The Girl Who Played with Calvin.

Jose here. Over the last few weeks it seems that I can't turn anywhere without seeing an actress I love in a new ad campaign or fashion magazine cover...there's J.Law and Kidman and J.Lo (oh my!) and now my beloved Rooney Mara has teamed up with Calvin Klein to sell their new fragrance called Downtown. Now, before you all disregard me and my obsession with Rooney, keep in mind that the ad was directed by none other than David Fincher and even though it pretty much features Rooney being Rooney (except she wants to play with puppies and children and she even gives us a toothy smile for once) it also has some unique Fincher-ian touches, especially with all the movies it pays tribute to.
On my tenth viewing I've spotted references to Roman Holiday (the plot), Singin' in the Rain (the rain! Also, the dancing, the studio settings and the dress), Notting Hill (the toothy smile!), Some Lie It Hot (the dress and Bus Stop moment), Cosmopolis (the limo, the isolation), Manhattan (the bridge) and more importantly Madonna's videos for Vogue (well, everything but especially the makeup brush!) and Bad Girl (the cinematography, the haunting melancholy and the opening scene in the cafe).
But this will only keep me content so long while I wait for a sequel to Dragon Tattoo... sigh.
How many references can you spot? Do you crave a Dragon Tattoo sequel as much as I do? Do you wish the ad was set to Petula Clark instead of Yeah Yeah Yeahs?

Reader Comments (10)
"Do you crave a Dragon Tattoo sequel as much as I do?"
YES YES and YES. I'm actually surprised by how much I still want it.
(And not only to see Daniel Craig maybe bust out those little black briefs again - he gets naked in everything, so I don't feel a shortage of that,thank goodness).
I liked the movie a lot but I didn't think it would hold on like it has, for me, and yet I can summon up so much about it immediately. it thrums. I would really like to go back into that world Fincher created, and see what Mara could do with Lisbeth again.
JA: You complete me.
Also, do you think Daniel will drop trou on Broadway? If so booking my tickets today.
Jose, Petula would be perfection for this!
" beloved Rooney Mara..."
You may be the only person who ever uttered those words, let alone shares that sentiment. (I'm definitely team Kate Mara if I had to choose a Mara.)
Gross...who in their right mind would be Team Kate when there is Mara?
While watching The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I found myself amazed that someone so lithe and petite could portray a character so sexually raw; a terrific actress. And here's another plea for a sequel, with Fincher directing again of course.
Rooney is the real deal...she was great in Side Effects too!
you're reading too much into this, jose. It's the same old fragrance commercial we've seen dozens of times: wearing this scent allows a celebrity to be "authentic."
and, if that bit of dancing with some children is meant to reference a classic film it would be American in Paris "I Got...Rhythm."
The only movie reference that came to mind while watching this was "Garbo Laughs!" They should have just titled it "Rooney Smiles!"
Also, I could not care any less about a Dragon Tattoo sequel. Noomi Rapace was a far better Lisbeth, but I don't think Larsson's books translated well to screen in either case.
I want Fincher to start filming the Girl Who Played with Fire so much right now.