Tack för det, Magnolia. A Blurb Whore Triumph!

Thanks to Kyle Turner (who guest-starred on one our Smackdown podcasts last year) who alerted me to this little blurb on the DVD of Force Majeure (I have not seen the DVD. Just this tweeted snapshot)
I was completely unaware of this and was not contacted by Magnolia Pictures. The quote looks a little weird out of context (the humor is very cerebral but it was, to me and the theater I was in at TIFF, indeed "hilarious") and fused together like that. Here was my original capsule review if you're curious. The film eventually came in at #12 in my Best of the Year list.
I guess this means I have to buy a physical copy.
It'll be fun to see this in real life. Especially since it's a Scandinavian film and an Oscar submission and I'm always seeking both kinds of movies out at film festivals. It's just too bad it wasn't nominated. Magnolia recently picked up "Tangerine" which I loved loved loved at Sundance. So feel free to quote away on that, Magnolia!
Reader Comments (10)
Congratulations on becoming a "blurb whore" - it's a nice feather in your cap.
I really enjoyed Force Majeure, especially that avalanche scene at the beginning, setting up the emotional powder keg to follow. Also, as a skier I loved the setting.
Buy a copy? They should be sending you free ones!
wow, congrats!
hoping this kind of thing will invite more reader for this wonderful blog
My favorite movie of 2014!
It is always cool to have a review of yours quoted on a subsequent book or product. Publishers don't contact reviewers about this stuff; I think reviews are considered public domain. Anyway, congrats. It's validating!
If "Out of Nature" ever makes it to DVD, I'm hopeful we'll see '"A FINE MANLY ASS' - The Film Experience" on the front cover.
That's so cool! Congrats!
Unrelated, but this is a great article Nathaniel:
DVD blurb today, being name dropped in an Oscar acceptance speech tomorrow!
But you haven't really made it til you get trashed by Fashion Police.
Congrats on the blurb.