I'll link to that 🍸

• YouTube fanmade teaser trailer for Venom with Tom Hardy. Love the use of the Cure lyrics
• My New Plaid Pants a special edition of 'do dump or marry' with Hitchcock classic Rear Window on its 63rd birthday
• Gothamist exciting news for library card holders in LA and NYC -- your public library card actually grants you access to TONS of Criterion Collection streaming titles. Here's how to access them
• Oh My Disney some of the Disney Princess movies are coming back to movie theaters in September and October. YASQUEEN... I mean, YASPRINCESSES. I'm most excited to see Mulan onscreen again because I barely remember it. Seems way too early to revive Moana though.
• EW celebrates the return of Will & Grace with a photoshoot
• Observations on Film Art wonderful piece on Dunkirk's emotional core (or whether it has one), color palette, and more
• Remezcla is the new Chilean film Hazlo como hombre (opening Sept 1st) homophobic or just making fun of homophobia?
• New Yorker Richard Brody is watching 80s action movies he's never seen before! Ha. Somehow the classic Die Hard (1988) had eluded him until now
• Self Styled Siren's bad movie double feature: The Legend of Lylah Clare with Kim Novak and Where Love Has Gone with Susan Hayward
• Coming Soon new clip from Marvel's Inhumans features Medusa's prehensile hair. Ugh, I want this to be good but it does not look good
• THR HFPA, the Golden Globe peeps, just gave away nearly $3 million in scholarships and grants to entertainment non-profits. Well done
• Variety interesting report on a working class actor running for the SAF-AFTRA presidency
• i09 12 things to love about The Lost Boys (1987) that have nothing to do with vampires
• Coming Soon several characters from AHS: Cult revealed
• NYT on the casting of indian actors for Taylor Sheridan's Wind River
• MNPP Hugh Jackman and trainer-in-speedo spend soooo much time at the beach. But the photos are inspiring
• Dress The Part if you have lots of extra cash, here are suggestions for how to 'shop the look' of Atomic Blonde
• Business Insider fascinating study about decision-making and how who you spend time with affects your brainwaves
• Mike's Movie Projector Imelda Staunton never stops. Now she's rehearsing Follies