What's the best scene from summer movie season?

Team Experience will be sharing highlights of their summer viewing in a week but until then, out of curiousity... What would you name the best single scene of the summer movie season? Here are a bakers dozen of candidates that thrilled yours truly...
• Chez Andie. Magic Mike XXL
• The Opera House. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (and where the hell has this Rebecca Ferguson woman been all our lives?)
• The Dream. Inside Out
• A Dangerous Dance. Tom at the Farm
• Furiosa vs. Max. Mad Max: Fury Road - That chained throwdown with Immortan Joe's harem as audience
• Saving the Barn. Far From the Madding Crowd. Schoenaerts to the rescue!
• Karaoke Night. I'll See You In My Dreams
• Birth of The Vision. Avengers: Age of Ultron. Damn but it's good to see Paul Bettany floating, mysterious, forehead bejewelled, and airbrushed red
• Laced Drink. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Elizabeth Debicki is everything, in OR out of focus
• Nested Flashback. Ant-Man. Starring Michael Peña
• Commercial on Loop. The D Train Jack Black's James Marsden obsession begins
• Stepmom Stakes Claim. Ricki and the Flash. It's always special and too rare to see an actress challenge Meryl Streep to a duel in a face off scene. Go Audra!
• Visiting an Old Friend. Grandma. It's been a good summer for Sam Elliott. See also: I'll See You In My Dreams
I wanted to list something from A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence but since the whole thing is brilliant short vignettes, it would take up half the list.
Please do share your favorites!
Reader Comments (27)
"The Opera House" sequence because it's pure cinema- and manages to pay a great hommage to Hitchcock's "The Man Who Knew Too Much".
The scene in which Ava try's out her skin for the first time from Ex Machina.
Rose Byrne's delightful story about the sad clown.
The ending of Phoneix.
Of course Julianne Moore really letting it go in Maps to the Stars
Oscar Isaac dancing in Ex Machina
Yeah, the first one that comes to mind is the "sad clown" speech from Spy. Followed by the end credits scenes from Inside Out.
-The hotel room scene between Melissa McCarthy and Jason Stathom in Spy
-The brother's letter scene in Testament of Youth
-The karaoke scene in I'll See You in My Dreams
When the credits rolled on Fantastic Four. Oh, I'm sorry. You said scene not moment, lol. In all seriousness:
-Riley breaking down at the end of Inside Out.
-Ultron and Vision's final conversation.
-Easy-E learning he has HIV.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure there's a few more, though.
"Free Skating" - Inside Out. Sometimes it's the quiet moments that work the best.
The Furiosa vs. Max scene is terrific. The climax scene of Ex Machina is pretty darn riveting as well.
No Vaseline sequence in Straight Outta Compton
Have you seen Mistress America? I loved it, it's hilarious. The whole middle section -which takes place at a mansion in Connecticut- is incredible.
I would also offer up a scene from Mistress America, but didn't care as much for the mansion sequence (elements of behaviour I struggled to suspend disbelief for, though I LOVED the pregnant character!)... but for me the "Welcome to the Great White Way!" awkward character intoduction was just so brilliantly performed, and the sequence which followed felt magical. No wonder Tracy wrote a short story!
Martin Starr singing the song he wrote in I'll See You in My Dreams
"Ex Machina" isn't really a summer film is it?
Anyway, I put in a vote for the Baa Baa Shop Quintet scene from "Shaun the Sheep Movie."
So so so many to pick from. Off my head.
- Ending of Fury Road
- Ending of Magic Mike XXL
- Nelly learning the truth about her husband in Phoenix.
Carwash in Tangerine.
The scene in Inside Out where they are trying to escape from the valley on Bing-Bong's rocket.
Mine is the opening scene in Straight Outta Compton
I (L) Rebecca Ferguson
Rebecca Ferguson played Queen Elizabeth Woodville in a BBC adaptation of the historical novel The White Queen two years ago. Her husband, King Edward IV, was played by Max Irons and her mother by Janet McTeer.
Funeral in "Trainwreck", punctuated by Tilda Swinton getting the movie's best, most left-field punchline.
Jonathan -- yeah, I left out anything released before the May 1st weekend.
SanFran -- ooh yeah, that was a good one.
Coco -- i haven;t yet seen it. I know i'm slacking!
I know this movie isn't very popular with viewers of this site, but my favorite moment came from Jurassic World. When those gates opened for the first time and the camera panned up and showed the entire park and that familiar music came on; I felt like I was 8 years old again.
And Rebecca Ferguson has been getting some good publicity from MI: RN. She is rumored to get the lead in Girl on a Train, a Amy Dunne good role. However, that role was supposed to be Emily Blunt's. so let see what happens.
a burglary and shootout at a store at in Slow West. That movie is fantastic, sad to see it slip unappreciated.
Glad to see some "Tom at the Farm" appreciation. Dolan's first few films didn't do much for me, but I kept waiting for something to click - "Laurence" was great but "Tom" is now my favorite of his, so unpredictable and atmospheric.
Daniel Armour: Good one. Advice to Fox: Go Sunny or Sell.
A few more to consider...
-That laundromat scene in Tangerine
-The restaurant kitchen fight scene in Spy
-Bomer singing 'Heaven' in Magic Mike XXL
-Winslet giving Rickman the rose as she's presented to court in A Little Chaos
-The (first) phone call scene with Malcolm and his friends reacting to his "lunch" in his backpack in Dope
-When Amy wakes up the next morning and is absolutely horrified she ended up in Staten Island in Trainwreck (mostly for my theater's collective reaction)
-That super awkward family dinner scene in Ricki and the Flash
-That whole toy train fight scene in Ant-Man and actually even before that... with their iPhone infused suitcase battle
@tom I think Blunt and Ferguson are to be co-stars in Girl on the Train.
Best Scene I Can Think Of:
- The Look of Silence: Where one of the Pancasila Youth recounts murdering our primary subject's brother drinking blood nonchalantly while his daughter sits next to him, hearing this for the first time and getting mortified more and more.
Like holy fucking shit.
Others I Loved:
- Spy: Any of Jason Statham's "I'm so tough" lines. I watched the woman I love get thrown out of a plane and hit by another plane in mid-air, I fucking made this suit didn't I, I am immune to 130 different poisons I know because I ingested them all at once in an underground poison drinking ring, etc. Just any one of those lines are killer.
- Mad Max Fury Road: The fucking Doof Warrior's first appearance.
- Inside Out: After-credits cat appearance. Yeah, I'm a cat guy (and a dog guy - My Bruno made an appearance in my Jurassic Park HMWYBS video), fuck with me.