Kate Winslet: In Desperate Need of a Career Resurgence

My name is Andy and Kate Winslet is my favorite actress.
From the moment I saw her walk across the rain-drenched moors to see Willoughby's house in Sense and Sensibility, I was hooked. (I watched that movie nearly once a week in high school - a fact I mentioned to her years later when I met her.) After catching up with her mesmerizing film debut in Heavenly Creatures and seeing her follow-ups to Sense and Sensibility, 1996's Jude and Hamlet, there was no question in my mind; Kate Winslet was the greatest actress of her generation. I wasn't the only one that thought so. [More...]
Critics also adored her and with her work in Titanic she soon became an audience favorite, too, and a household name. The Academy was smitten. After receiving her first nomination at the age of 20, she then went on to become the youngest actor in history to receive 5 Academy Award nominations (she was 31 years old at the time. Which means Jennifer Lawrence has 2 noms and 7 years to beat that record). She finally won on her 6th Oscar bid for 2008's The Reader.
That's when everything started to change...
Long before the Hathahaters forced Annie to take a year-long break from acting after her win for Les Miz, Kate suffered a similar fate after winning Best Actress. The public and media suddenly turned on her. The very people who had championed her, asking when she would win an Oscar, were suddenly finding the fact that she openly admitted to wanting one to be desperate and annoying. The British press were especially unkind to her and the very un-English-like why she accepted awards with exuberance and tears (how dare she show emotion! How unbecoming of an actress). Excluding her Emmy-winning turn in Mildred Pierce, her film career hasn't really recovered since. With her work this past year, the horrendous Movie 43, in which she stars opposite Hugh Jackman...and a neck scrotum (Seriously, why is she in that? Did they have blackmail info on her?), and, more importantly, with the critically slaughtered and poor showing of this past weekend's wanna-be Oscar contender, Labor Day, things aren't looking so good for her.
Stockholm Syndrome or True Love in "Labor Day"?
It's not that she hasn't appeared in bad movies before. Remember The Life of David Gale or All the King's Men? It's just that with Labor Day, we can see a clear problem for someone that works so infrequently: repetitive role choices. She has played a suffering mother/housewife several times before and with Labor Day those past roles are practically guest-starring in the film. There's a scene where she speaks to her son about how sex is like a hunger that seems to be almost word-for-word from the book club scene in Little Children. Scenes that deal with pregnancy and the desire to pack-up and move recall her work as April Wheeler in Revolutionary Road (her character in the film, Adele, even shares the same last name). And I can't see Kate Winslet and pies and not think Mildred Pierce.
As the years have past I've also found her recent work to be something that I never thought it would be: stagnant. Her performances now are too studied and too calculated to feel like anything less than, well, just that, performances. With Adele, her lonely single mother in Labor Day, every pursed lip and hand quiver (and there are a lot of them) are measured to feel real. (Although, reality is hardly the word to describe the plot of the film either.) What I loved most about her early work was the passion and spontaneity. She had an electric energy about her even in the most corseted of period pieces. Perhaps that just comes with working for over 20 years in front of the camera, you become aware of it. Interviewers and colleagues have noted how dedicated and hard-working she is, her scripts filled in the margins with notes and details about her characters. I admire the work, but she now feels too beholden to it, too in-her-head, wanting to convey that research with planned moments instead of living in the moment and letting the action happen naturally. She needs to take it all in, then trust herself to know that it'll be there, and just let go.
Additionally, it's possible that her image and career are further affected by her personal life. After divorcing Sam Mendes, she married Ned Rocknroll in 2012. Rocknroll (I just can't with that name) is the nephew of Richard Branson, the billionaire founder and chairman of the Virgin group, and he works in his Uncle's Virgin Galatic company which focuses on space travel. Kate and Ned's wedding present was 2 tickets to space (I'm not joking). This past December, she gave birth to their child, a baby boy...named Bear. It all seems a far cry from the 'I'm just like you' persona the actress was once known for. Now married for a third time with three children each with a different father might not exactly be conventional, but she hasn't exactly entered Elizabeth Taylor territory yet (by the time Taylor was Kate's age, she was already at husband number 5, Richard Burton–the first round). Mentioning all this is a little tawdry and gossip columny, sure, but it would be foolish to think that that it doesn't affect the way people perceive her.
Is it possible for Kate's career to have a second life? And if it does, will she find her way back into Oscar's embrace? At only 38, I hardly think her best work is behind her, but she first needs to get out of this acting rut, mix it up with a performance and character we've never seen from her before like when she surprised us with her spotless work in Eternal Sunshine. Hopefully, it may just come sooner than we think. With this March's film adaptation of the YA novel, Divergent, Kate will play a villain for the first time. The studio is betting on the film being a huge hit, which could certainly boost her career as well. Seeing Kate in manipulative, evil mold may be just the jolt needed.
A darker tone and jolt of interest there could also help her back in Oscar's good graces again when The Dressmaker, which she begins filming this year. Set in 1950s Australia, Kate plays the titular character, described as a femme fatale that returns to her hometown to extract revenge. High couture and backstabbing seem like a welcome break from the mom-mode she's been in on-screen and a chance to remind us, not through repetition, of her past glories.

Reader Comments (58)
You forgot A Little Chaos a period movie directed by Alan Rickman.
You're overreacting. Winslet has her elusive first Oscar and the very plausible second isn't a far-fetched theory in the abstract. I do think she needs to lighten up and take the seriousness stick out her bum. But other than that she's fine for the foreseeable. And who cares that she married a man with a stupid made up last name and has given her new baby a name that will tie him to obesity and gay subculture. She's Kate Winslet!
She peaked with Eternal Sunshine. It all came downhill after that. She played the same role over and over again. Basically, the female Leonardo DiCaprio.
I wonder if Amy Adams is next. She's gonna be six time nominee next year (if she gets nominated) and I have a feeling She's gonna pull a Kate Winslet and campaign like theres no tomorrow.
Re: Movie 43 - a lot of good people got sucked into that by the promise of substantial money for a very short time working for what looked like a subversive comedy. Pity that it failed and that it was grossly unfunny, because the approach in itself has merit even if the execution was absolutely abysmal.
As for Kate herself, I think she took a page out of the Emma Thompson playbook and stopped. I couldn't help but think of Kate during Emma's bit at the THR roundtables. Lupita asked the group what they did to keep their acting sharp, and Emma said she stopped because giving off all that energy is impossible and takes a lot of work, so she stops and recharges. That and Emma has refocused her energies on something else, which Kate has also done with her family. Kate's Mildred Pierce is the Wit phase of Emma's career. Divergent could be Kate's Beautiful Creatures, hopefully better and more successful. And if the gods are good, The Dressmaker will be her Saving Mr. Banks, the picture that puts her back in the conversation and reminds everyone just how awesome she actually is.
Adams would be better off not winning. She has no marquee value despite how easily she's cast. Also several of her nominations are coattail defaults. She's not overrated as performer just over nominated. But without the reputation of you know who to backup the incomprehensible number in such a short span of time. If she does win she can kiss those easy nominations goodbye and put to task for losing the studios money on projects where she must carry the picture.
I agree but a year ago I'd of said the same of Cate Blanchett. Now she's owning Hollywood and all of the awards.
Blanchett went back to theater to recharge. That's basically acting school all over again. Relearning and unlearning things from the stage and discarding the useless stuff from all the film work. I wish film and television actors got to recharge their batteries on the stage instead of using the stage for vanity purposes only.
Agree with 3rtful regarding Amy Adams. I like Amy Adams a lot, but I hope she never wins and that she's not convinced by her handlers that it's "her time." Ugh. Of course, easy for me to say as it's not my career, but I like the sweet spot she's in: a reliable, confident performer who blends in with the picture and can provide it with sneaky knockout punches at key moments. I like the fact that there is no such thing as a typical Amy Adams movie apart from the picture having a very distinctive director at the helm, but even this is a more recent trend. I think it's telling that her smart choices for projects are often ignored by the mainstream media, mainly because I thinks she refuses to play that game more than she has to. She may be not be the funniest or most charming presence in interviews, but I will take the risk-taking actress anytime over the pithy soundbite.
Andy, dear, I love your introduction, but you're overreacting. She's British. She'll work until she's 90 at least. Besides she hasn't even tried to do stage work yet!
I used to love Kate a lot but I got bored of her after The Reader. I still think she's wonderful and hope for a comeback.
I think you're overreacting. Kate Winslet has done her own thing since Heavenly Creatures. She's not your typical A list actress who stars in the most accessible, buzzed projects. She's a little more offbeat. She followed Titanic with two obscure movies that not many people have seen to this day. She goes for the character and the experience rather than what the film could amount to. I don't think she was ever motivated by the aftermath of a film, or how many top 10 lists it gets on, or how well it does with the general public.
She has given interview where she explained that she was personally drawn to those wife characters because of what was going on in her own life. There was a strong subconscious connection to giving those characters life; that's what attracted her to Labor Day. Her character had forgotten how to love and she wanted to fill her in. I think her 'housewife' roles are unfairly considered the same. Little Children, Revolutionary Road, Mildred Pierce, and Labor Day are all very different; her characters exist in totally different eras. She doesn't have a shtick. She doesn't play those characters the same way. She gives each of them something new and distinct. Just because they may have gone through some similar experiences it doesn't mean the performances are stagnant. I also think the frequency of those roles is exaggerated; it's 4 roles out of a 20 year career, and she didn't build her career off of them.
Since winning the Oscar she has worked with Todd Haynes, Steven Soderbergh, and Roman Polanski, and none of those projects failed. She got another Globe nomination for Carnage, she got an Emmy for Mildred Pierce (which brought her closer to EGOT), she actually got critical nominations for all her work in 2011.
The failure of Movie 43 can't be attributed to her. In fairness, she filmed it 5 years ago. It wasn't some kind of big serious film choice. It was a random short that she did with real-life friend Hugh Jackman. There was a lot of shadiness regarding how that movie ended up getting made. I remember reading an interview with Liev Schreiber who said he got a call out of the blue that his short was going to be included in a movie.
This year she has Divergent and A Little Chaos. Next year she'll have The Dressmaker. All three are wildly different from one another. No depressed housewives or single moms.
I think a lot of people have a warped idea of success in the industry. Kate doesn't need an Oscar nomination to prove that she's having success. Just because Labor Day wasn't an Oscar contender, it doesn't mean her career is in jeopardy. The problem with Labor Day is that it was put on a pedestal before it even screened anywhere. People shouted Oscar contender prematurely, and of course now it looks like a dud because people's expectations were very high. But it's a fine movie on it's own, and critics are being too harsh. The outcome of Labor Day isn't exactly Winslet's fault. Reitman was very calculated in wanting people to feel a certain way; I felt that he forced the tension in particular.
As for her relationship with the general public, it's pretty positive. Any negativity she gets is always from the British press, and the negativity is contained within that specific group. She's generally well respected, well loved, and considered one of the world's best actresses. Google 'best actress of all time' and she's #2 after Meryl. Just goes to show that the general perception of her, especially as an actress, is extremely positive.
I can see how it's hard not to let personal life affect artistic life. With her first husband, Winslet was the Working Actress. With her second husband, she was the Movie Star. With her third, she's the Rich Celebrity.
But I think Winslet's artistic qualities of tenacity and singlemindedness will carry her through to more excellent work. A greater variety of roles would be wonderful, but not always easy to find.
Very nice article, abstew.
Personally, I've never been too keen on Winslet. I mean, she a'ight, but I don't understand this "best actress of her generation" talk. I much prefer Jessica Chastain, Marion Cotillard, and Sally Hawkins, to name a few.
Don't give up hope. Nathaniel more or less declared DiCaprio dead as an actor a couple of months ago. And then came the Wolf. Kate Winslet is a genius actor, I'm sure she'll surprise us again. But she is a mother of three, so she'll probably work a little less for awhile.
But I don't get what her men, and their names and relations, have to do with anything.
I also agree with Flickah's point about Emma Thompson. Emma has been Kate's mentor since the Sense & Sensibility days; Emma reminds her to take breaks. Kate, hot off the heels of an Oscar win, knew she was overexposed. On top of that, she was going through a divorce. She stopped for a bit and refocused her energy on making sure her family & personal life was ok. As I said earlier, she doesn't need another Oscar nomination to prove her awesomeness and her talent. Look at Blanchett. Prior to Blue Jasmine, she hadn't been in the conversation since 2007. She too refocused her energy (on something different). I have a feeling Kate will really give it her all in The Dressmaker; she's had time to slow down & take a break with her family, and she's ready to dive deeper.
I guess my point is even Kate Winslet can have a bad year, and it's not her first bad year. The real question is whether she can bounce back, and she always does. She can bounce back from anything. She's gone through two divorces and she bounced back like a boss. She's a hard worker. I'm thinking of Mildred Pierce where she was in literally every scene and she carried the whole thing. That kind of dedication doesn't go unnoticed. I can't think of any successful actors & actresses who have been in the business for as long or longer than Kate and hasn't had at least one bad year. It happens. But does that mean things aren't looking good for her? No, especially considering her upcoming projects.
Winslet followed up The Reader and Revolutionary Road with an Emmy for Mildred Pierce then went on to Carnage and Contagion. Although the latter films were not box office hits ....but then again what Winslet film really is when you put it next to Titanic .... she turned in decent performances in both.
Next up is Labor Day (for which she was Golden Globe nominated) and Divergent. I'm not really seeing the need for alarm. When Kate starts appearing in films the caliber of present day Faye Dunaway then we should be concerned.
Adri, I totally agree about personal life affecting artistic life. You draw from your own experiences and emotions, both of which are affected by the stuff that happens to you personally. However it's kind of weird to break her down into three titles considering she's been the Movie Star since Titanic, which was before she even met her first husband. When I think of celebrities I think of the people who feed into the media and embrace all the limelight, but Winslet isn't like that. She doesn't feed into the media and she shuns the limelight when she's not working. She's more of an actress than a celebrity.
Billy Held An Oscar, YES YES YES. I don't consider working with Soderbergh, Polanski, Haynes, and Reitman signs of alarm. Those collaborations are not indicative of someone with lacking artistic motivation. It's the choices that count. A movie turning out great, getting lots of nominations, and being successful is all gravy. Labor Day not turning out well doesn't discredit Winslet's choice of working with Reitman (who has made some great films that found an audience). If you think about it, just how many masterpieces and box office hits does Winslet have under her belt? She's made a bunch of average films, but they got attention because of her sheer talent. Even Labor Day got people talking despite the reviews. The general public are seeing it for her.
I'd understand the alarm if her next project were of post-Mommie Dearest Dunaway caliber, but come on. She's working with freaking Alan Rickman and Judy Davis, the former being a quirky landscape gardening drama and the latter being described as Unforgiven with a sewing machine. Plus she has Divergent, which is already shaping up to be a hit and has already given her a starry little boost among the general public.
Kate is my fvorite actress, too and I really liked this post. I share the lack of excitement for her post-The Reader work. Good but nothing surprising. Her performance in Divergent looks promising. I do hope she'll find a more relaxed way to play her roles and that the roles she'll get will help her.
But then again, I want her to play many un-relaxed iconic theater roles in movie adaptations.
@3rtful: "I wish film and television actors got to recharge their batteries on the stage instead of using the stage for vanity purposes only".
I'm clinging tight to the expectation that starring/sparring opposite Judy Davis in The Dressmaker will ignite the requisite fireworks - maybe Kate's just in need of a co-star who'll up her game? My favourite of her performances have been those where she's matched by equally impressive actresses eg. Emma Thompson, Melanie Lynskey
The Dressmaker is going to be directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse. When it was announced I thought it was interesting to have a woman direct that plot but then I saw How to Make an American Quilt and all hope was lost. The Winona vehicle is possibly the worst film I have ever seen.
I also thought the post is too dramatic ;)
The Blanchett comparison is relevant and to be honest, I never really had lost hope for a proper Cate return since I knew she was committed to something else for the past 6 years.
Winslet has more juicy projects and Oscar nominations coming her way and she's not even 40. But having been an Oscar follower for the last 6 years a more important question emerges:
will she ever prove as adventurous as Blanchett, Swinton and Kidman?
Winning an Oscar for an undeserved performance is almost worse than not winning at all. Winslet is not very good in The Reader; but she's brilliant in Revolutionary Road. I don't know how the Academy f'd that up. Maybe on some subconscious level, as many Oscar winners do, she's simply lost some of that confidence and nerve she had earlier in her career. Undeserved recognition for a problematic film and performance could be key to that. But this is just a theory.
Noecitos: And she hasn't directed a film in seventeen or eighteen years. Yeah, when Alexander Payne (a much better conventional director) came back after only SEVEN years, the result was The Descendants (an overlong, badly cast travelogue (Buscemi would have been awesome in that lead part) of Hawaii with a marital strife narrative) that probably would have been better if he wasn't clearly rusty. Who knows what monster we'll get out of an already bad conventional director taking even longer?
Moorhouse followed up Quilt with the execrable A Thousand Acres. Why is anyone giving her a shot after these two calamities.
@Vanessa. Yes, you're right. That was a silly generalization and I apologize.
I've always admired the way Winslet was determined to keep on being a working actress after Titanic. "Working actress" meaning someone who plays all different kinds of roles, looks at the part not the money, and plans for a long career that will inevitably have ups and downs. She was stunningly level headed after a success of that magnitude.
I've also been happy that she's been able to add glamor girl to her repertoire. And as a previous commentator said, she's English, she'll be acting until she's 90, so we will see lots of variations in her roles in the years to come. Best of luck to her.
look, everyone: i certainly don't think we've reached the death of kate winslet's career (far from it) nor do i think she's in danger of disappearing anytime soon. what i was trying to do was address a problem and hope that it can right itself. and the simple fact is, her career is not what it used to be and there's definitely similarities to her recent roles. i'm aware that there's highs and lows in every career, nor do i judge a career by blockbusters and oscars (the former was never of interest to her anyway and the latter is so fickle). and, yes, working with haynes, polanski, soderbergh, and reitman are definitely in line with the sort of choices she makes and should be making. but there's no denying that those finished products don't stand as any of her best work nor of the directors-some things just sound better on paper. people used to use words like fearless and ballsy to describe her but her choices of late have hardly been risky. like i said, i love kate winslet. i only want the best for her. which is why divergent intrigues me. this isn't the type of movie she normally does. this roles is certainly a departure from what we'd expect from her. and i'd like nothing better than to write another piece in a year declaring all this fuss unnecessary.
She should already have two Oscars: One for Little Children and the other for Revolutionary Road.
She will always be one of my top 5 favourite actresses.
I'm more "concerned" about the careers of Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry and Hilary Swank than I am about Kate's trajector, to be honest.
Great article, even if I don't wholly agree with it. Kate used to be my favourite actress. I actually loved The Reader, and Eternal Sunshine/Little Children/Finding Neverland came out when I was a teenager and falling in love with movies and acting, and she was a huge part of what drew me to love cinema as much as I still do today. But lately, I don't know what happened. I thought she was okay in Contagion, nothing remarkable, but it wasn't a movie for remarkable acting anyway. Then I thought she was the weakest link in Carnage - and I had never thought Kate Winslet was the weakest link in anything! I haven't seen Labor Day yet (it hasn't come out in the UK), but the trailers haven't impressed me.
I have to admit her personal life and the way she's been presenting herself lately has turned me off from her. Her interviews seem so defensive and unnecessarily harsh and just unlike the Kate I fell in love with. I kind of judge her more for taking on Divergent than Movie 43... But I have high hopes for A Little Chaos and The Dressmaker, and I'll always watch a Kate Winslet movie because it's Kate, and she's too great for me to give up on her. So hopefully there will be better choices and better films in the future, I can't imagine Kate Winslet running out of those.
She should've won for Revolutionary Road instead of The Reader, but a few rocky years doesn't mean much especially with the career she had before. I'm not a huge fan, but I definitely think she'll have a career resurgence. She seems like the type of actress that could get Oscar roles into old age and still be frequently nominated.
Paul Outlaw: Why are you concern with Hilary Swank's career? Aren't her two Best Actress Oscars enough?
Anna, I don't find her interviews harsh at all but I do think they're defensive. That's probably because of the criticism she gets for her unconventional love life, though. Maybe she feels the pressure of being judged more harshly and thus gets defensive. I don't blame her for feeling that way; the criticism about her private life is unbelievably rude.
Now that I think about it, maybe (unfair) criticism about her relationships made her uncomfortable with stepping back into the starrier, buzzed Hollywood studio pictures that a lot of her fellow A list contemporaries are doing. I think she's always been on the outside looking in because she's always done her own thing, as if she has one foot in Hollywood and the other outside of it. Right now, I think she has both feet outside. I have a feeling she's worried about being judged harshly by her peers or something, so she's picking smaller stuff by less acclaimed/known directors (A Little Chaos & The Dressmaker). Maybe she needs a little boost to assure her that she's still well loved. I don't think she's feeling the love that people absolutely do have for her, and it's probably to do with how she feels extremely judged about her private life. That's just my two cents. I just thought of all this because I remembered her recent interview with Scott Feinberg in which she said in the industry it's harder for women to deal with judgments impacting their lives. I just wish she knew that her bullies are in the minority!
Kate should have won the Oscar for Sense and Sensibility. That she lost to Mira Sorvino still pains me. She won the BAFTA that year!
I don't think she was ever going to win an Oscar for Revolutionary Road, no matter how deserving. Though I thought she was brilliant, a lot of people hated that movie. The direction was heavy handed and self-conscious.
Kate did win an honorary Cesar last year. Though why, I'm not sure.
I'm sure we'll see her triumphing again before too long. But I do agree she needs to take more chances. Or maybe her energies are elsewhere.
3rtful: Read it again with the sarcasm glasses on. I am not the least bit concerned about the careers of any of the women I named, least of all Winslet. (Although Swank's two Oscars won't keep her warm at night...or on the A-list, it seems.)
I actually felt her rut began with both Reader and Revolutionary Road, both performances were overly studied, baldly Oscar-hungry and loove-me desperate for viewer identification. A far cry from her best, spontaneous, prickly work.
To a lesser extent, I feel the same way about her work in Little Children. (Then again, Barbara Stanwyck in 1941 wouldn't have been able to sell that Bovary monologue. Yeesh)
I haven't actually seen anything she's done since 2008, including Mildred Pierce (she seemed very stiff in the promotional clips so it put me off potentially risking 6-hours of her doing that). So I can't comment on her post-Oscar work. But I do really miss how, even when she popped up in underwritten roles in Oscar-hungry turgidities (Finding Neverland), she was just so alive.
I feel like Reese Witherspoon - although a far lesser actress - has followed a similar pattern. From her hungry, fearless genius in Pleasantville/Election/Freeway/Legally Blonde to graduate to the studied, off-putting self-consciousness of Sweet Home Alabama/Rendition/Vanity Fair (who would put that much effort into diluting every. single. negative trait from Becky Sharp, the most likable, fabulous and compelling bitch in 18th century literature) etc etc. It's just sad.
She took the DIVERGENT paycheck so now lets see her do something that will bring Oscar nomination #7.
Am I the only person that loved her in The Reader, that performance still haunts me to this day. Even the awful old age make up they put her in did not diminish that performance for me. Her characterization and the moments of quiet where she held all that guilt and pain in, brilliant work.
Proof is one of the best movie i have ever seen.
I think Jocelyn Moorhouse can do it again. The Dressmaker will be an Aussie movie like Proof. No pressure from Hollywood studios.
Adam -- ah yes, Proof was pretty great (the australian movie with that title i mean!)
A Little Chaos is on my list of most anticipated. Sounds like a lot of fun, and will hopefully bring Kate back to the worlds of Holy Smoke and Eternal Sunshine.
I hate the idea the her Oscar for The Reader was undeserved. Homework for everybody: see the movie again. She is excellent in it.
Well, winning an Oscar seems like the highest honor, but enough actresses and actors didn't have successful careers at all.
But everyone wants it, no matter what. *sigh*
As strange as it sounded, but Winslet made it clear that she really REALLY wanted to win in 2008. And who can blame her at all?
After 5 previous losses... it's understandable. And the role was baity as hell.
Anne Hathaway was/still is hated for her "fake reactions" whenever she has won an award. Unfortunate, but she did not wanted to act "desperate", because after only one loss (because of Winslet) and "only" two nominations.... she was not seen as "due" like Winslet.
In the mean time Winslet won an Emmy. For real, she's now only one Tony away from being an EGOT.
She has a third child now, a third husband..... and still a future.
You can't really "exclude" Winslet's Emmy-winning brilliance in "Mildred Pierce" and say that her career is in turmoil. Her caree will weather this "storm" just fine. More television snobbery bullshit. I bet those same people will bristle if she ever decides to make the move from film to series television. Heaven forbid. But whatever. Let her be happy for a time with Ned Rock'n'Roll and Bear. Silly white people nonsense? YES, but if she can't be with Leo, so be it. I don't think the Oscars are done with her either. No Susan Sarandon syndrome here (hey, my high school English teacher would be so proud of my use of alliteration, heh!). She's most likely poised to break Meryl's record, if you ask me. Though I would want to see more A-list dramatic roles and less "Divergent" type mainstream filler.
Sonja, did Kate win a Grammy?
she actually won her grammy first! in 2000 for best spoken word album for children: listen to the storyteller.
Oh, sure, act until you're 90...unless you star in the 2009 BAFTA winner for Best British film against Michael Fassbender, one of the biggest stars (and best actors) in the world right now and hold your own against the guy. :( Do you understand how increasingly, seethingly angry I am at the massively backwards, corrupt and ADD-addled British film industry!?
volvagia -- but you don't know why her career didn't work out. some young untrained actors who make a movie don't like it. It's possible that she walked away? do we know? (re: Katie Jarvis... it would help if you explained to people who you are talking about) didn't she have a baby? maybe she just wasn't interested?
And she's only 38 now, even cameron diaz is older than her!
great actress, but i think she didnt have any backlash after her oscar win,
She has won emmy and nominated for globe ever since