Posterized: Tom Hiddleston

Photography by Charlie GrayWelcome to Actors Month. We'll try to concentrate on the men for the next 30 days just for a change of pace. (Though obviously Actresses are never far from our hearts so we won't ignore them entirely). So let's kick things off with Tom Hiddleston. I Saw the Light, a biopic of Hank Williams expands into over 700 theaters today. While I can't recommend the film which is DOA without any of its own energy or insight and contains every single rise and addictive fall trope from every music biopic ever produced.
BUT at least Tom gets to sing (every note in fact) and he has a fine voice so hopefully we'll hear it again in a future film?
The internet's ex-boyfriend (he's been replaced by Oscar Isaac we hear) has been famous for just five years now having risen to fame very quickly via Thor (2011) and his rendition of lying Loki.
He has made 14 pictures. How many have you seen?
Next up: The thriller High-Rise isn't technically open yet in the States though a lot of people have seen it elsewhere and at festivals. So there's that and it'll be quickly followed by the well reviewed BBC series The Night Manager which hits BBC America soon. For 2017 he'll be headlining Kong: Skull Island, though he's playing second fiddle to the world's most famous giant ape and he has one last date with that horned helmet as Loki in Thor: Ragnarok.
Reader Comments (35)
I'm sure you're serious, but timing "Actor's Month" with April Fool's Day is pretty funny given TFE's usual interests.
Not Sold on him yet,seems like he's cut from the Cookie Cutter Posh Boy brigade.
ugh, THE DEEP BLUE SEA was a dream
ZERO lol
I've seen most of them, 10 - Thor, Midnight in Paris, The Deep Blue Sea, War Horse, Avengers, Only Lovers Left Alive, Thor 2, Muppets Most Wanted, Crimson Peak and High Rise. I Saw the Light hasn't come out in the UK yet but I'll definitely see it. I like Tom Hiddleston a lot. I met him a few times before Avengers/the insane tumblr fandom took over, and he was always so lovely.
I've seen 5. Only Lovers Left Alive is SO GOOD, and it turned me into a Hiddles man.
Five, which will probably become seven or eight once I'm done catching up. (Or should I avoid Exhibition?)
Six. I admit he's one of my screen crushes, even if he hasn't completely delivered on his potential yet.
ONLY LOVERS was such a gem.
Looking forward to HIGH RISE and THE NIGHT MANAGER. Disappointed that I SAW THE LIGHT is apparently such a clunker. I love him, but not enough to see a bad movie for him.
Also, I kinda wish ten years ago someone had done Eugene O'Neill's A LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT with Michael Fassbender and TH playing the two brothers. Maybe throw in Christopher Plummer and Vanessa Redgrave as their parents?
I've seen 8 plus the BBC production of " The Night Manager". I rate him very highly, and when America sees him in "The Night Manager" they are going to go crazy (again) for him.
He does have the odd miss, "Crimson Peak" wasn't as good as I expected. However he is clearly extremely talented both on screen and on stage.
I'm the opposite of the internet, I think Oscar Issac has talent but Tom Hiddleston does much more for me.
Archipelago and especially Unrelated are really good. I wasn't that into Exhibition, but I suspect that it was partly because I wasn't in the right mood the day I watched it. Anyway, my point is that Joanna Hogg's movies deserve way more attention.
LadyEdith: Yeah, I'm the same way. I didn't think Oscar Isaac even showed sustained promise until Ex Machina, because, sorry, I just did not GET Llewyn Davis.
"The Deep Blue Sea" made me want to see Hiddleston in a film adaptation of Mary Renault's "The Charioteer".
Wow! What a dream version of "Long Day's Journey into Night" you've concocted. Every one of your four casting suggestions is perfection. Now, where did I put my time machine?
Volvagia - always reassuring to know it's not just me.
Dan - I loved "The Deep Blue Sea" both Hiddleston and Rachel W. were sublime.
Now I will have to look up Mary Renault and "The Charioteer" - you've got me curious.
Tom Hiddleston IS... LOKI!!!! ....because that's all I've ever seen him in.
Do have high Popcorn hopes for "Skull Island" though!
I've seen Muppets Most Wanted several times because my daughter loves it, but I literally had no idea that Tom Hiddleston was in it until now.
I seen six: Thor, Midnight in Paris, The Deep Blue Sea, The Avengers, Only Lovers Left Alive, and Crimson Peak.
All excellent films, but I really love The Deep Blue Sea and Crimson Peak.
I can't wait for High Rise.
But to answer the Hiddleston question? 6 seen (Thor, War Horse, The Avengers, Thor 2, Only Lovers Left Alive, Crimson Peak), with 5 I'd want to (Joanna Hogg x3, Midnight in Paris, The Deep Blue Sea)
Eight. I really need to get around to seeing the Joanna Hogg films.
Surprised to realise I'd seen 7. Looking forward to THE NIGHT MANAGER and HIGH RISE. Hope one day to get round to ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE.
I've been meaning to try Joanna Hogg's films but what's the best one to start with? @Jan?
Just the big 'uns: Thor, Midnight in Paris, War Horse, The Avengers, Thor again, Only Lovers Left Alive. He seems good as Hank Williams but I heard the movie sucks.
Oscar Isaac is replaceing Tom Hiddleston as Internet Boyfriend ?
Is Internet so small for the two ?
Only four!!! (Paris, Deep Blue Sea, War Horse & Lovers). Is one of my lowest ever! I'm devastated.
Cash -- lol. He's kind of hard to miss in it because he looks delicious in long johns :) -- he's one of the prisoners in Tina Fey's section of the movie.
I've only seen 7. He caught my interest as Loki, then I fell in love with him in The Hollow Crown series (Henry IV, parts 1 & 2, Henry V). Of course I liked him better as Henry V than Prince Hal, who is kind of a shallow wastrel.
Then I watched him read Shakespearean sonnets on YouTube. I just don't hear a lot of guys doing love poems with sincerity and skill. So of course he was the perfect lover for the always fascinating Tilda Swinton in Only Lovers Left Alive.
And I was a big fan of Crimson Peak this year. That central trio is so wonderful: Hiddleston, Chastain, Wasikowska. And the lush design!
It seems sometimes like not many actors are willing to play a romantic lead, and capable of doing it well. To listen to a woman and act as though her well being is more important to you than your own, seems to be out of many modern actors range.
I've seen four (Thor- ooh I rhymed!, Midnight in Paris, Avengers, and The Deep Blue Sea).
I agree with Kimberly S., we must be allowed numerous internet boyfriends. While I appreciate the new guys we must not forget the classics!
Only Midnight in Paris. Looking forward to seeing High Rise.
Just 6. He's never done a huge amount for me, but he's really special in Unrelated. In Deep Blue Sea, I think he's very good, but Weisz is operating on another level entirely.
It's easier to list what I haven't seen: War Horse, Muppets Most Wanted, High Rise, I Saw the Light
And I'm not a fan. He's very good in Joanna Hogg's films Unrelated and Archipelago, but I thought he was utterly dire in both Only Lovers Left Alive and The Deep Blue Sea (amateur hour--nearly tanks the film). I also think it's quite strange that he's okay in the first Thor but kind of terrible in The Avengers. He also seemed a bit miscast at times in Crimson Peak.
Fantastic blog you have here. You’ll discover me looking at your stuff often. Saved!
Thor, Thor 2, Avengers, Midnight in Paris, War Horse, Deep Blue Sea, Exhibition, Muppets Most Wanted, Crimson Peak. I doubt I'll ever see I Saw The Light, but I'll check out High Rise despite my ambivalence towards Ben Wheatley. I actually really want to see the other two Joanna Hogg movies since I liked Exhibition so much (which I reviewed right here at TFE Although for those unaware, Hiddleston is in Exhibition for all of about three minutes.
5. Do more deep blue sea Tom.
Thanks, Glenn.
I've seen two - Midnight in Paris and The Avengers. Can't say much about his talent yet, sometimes he's charming and occassionally he's kinda sexy, but otherwise he does nothing for me.