Curio: Lloyd Stratton Ilustration

Alexa here with your weekly art break. In my regular perusal of the amazing artwork showcased in Little White Lies, I immediately noticed the work of Lloyd Stratton. He crafts incredibly detailed, often pointillist illustrations with pencil or a Pigma micron pen, sometimes adding digital elements, but oftentimes not. His images of works in progress, documented on his Instagram, are just as amazing as his final pieces. Here is a selection of some of his illustrations of actors and filmmakers. He inspires me to doodle more...
Work in progress of Rob Pattinson in Life
Ryan Gosling sketched while watching The Place Beyond the Pines
Sketching the film Blind
LWL cover devoted to the film Blind
Portrait of Catherine Breillat featured in the magazine
Working on Magic Mike torso
Final Magic Mike XXL illustration for LWL
Walter White portrait print
You can see more on his website, and buy prints at his shop.

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