Lord of the Tweets

Fiona Apple always knew. pic.twitter.com/8tZZJ0FSsH
— Chris Crocker (@ChrisCrocker) August 29, 2017
A sobering reminder before we hit a sillier survey of most amusing tweets o' the week. Topics include but are not limited to: Tulip Fever mania, Laura Dern action figures, mother! enthusiasms, that stupid news that there's going to be an all female Lord of the Flies movie (that doesn't even make sense -- women aren't that stupid!), Judith Light, Ridley Scott and more. It's all after the jump...
Wait, where's my Blue Velvet one? pic.twitter.com/4WqbSAz4UO
— Laura Dern (@LauraDern) August 31, 2017
— Matt Singer (@mattsinger) September 1, 2017
BOOGIE NIGHTS is a perfect movie.
Just saw Aronofsky's MOTHER . It is dark, dark, dark, brilliant and will upset the fuck out of people . A good poke in eye to convention
— Anthony Bourdain (@Bourdain) August 31, 2017
Tatiana Maslany is not shook pic.twitter.com/2snB4FwKji
— Jackson McHenry (@McHenryJD) August 28, 2017
Which PARIS IS BURNING drag houses would the sorting hat have placed the Harry Potter characters in? (Thoughts I have on Monday mornings)
— [kie.ran] (@danblackroyd) August 28, 2017
Lol people call me "narcissistic" like it's some gutting insult, but I openly admit to being a professional writer
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) August 28, 2017
New pitch: Blade Runner but cast entirely with dachshunds pic.twitter.com/Smc6g20T2m
— Matthew Clark (@mr_clark) August 27, 2017
It's impossible to wear a tanktop and jeans over 30 without feeling like Holly Hunter in "Thirteen."
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) August 27, 2017
TULIP FEVER MANIA (that was sarcastic)
They should add something about Dane DeHaan here, like maybe "No Academy Award nominations but did win an Obie for that Annie Baker play" pic.twitter.com/Offia9K7Py
— Adam Feldman (@FeldmanAdam) September 1, 2017
If Dane DeHaan were a cat his name would be, I don't know, Mittens.
— Jordan Veilleux (@veilleuxwho) September 1, 2017
I don't know about you guys but I'm going to see #TulipFever out of spite.
— Leslye Headland (@LeslyeHeadland) August 30, 2017
BACK TO RANDOMNESS...I saw an ad for Tulip Fever at like 7:00AM this morning that said “NOW PLAYING” and almost cried.
— bobby finger (@bobbyfinger) September 1, 2017
This is the only all-female Lord of the Flies reboot I recognize pic.twitter.com/PXkoBJcgxa
— Gabriella Paiella (@GMPaiella) August 31, 2017
It's amazing how Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson tanked and Hamilton soared and they both have the same costumes
— Jackie Hoffman (@JackieHoffman16) August 24, 2017
Netflix has become a conversation with your most basic gay friend. You bring up Meryl Streep and he's like, "Um from The Giver?"
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) August 25, 2017
Replace👏🏻all👏🏻confederate👏🏻 statues👏🏻with👏🏻Judith👏🏻Light👏🏻doing👏🏻this👏🏻pose pic.twitter.com/nFKS3SqDbu
— Adam Kopp (@adamskopp) August 24, 2017
I loved Logan Lucky so much that I'm not sure what else I can type here. So. That's the tweet.
— bobby finger (@bobbyfinger) August 30, 2017
Ridley Scott's greatest movie is
— Nick Davis (@NicksFlickPicks) August 27, 2017
pitch!: I! write! my! review! of! mother! for! you! like! this!
— Jacob Oller (@JacobOller) August 31, 2017
Reader Comments (11)
Poor Danr Dehaan, but someone had to rise up to the task once Paul Dano got that Globe nod!
Someone has me blocked on twitter.
We already have the "Real Housewives of..." franchise, isn't that Lord of the Flies enough?
P.S. The double "and" on movie posters irk me. It's with _ and _, or just a single and (which most certainly does *not* belong to Cristoph Waltz).
I hope everyone who loves Bobby's tweets is listening to Who? Weekly. It makes me laugh out loud.
20 years later, Fiona Apple is still right.
Apparently Emma Stone is coming for another Oscar nomination with Battle of the Sexes.
Yeah, Emma Stone has been getting raves with Battle of the Sexes. The film itself has been getting very strong notices too, along with Steve Carell. Some even saying she could repeat (I doubt that - but we'll see).
Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool has received good, not great reviews, but strong notices for Bening and Bell. Everyone seems to like the performances - not the film so much (sort of equivalent to My Week with Marilyn).
Warm reviews for Lady Bird. Actress (Ronan), Supporting Actress (Metcalfe), and Original Screenplay (Gerwig) seem like strong possibilities.
"Frontrunner"-breathless reviews for Gary Oldman and Darkest Hour (this is not a surprise, really).
Biggest surprise has been the reviews for Angelina Jolie's First They Killed My Father. Although there have been some quibbles with its long running time, reviews have been very positive. Seems to be a very moving and poignant film. May be one to keep an eye on. Could generate some passion votes.
Aaron: Unbroken and By the Sea were really bad, though. Are Academy members really going to believe the hype and seek out an Angelina Jolie film after those?
Hmm...Laurie Metcalfe quietly working her way to a triple crown...
I think the three biggest things we've learned from recent screenings:
> Oldman in Darkest Hour is not a stunt. He'll be taken seriously and has very good chances given the film's overall baritones on top of it
> Stone is better than ever (she sure looked good in the trailer). I wasn't a fan of her win in La La Land but if La la Land proved anything it is that she, unlike Portman last year, is a master at campaigning. She's likeable and has a ton of charm and could easily win again.
> Metcalfe is getting raves far above and beyond what Hunter got. Time for everyone to start updating their predictions!