And the Season 8 Drag Race Winner is...

Last night, our favorite reality not-so-guilty pleasure wrapped up it's eighth season. RuPaul's Drag Race definitely came back strong this season after the underwhelming seventh stumbled. This crop of queens was among the most talented and dynamic, resulting in the show's best top three ever. Whether the eventual winner would be the boisterous Bob the Drag Queen, the heartwarming and inventive Kim Chi, or the glamazon Naomi Smalls, we the adoring audience could hardly complain.
After each of them performed fun lipsyncs to original tracks (available on iTunes *wink*), their individual interviews provided the night's best entertainment: Bob got a video message from Carol Channing praising her Snatch Game win to Bob's aghast tears; Kim dished on her relationship with her mother (who still has no knowledge of Kim's success) and delivered the night's best read aimed at the Pit Crew; Naomi gushed about the approval from her idol Naomi Campbell and shared hugs with her giant family.
But which queen is America's Next Drag Superstar? We'll avoid spoilers (if you haven't yet watched) and save the crowning for after the jump!...
Yes, our winner walked into the competition (all together now) PURSE FIRST. Congrats to Bob the Drag Queen!
As much as Kim and Naomi gave her a run for her money, in hindsight the competition always belonged to Bob. She won our hearts before the season even began and had the unrelenting drive to win, accepting her rare stumbles in stride. She won the most challenges (including that flatlined Snatch Game) and always served complete charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent.
I may have been rooting for Kim to take the crown, but my fingers were crossed for Cynthia Lee Fontaine to take Miss Congeniality. That title has often served as more of a consolation prize to a deserving queen who missed out on the top 3, so her chances didn't seem high against the likes of Chi Chi DeVayne and Thorgy Thor. Luckily, this year the prize went to a true sweetheart, Miss Cucu herself. After a recent battle with liver cancer, it's hard to not be thrilled for this somewhat divisive queen!
Now on to the coming All Stars season and next year's season 9!
What queens do you want to see on All Stars 2? Are you happy that Bob won?
Reader Comments (13)
I never care for Bob (I have to say the drag name is brilliant tough) always felt he was trying to hard. As for all stars I have one think to say: ALASKA 'S REVENGE!...
Bob was inevitable but I would've preferred Kim Chi. At least she was doing something new better than anyone else who came before her. Bob is like the best parts of your favorite queens from previous seasons, watered down by 20 percent. Solid B+ in every category, which gives the illusion of straight A's because he's got them all.
I also have no idea what Bob's aesthetic is. There's no story or character in his looks whatsoever. And his makeup skills are passable. At best he could say he doesn't need an aesthetic or tight looks because he's a performer, which...yeah.
This was a great season. It had, across the board, more talent than any other season. I feel like so many of them would have been top 3 for other seasons - Acid Betty, Thorgy, ChiChi (who got so much better as the season went on), Cynthia, etc. - even though they went home early this season.
These finales though ... the scripted "funnies" from Michelle Visage, Ross Matthews and Carson Kressley after the performances make me puke in my mouth a little bit. For the finale, cut the judges. We don't need them anymore.
As for All Stars, bring on ... Alaska (yesssss!), Latrice (although it won't happen), Phi Phi (we all need a villain), and Courtney Act & Derrick Barry (who's the better Britney?). But in the end, who cares? I love them all.
Anyone else see Miss Fame on the front page of the other day at Cannes? Why is Miss Fame at Cannes? Craziness ... in a good way!
Totally agree about the finales, CharlieG.
Somehow producers manage to make the show's climax the most joyless, artificial, unsatisfying part of the whole season. When Carson said "Bob the Drag Queen? More like Bob the Superstar!" I wanted to die. And since they film it three ways, even the energy in the crowd and winners' reactions are all fake.
I know Rupaul is all about artifice, but it's a very sour note for the season to end on each year. You'd think that eight seasons in, it'd be time to do a truly live show.
Kim Chi is the best look-driven queen the show has ever had, but Bob commands the limelight and is far more savvy, quick, and mature (not to slight Ms. Chi- but there just feels like she has a lot of growing to do). A far stronger representative of the show and of drag than the beautiful and creative, but stilted and often awkward, Kim Chi.
As for All Stars: Katya. Katya, Katya, Katya. And everyone needs to watch her webseries with Trixie Mattel, UNHhhhhh....
A fantastic season and Bob a deserving winner, but I would have been happy with any of them winning. I like Bob a lot but a lot of his humor seems a bit derivative from other sources, but I guess Purse First cemented his place in the RPDR iconography.
All-Stars dream : Alaska, Kim Chi, Chi Chi, Katya and Alyssa Edwards!
I attended the finale taping and it was a long affair. I didn't make it all the way through, but it was clear that Bob was the frontrunner. Her interview was longer, but overall her performance that night was more impressive too. Trixie and Katya hosted the pre-show and they were hilarious. I really hope Katya is in the all-star season.
I was Team Kim Chi and I think Ru was too. But the fact that she still hasn't told her mom about her drag probably came into Ru's decision making. Bob makes a great winner, anyway! Plus, this way we will get to see Kim Chi in the future All Stars season (the third one. I need Alyssa or Alaska to win the second All Stars).
The idea that Kim Chi is doing something new--conceptual fashion--and Bob--who can lip sync the house down, dance, act and has a political point of view--is somehow derivative laughable. If the season wasn't enough, please educate yourself with a quick YouTube search.
Can we take a moment to discuss Violet's look. She killed everyone on stage with that entrance.
how on earth was this the strongest top 3 yet? I would easily argue it was the weakest. and the season as a whole was very mediocre. made 7 look much better than it actually was.
the show peaked between seasons 3 and 6. they better right the ship soon because this was anything but entertaining.
Rami - I don't know why you gagging, she bring it to you every season ;)
i wish the top 3 was chi chi, kim chi and bob. but naomi is adorable. so this was one of the best top 3, in the way that everyone was easy to root for and have winning personalities.
this season was great. the drama wasn't artificial and personal. the drama was more constructive and everybody was good at what they do. kim chi's paint is striking. bob is comedic gold, naomi is the supermodel we need.
katya said season 7 contestants were polished but boring. season 8 girls were rough around the edges but exciting. i couldn't agree more.
i was team kim chi but bob was undeniable.