Outstanding Achievement in Abs: Alexander Skarsgård

It's our first non fan-photoshopped look at Alexander Skarsgård as Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. It's apparently been retitled (?) The Legend of Tarzan and will open July 1st, 2016. Another image and the first poster after the jump...
Reader Comments (16)
aka Beauty Break OMG
With Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz. Is this Tarantino''s Tarzan?
The first two are great but the second screams "crazy eyes!" I mean, can't blame a guy raised in a jungle for being crazy, but, you know.
Impressive but what the hell is Tarzan doing in PANTS!? He went through all that work and no loincloth?
Did he go shopping at H&M for those chinos before being raised in the jungle? How does he know what a zipper fly even is?
This is going to be BAD. He looks great though.
Tarzan is modeling the Adam Levine collection from Kmart.
maybe somebody skipped leg day
Skarsgard looks great, a bit strange with the pants, but abs to die for. Missed him since "True Blood" ended. He made those last 2 seasons somewhat bearable.
But he has to be able to sling through the jungle on vines, that is not optional. (Imho)
He looks good; but why is Tarzan wearing pants. Love the poster -my favorite screen Tarzan is Mike Henry
I would assume the pants are from the section when he goes to England (or wherever in this version) and then returns to the jungle. Pre-civilzation Tarzan would/should be naked, and we know Skarsgård has no problems with that.
All this talk about Tarzan's pants reminds me of X-Men 3 when Phoenix is shredding Wolverine's clothes and skin off his body, except conveniently near his groin. Of course the movie makers wanted to keep the movie family friendly, but it just ended up looking ridiculous.
Tarzan's pants here: ridiculous. He did have clothes in the book, but they weren't evenly sewed pants complete with a fly!
Why do they always have to go too far? He used to be perfect. Now it looks like his abs are trying to swallow the rest of his body.
I actually agree in part. He looks gym buff, not natural buff. Guys don't get abs like that if they're just chillin' in the jungle for their whole life. But I guess maybe he skipped out of the trees and went to a gym and stopped off at a clothing store before going home.
He was so sexy in DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL. Statutory rape notwithstanding.
RE: pants & physique
From Tarzan of the Apes (1912) by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Chapter 13: "His Own Kind":
"Then he determined to filch what few garments he could from one of the black men of Mbonga's village, for Tarzan of the Apes had decided to mark his evolution from the lower orders in every possible manner, and nothing seemed to him a more distinguishing badge of manhood than ornaments and clothing.
"To this end, therefore, he collected the various arm and leg ornaments he had taken from the black warriors who had succumbed to his swift and silent noose, and donned them all after the way he had seen them worn."
"His straight and perfect figure, muscled as the best of the ancient Roman gladiators must have been muscled, and yet with the soft and sinuous curves of a Greek god, told at a glance the wondrous combination of enormous strength with suppleness and speed.
A personification, was Tarzan of the Apes, of the primitive man, the hunter, the warrior.
With the noble poise of his handsome head upon those broad shoulders, and the fire of life and intelligence in those fine, clear eyes, he might readily have typified some demigod of a wild and warlike bygone people of his ancient forest.
But of these things Tarzan did not think. He was worried because he had not clothing to indicate to all the jungle folks that he was a man and not an ape, and grave doubt often entered his mind as to whether he might not yet become an ape."
This movie is going to be a snooze fest, but dat Skarsgaard is a man of dreams so maybe that's ok.