Mystery Swag

One of my favorite things to receive during Oscar season is mystery swag - unlabelled promotional items just to keep you thinking about a film. My favorite ever was two years ago when a black envelope from "Nina Sayers" arrived. There was nothing inside it but a few feathers. This week in a last minute rush of FYC booklets and animated film paraphenalia (Wreck-It Ralph hands, Brave bow & arrow, stuffed Frankenweenie -- guess which Oscar is up for grabs?) I received this little box in a totally unlabelled package, tied with a yellow bow...
But what do I unlock with it?
Reader Comments (12)
Emmanuelle Riva's deserved Oscar!
Is it the key to the apartment in Amour?
I think someone is confused. Hugo was nominated last year, right?
I think it's for Stoker -- someone else received it earlier and wrote about it? I don't remember for sure, though.
It's the key Mia Wasikowska wears on the Stoker poster
Jonny -- right?
R -- YEP, THAT IT IS. I have been wracking my brain trying to place this. and there you have it.
Nathaniel, is your address listed somewhere for people to know where to send things to?!
Anthony Mai -- well it's listed with publicists and studios have it and such yes. But not public info.
think it's the key where Richard Parker was locked up in a cage on the ship, someone gave it to you so that richard parker free to academy award party ?
Damn you! I got this weeks ago and thought I had a secret admirer. *Dreams crushed*
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