Jungle Book Teaser

Manuel here to give you a glimpse into a Disney Live Action Phase 2 teaser trailer.
Yes, Maleficent paved the way ($758 worldwide) and Cinderella was a modest hit ($542 million worldwide), so Disney will continue remaking their own animated classics until… well, until they run out of them I’m sure. Next year brings another one: Jon Favreau’s take on The Jungle Book (not to be confused with Jungle Book: Origins which will come out in 2017 and be directed by Andy Serkis).
You would be easily confused seeing as how this trailer’s most chilling moment comes courtesy of a Planet of the Apes-looking ape...
King Louie was always slightly terrifying, but not like this. If this teaser is any indication, we’re in for another “darker retelling,” though the final beats suggest we’re likely to get Bill Murray’s rendition of "Bare Necessities."
Oh, and I didn’t even mention the fact that Samantha apparently now lives inside a CGI snake; who knew? (But seriously, Scarlett, couldn’t you at least make a little effort? You've been so great, but apart from some lisping, this is <snake>Her</snake>)
But here, take a look for yourself; the entire teaser is all about brief glimpses of darkened spaces, gorgeous landscapes, epic animal fights and... well, that's about it.
Bring it on in the comments: has this any chance of being anything other than a cash-grab? Are you also wondering why the trailer isn’t all about Lupita’s Raksha slash why it seems like it’ll be forever and a day until we see her face back on the screen?
Reader Comments (8)
I don't know how I feel about this. Some of the shots looked gorgeous and others looked Alice in Wonderland bad. And I'm kind of worried about the tone?? Could be great, though. At least it's adventurous.
This one looks nowhere near as good as Cinderella, but maybe (hopefully?) better than Maleficent. Ugh.
Visually interesting I guess. But I still am not particularly interested in these live action updates
It looks like a very expensive version of " Tarzan: the Early Years"
Was never really interested in this film, but I may still see it. I'm much more intrigued to see how exactly a live-action BEAUTY & THE BEAST will look on screen.
Ryan T.: In spite of having seen the Cocteau version, I have to admit that it seems like insane folly to specifically bring Disney's animated version to live-action. A talking clock in live-action is, if mishandled, the stuff of accidental horror. The typical reaction to Polar Express x 100.
I wish it was more puppets. :( At least they cast an Indian actor.
If Maleficent inspired anything it should be some very deep soul-searching on Disney's part, not continued remakes. This is sure to be awful. Ugh.