Beauty Break: Mahershala Ali and the Beach

Chris here, reminding you that recent Oscar winner Mahershala Ali is the gift that keeps on giving. While we haven't been able to enjoy his abilities onscreen since his Best Supporting Actor win for Moonlight, we will soon get a little something special as he costars with Lupita Nyong'o in Jay-Z's much-teased (and apparently naughtily NC-17) visual album that drops on Tidal at the end of the month. After that, he'll have supporting roles in Sundance favorite Roxanne Roxanne and Robert Rodriquez's manga adaptation Alita: Battle Angel next summer.
But speaking of waves, GQ has the actor having some fun in the sun on their newest cover. The actor is as swoonworthy as ever in both the photo spread and interview, though the article doesn't hint at any of those upcoming projects. No matter, just enjoy Ali's breeze in the rest of the spread after the jump...
Which Mahershala is your summer goals?

Reader Comments (14)
OMG, that smile is everything.
I'll take cover Mahershala. I'll pretend that he's drinking orange juice because it's the morning after a terrific night together and he's already dressed because he has a whole day of surprises planned for me.
Le sigh...a boy can dream...
That table scene in Moonlight is gonna be forever in my mind. I hope he gets that chance to do something at least half as good as that scene. He's handsome and good-looking, but these next projects don't scream neither "I am gonna be a superstar" nor "I am gonna be a fabulous art-house actor". I am worried.
I don't think that I've seen him look any sexier or more attractive than in this photo spread. The way that his thighs look in those army green slacks (and because I have a bit of a foot fetish), I'll take curb-sitting Mahershala.
He's been working consistently in a large array of smart television and film projects for nearly two decades now, so I don't feel anxious about his post-Oscar career. Not every actor wants to be a major star or art-house sensation. Some of them merely want to do work that means something to them.
He's wearing way too many clothes in these photos lol
He looks fantastic. He can really rock a printed shirt.
Have loved him since House of Cards.
His Oscar win is so unexpected to see coming but worth it!
I love the look of these images. Makes me wish Woody Allen cared about people of colour and cast Ali in one of his modern vintage throwback movies.
Summer goal: balancing on the lamp over the sea. I would like to be having a carefree blast on a sunny coast where I can pretend that other people exist only as distant scenery.
i choose second to last mahershala [so i can steal that shirt the morning after]
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