldmine?
For Nathan
There were a bunch of other films, of course, but those are at the top of my head.
I think the institutionalization/shock treatment of Curt Wild in VG are actually more based on Lou Reed than Iggy Pop though.
Ha- you guys shared some of my thoughts exactly... At some point during All is Lost, I realized that there were probably more words written on objects on-screen than spoken by Redford's character.
And re: movie costumes, forget Halloween! I'd wear Joseph Fiennes' blue Shakespeare in Love jacket on any old Friday night.
"And Diane Kruger, MY GOD!" —Nick Davis (Ditto, my friend. Ditto.)
@Nick Davis--To borrow from my own favorite Halloween movie: I'm breathless with antici...........pation.
OK, since you obviously mentioned him just so that I would tell the story...
I had a dream in which I was at a, probably, Oscar party and Chris Hemsworth was flirting with me. I hadn't felt so good in years(!) but then he was gone for some time and John Hannah (of all people) started flirting with me as well, and I was into it but then Chris came back and he saw me and looked disappointed. That was sad.
Chris, I only wanted you (even if I prefer Liam in real life).
"And Diane Kruger, MY GOD!" —Nick Davis (Ditto, my friend. Ditto.)"
I feel the same... so glad to hear someone voice it!
Bia -- i've also voiced it. You may recall I bronze medalled her for Best Supporting Actress!
@James T So you're the one person who prefers Liam to Chris! I've been ranting for years about how Chris is perennially underrated because he's so typically good-looking (like an 80s movie villain brought to life) but he's got such great screen presence. I saw Paranoia and that was enough Liam for me for eternity.
Katey - You know what? It wouldn't have worked if it was Liam in the dream. I can't picture him flirting with me. And I haven't seen him in anything. I just think he's hotter, though maybe it's that I prefer short hair. Chris was pretty hot in Cabin.
At some point I'll have to break someone's heart!
Yay, the medals, finally. So Kidman won gold!