Reader Spotlight: "Mysjkin" in Norway

Mysjkin with Woody Allen. As close as she fears she'll get to him!We're getting to know the Film Experience community. Should this be a weekly feature? Today we're talking to Ann-Mari from Norway who goes by "Mysjkin" in the comments.
Quick what's the last movie you watched before I asked you to do this reader spotlight?
MYSJKIN: I finally got around to watching Let the Right One In after finally having read the book. As a librarian I am intrigued by how page translates to screen. It's impossible to completely capture a novel, choices need to be made. Let the Right One In was to me a really well judged adaptation, focusing on what I found to be the heart of the novel; the relationship between Eli and Oscar and their fragile, violent and compelling coming-of-age.
When did you start reading The Film Experience?
MYSJKIN: I discovered TFE back when IMDB had links to fun stuff at the bottom of their page and I clicked to read Unsung Heroes: The SFX of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, that being one of my favourite films. After reading that post and several of your own, I felt like I had discovered a treasure chest of cinematic goodness!
I was so sad when IMDb stopped that link feature but I'm glad you stayed - that was just before the site overhaul.
MYSJKIN: I love the mix of old and new and the unabashed obsession with actresses and Oscar! All your contributors are excellent and reading the comments is highly enjoyable, that last bit is in itself a rare online treat. But most of all, it's your writing, your warmth, wit and creativity that keeps bringing me back.
Tusen takk! Do you remember your first movie?
No, but I remember my first movie obsession. It was Pete's Dragon. I would watch that video tape (<3 the 80s ) over and over and over. Whenever someone claims to have seen something weird, "A dragon, a dragon, I swear I saw a dragon!" is the first thing that pops into my head.
Let's move on to more adult matters. Have you ever broken up with someone because of a movie?

Current Obsession: Michael Fassbender (yes, like EVERYONE else ;D)
God Among Us: Daniel Day Lewis.
Since I speak a little broken Norwegian tell us which 5 Norsk movies readers should check out?
I'm so happy about your love for Joachim Trier, because I think Reprise and Oslo, 31. August are perhaps the two best Norwegian films ever made! ...and third place goes to DeUsynlige (Troubled Water). For some vintage spookiness, watch De dødes tjern (not sure if there's an English title, but it translates as Lake of the Dead) and to tap into the Norwegian Heart and Soul, watch Flåklypa Grand Prix
Finally, we need to talk about Elling! Not only is this a good, heartwarming film, but it also features yours truly as an extra! Yup, (as you will see from the attached picture) that's the back of my head right there! I'm only visible for a few seconds, but it was enough to secure the film an Oscar nomination! ;D

LOL. kjempe kul.
Reader Comments (14)
Oh man, that takes me back. I haven't thought about that movie in years.
I love that picture of you and Woody!
On a side note, I really want to see what Daniel Day-Lewis and Isabelle Adjani's son looks like now. He has to be one of the most handsome guys on the planet, right?
Ann-Mari, I love Pete's Dragon. Helen is my favorite singer; I saw her perform last fall in San Francisco, and she's still got it! My 3-year-old niece is mesmerized by this movie.
Very good taste.
BTW, how are readers selected for this?
My mom's got the same picture with Woody! It's in Oviedo (Spain).
I support this as a weekly feature :-)
Oh boy, Pete's Dragon played throughout this one summer during my childhood and it was definitely an early obsession. Between that, Mary Poppins, Space Jam, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, animation and live-action crossing paths never crossed my mind as wrong- just magical.
Peggy -- now i must go there. But first i must ask: why is there a Woody Allen statue in Spain?
CMG -- i kinda miss when that was magical rather than the standard (cgi) i mean ROGER RABBIT was such a seismic moment I think.
Lynn -- very randomly. through facebook shares, e-mails, subscribers, personal e-mail messages, a few i've met in real life (which is quite rare but i probably meet a few a year randomly -- usually at movie events)
anyway... this is a small effort to investigate who reads since otherwise it can feel like typing into the void ;)
Nathaniel- Roger Rabbit was definitely a benchmark.
Also re: Woody Statue, Woody's own quote on it: "My statue in Oviedo is one of the great mysteries of western civilization."
He shot a few scenes of Vicky Cristina in Oviedo. I guess the City Hall decided to give him a huge thank u. Woody's very popular in Barcelona too. His clarinet concerts are sold out as fast as Madonna or Springsteen.
Pete's Dragon really is a gem! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one with fond memories :)
@brookesboy: Candle on the Water is one of my favourite songs and Helen sings it beautifully! Wonderful voice!
On the subject of Woodys statue: If my Cadogan guide to Northern Spain is to be believed, in 2002 Woody Allen went to Oviedo to receive a Prince of Asturias Award, and said such lovely things about the city that the authorities decided to erect a statue. It would have been in place when VCB was shot, so the film might be a "thank you" to Oviedo rather than the other way around :)
Oh! You're right. I totally forgot about that award
*I'm so happy about your love for Joachim Trier, because I think Reprise and Oslo, 31. August are perhaps the two best Norwegian films ever made!*
Not perhaps, they ARE the two greatest norwegian films ever made. But it's kinda faint praise, because Norway is not, and has never been, a great film nation. Norway has produced many great writers, playwrights, painters- but never a great, or even good, filmmaker.
Denmark had Dreyer, has Trier. Sweden had Bergman, has Roy Andersson, Finland has Kaurismäki. Now Norway has a Trier as well, and he's a good one- and like von Trier in Denmark, who almost singlehandedly put Denmark back on the cinematic map 20 years after Dreyer's death, Trier.NO is slowly but steadily putting Norway on the map.
And now Trier is doing a film in the US, pretty exciting. Let's hope he doesn't lose himself in the big Hollywood machinery.