Complete the (Fishy) Sentence

Eager to see where you're at with this since you were so hushed about the review. Have at it in the comments.
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as _____ is to ________."
(Don't feel the need to be too literal)
Reader Comments (21)
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Finding Neverland is to Finding Forrester.
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Florence Foster Jenkins is to Julie and Julia, with the benefit of Simon Helberg's and Nina Arianda's performances, without the boring Julie part, and without the benefit of Stanley Tucci, who is more charming than Hugh Grant.
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as The Golden Palace is to The Golden Girls, i.e., I haven't seen it yet and there's no guarantee I will. (And I still don't entirely get all the fuss about the original.)
I haven't seen either (please sheath thy daggers!) but just as a hunch...
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Concorde: Airport '79 is to The Towering Inferno."
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Antz is to A Bug's Life.
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Drag U is to RPDR.
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as New Coke is to Coke.
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Grease is to Grease 2
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Garden State is to The Graduate.
Joey -- hmmm. going to need justification on that one.
Hayden - LOL
Paul -- don't do it!
Hillary is to Obama
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as John Gavin in a Sirk movie is to Rock Hudson in a Sirk movie.
@ Volvagia
At least you didn't say Rumor Has It...
@ Nat
Are you saying Dory is also must-to-avoid?
What Back to the Future part II was to Back to the Future or what Empire Strikes Back was to A New Hope. We have loved it. I will never look again to an octopus, the same way. Amazing character.
What a great fight for Animated Feature between Zootopia and Finding Dory... what a fight! Can't they just both win?
Finding Dory is to Finding Nemo as Armaggeddon is to Deep Impact: Essentially the same with some différences but very few. I don't hate any of them but I don't love any of them either. Eventually, why bother with any of them when Apollo 13 (Any better Pixar movie) exists?
I LOVED Finding Nemo so much I kinda don't wanna see Finding Dory
Paul -- no! i'm saying. don't watch Golden Palace.
Paul and Rebecca win. I don't even want to post mine now.
Though I kinda like John Gavin.
I like John Gavin too but point taken. fish is to bicycle.
as Macchiato to Espresso.