Mélanie Laurent, Nick Kroll Join Operation Finale

by Ilich Mejía
Ilich again (did you say hi already?). Back in March, Oscar Isaac first announced he would be producing and starring in Chris Weitz's Operation Finale. Weitz (Rogue One, The Golden Compass) will be directing a script written by newcomer Matthew Orton. Set in 1960's Argentina, the film is based on the true story of a number of Israeli spies on a mission to capture Nazi official Adolf Eichmann (history as spoilers if you've been meaning to get to those History Channel documentaries, but keep watching Barefoot Contessa instead). Actress turned director Mélanie Laurent and comedian Nick Kroll join the already announced cast of Isaac and Ben Kingsley as real estate brokers looking to buy major acreage in next year's Oscar race...
Laurent and Kroll will actually both be playing members of the team to capture Kingsley's Eichmann. They will be lead by the film's star, Isaac. Laurent has been selective with her movie choices lately. She's been generating more excitement with her moves behind the camera, despite recently last starring in Angelina Jolie's By the Sea. Will also be fun to watch Kroll transition from sketch comedian to very serious dramatic actor.
Stayed tuned for the addition of more females to this cast, if only to make it look less like Rosamund Pike's post-Gone Girl IMDb page. Finale will start shooting on location, in Argentina, at the beginning of next month. Expect it to be ready for an awards push next year.
Any friendly advice for the team to help them memorably take on what sounds like well-trodden material? Maybe dress all the Nazis in summer rompers?
Reader Comments (8)
I am gald they are shooting the film in Argentina. Recent attempts to "recreate" Argentina have been atrocious, such as German bad guys taking refuge in the city a Bariloche, a mountain skiing resort which in the film, lo and behold, had beaches!!!
I don't remember how well they did with The Man in the Glass Booth (1975) that also deals with the arrest and trial of Adolf Eichmann.
I really like Melanie Laurent and think she could have been an Oscar nominee for Inglorious Basterds if Weinstein had campaigned her in the Diane Ladd category of Best Supporting.
yesss haven't seen Isaac in a good weighty drama since Ex Machina, probably. I'm glad for the Star Wars success and he looks dashing in Suburbicon but I miss him being all serious and vaguely malevolent.
Melanie Laurent doesn't get enough love as I think she had the best performance in Inglourious Basterds.
I haven't liked Laurent as an actress in anything I've seen her in, but for what it's worth, she's a really strong director. Perhaps that implies she has more to offer as an actress as well
Wasn't aware she was a director....She has a great/cinematic look and was good in inglorious Basterds and Beginners but I wouldn't call her amazing quite yet. Tbd. She has a lot more yet to prove than her inglorious Basterds costars Kruger & Seydoux.
The strudel scene :shivers:
@cal Roth- totally forgot that scene. Easily her best scen in the film and one of the film's best.
Damn, I so love that film.