All Mariah Carey Wants for Christmas is LEGO

This time of year you'd expect to hear Mariah Carey's name because of people like me starting their Christmas music early. Today, Christmas comes early and we got the news that she is lending her voice to The LEGO Batman Movie.
Wait... what??
How delightfully bonkers! This is the kind of news Glitter enthusiasts have been waiting 15 years to hear: the opportunity for Mariah to once again give us full camp. Originally reported to be playing Commissioner Gordon (because that would be too insane for our tender hearts), she is instead voicing the mayor of Gotham. This isn't the Mariah Carey political comedy we deserve, but the one we need.
Jokes aside, Mariah delightfully exceeded our low expectations in Precious with a performance as honest as any in that lively ensemble. She proved there that given the chance to try something different, she's still an engaging performer, so why not welcome another cinematic left turn. Oddball, unexpected casting such as this also promises that even without the original's directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller the follow-up will still preserve the original's madcap wit. Rosario Dawson is also playing Batgirl, so this is a win for us all.
Reader Comments (5)
Having her play Commissioner Gordon would have been some really original batshit crazy casting & messed with fanboys' minds. Shame it's not happening.
I *love* her performance in Precious and still think she could have snared an Oscar nomination for it. She's known to be very insecure about her looks, so the fact that her performance was so free of vanity was a revelation.
Mariah picking cotton remains a bonkers highlight of The Butler.
She's the greatest human being in the history of the world. I love her so fucking much. <3
This should be pretty awesome. The voice cast is intriguing already.