Podcast: Whodunnit and Whydtheydoit... "The Hateful Eight"

When the cats away the mice will play? Something like that. This week's two part podcast marks the very first without your host (none of you needed to hear me whine about The Hateful Eight again! -- plus I was sick the day of the recording). So let's see what Nick, Katey and Joe think of it in this sure to be exciting conversation; I only have a vague notion of what they each thought of it so can't wait to listen with all of you!
24 minutes
00:01 Introductions & Teasings
02:00 Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight: moviegoing crowds, racial & gender controveries, Agatha Christie mysteries
19:00 Reader Question: Three comedy performances that went wildly underappreciated this past year. Nick, Katey and Joe each pick a favorite.
Part 2 will be up shortly
You can listen to the podcast here at the bottom of the post or download from iTunes.
Reader Comments (4)
After "Django," I started to grow really uninterested in what Tarantino was offering, and after the negative response from critics I respect, I think I will just pass.
Great question from anony. One of my favorite under-appreciated comedic performances is Adam Driver in "While We're Young." He had great chemistry with every scene partner, plus he made me understand the questionable/deceitful actions he takes in the movie, even if I didn't agree with them. The drive (no pun intended) he infuses into the character propels a lot of the movie forward, as well as informs a lot of his relationships to other characters. Really great work from him.
Tarantino has addressed homosexuality twice in his filmography and it has always been gay panic. From the rape in Pulp Fiction to the demeaning of Bruce Dern's son through a gay sex act --- he doesn't have a cinematic opinion for queer characters outside of the perspective of a grossed out twelve year old.
I would love to see Tarantino ACTUALLY take on an Agatha Christie-style mystery. As in, one where we deal with legitimate clues, the outcome has an emotional impact and he's stringing us along with a puzzle we can solve. This was not any of that. I'm also floored Leigh is getting so much attention - can other actresses in Hollywood not manage the same groans and disgusting lip licking? It was barely a performance.
Hi are there any Hateful Eight spoilers in this podcast?