I'll link to that 🍸

• YouTube fanmade teaser trailer for Venom with Tom Hardy. Love the use of the Cure lyrics
• My New Plaid Pants a special edition of 'do dump or marry' with Hitchcock classic Rear Window on its 63rd birthday
• Gothamist exciting news for library card holders in LA and NYC -- your public library card actually grants you access to TONS of Criterion Collection streaming titles. Here's how to access them
• Oh My Disney some of the Disney Princess movies are coming back to movie theaters in September and October. YASQUEEN... I mean, YASPRINCESSES. I'm most excited to see Mulan onscreen again because I barely remember it. Seems way too early to revive Moana though.
• EW celebrates the return of Will & Grace with a photoshoot
• Observations on Film Art wonderful piece on Dunkirk's emotional core (or whether it has one), color palette, and more
• Remezcla is the new Chilean film Hazlo como hombre (opening Sept 1st) homophobic or just making fun of homophobia?
• New Yorker Richard Brody is watching 80s action movies he's never seen before! Ha. Somehow the classic Die Hard (1988) had eluded him until now
• Self Styled Siren's bad movie double feature: The Legend of Lylah Clare with Kim Novak and Where Love Has Gone with Susan Hayward
• Coming Soon new clip from Marvel's Inhumans features Medusa's prehensile hair. Ugh, I want this to be good but it does not look good
• THR HFPA, the Golden Globe peeps, just gave away nearly $3 million in scholarships and grants to entertainment non-profits. Well done
• Variety interesting report on a working class actor running for the SAF-AFTRA presidency
• i09 12 things to love about The Lost Boys (1987) that have nothing to do with vampires
• Coming Soon several characters from AHS: Cult revealed
• NYT on the casting of indian actors for Taylor Sheridan's Wind River
• MNPP Hugh Jackman and trainer-in-speedo spend soooo much time at the beach. But the photos are inspiring
• Dress The Part if you have lots of extra cash, here are suggestions for how to 'shop the look' of Atomic Blonde
• Business Insider fascinating study about decision-making and how who you spend time with affects your brainwaves
• Mike's Movie Projector Imelda Staunton never stops. Now she's rehearsing Follies
Reader Comments (5)
The Business Insider link is to TFE's Emoji Movie review.
Offscreen - lots of theater happenings in London this fall with Imelda Staunton, Natalie Dormer, Lesley Sharp, Ben Whishaw, Martin Freeman, Sarah Lancashire, Anne-Marie Duff, Juliet Stevenson (sniff, Truly Madly Deeply)
Can any of Imelda's stage successes translate into a barnstorming film performance soon? Back when the clips of her doing Rose's Turn were on YouTube I'm shocked the theater didn't catch on fire while she was singing. Someone put that genius interpretation on celluloid for the world to see, and soon!
Just saw the trailer for "Hazlo Como Un Hombre" it looks horrible. I mean seriously a gay guy is going to come out to his straight friends while they are naked in the shower? It's not funny it's stupid- and also the use of the word "maricon" as joke is a major turn off.