The Film Experience is (mostly) on vacation.

by Nathaniel
Heads up everyone. Aside from a few intermittent pieces, we're taking a post Oscar break (for the first time in herstory!) for recuperation and HQ revisions. We return to full content mode once you've had a chance to see Isle of Dogs, Pacific Uprising, and Unsane (for those weirdos who use actual dates as calendar rather than movies that's March 26th or so).
If you'd like to be notified of our return, please sign up to for the newsletter on facebook or right here below which will begin going out weekly shortly after our return!
The newsletter will feature random exclusives plus utterly non-fancy but thus more frequently updated Oscar charts. Why are we doing a newsletter you might ask? Well, various potential advertisers keep asking if we have one and we're behind the times on that front! We have to drum up more advertising or get more donations (see sidebar) to survive so we're working on revamps to make ourselves more attractive to them...
COMING IN APRIL: Tully, Avengers Infinity War, The 1970 Supporting Actress Smackdown (so get to watching: Airport, Five Easy Pieces, The Landlord, and M*A*S*H), William Holden Centennial Celebration, Where is Kyra?, You Were Never Really Here and all the randomness you've come to love or at least tolerate.
Reader Comments (19)
Not to be one of those people... but is there a way to subscribe to the newsletter without using Facebook?
Also enjoy your vacation!
Ryan. Yes. I'll add it to this post. good note.
Are you all experiencing March Madness? Is this place going to turn into a "Basketball Goes to the Movies" place?
Also, will we see an update of the last page of "Film Bitch" awards and the winners before April?
Carl -- yes. I just desperately need a few days off and some planning behind-the-scenes time. running on fumes and dont want the content to be phoned in.
No rush - just curious. Thanks !
Have a great holiday! You've more than earned it! Looking forward to picking up later in the month and to getting the newsletter.
You've definitely earned a break, but I hope when TFE returns we can still discuss the teaser for the movie by the This Is Us guy that shows Annette Bening counseling a tearful Oscar Isaac. :)
Nathaniel, I want to be a patron saint, but I won't start a recurring charge on my credit card unless I know how to turn it off. Could you please create a page or post detailing how we can turn off recurring donations if we need to in the future. Thanks!
Well deserved! Enjoy the break and see you soon.
Amory - If you donate through PayPal you can cancel fairly easily. I've had to cancel a couple and resubscribe due to new credit cards and whatnot.
Good luck. Have fun. Don't work for at least three to five days. You will live a year longer.
Nat, friend advice here...
... for your April Fools predix, do not forget to add Toni Servillo in "Loro" for the top 5 leading actor contenders. He's playing Silvio Berlusconi, in a Sorrentino film. It's probably the frontrunner already, as much as Oldman in Darkest Hour and Day-Lewis in Lincoln were... the only thing stopping him from being a lock, that the film will be in italian.
Jesus Alonso: Don't buy it. Italian language movie, and an English language Sorrentino movie couldn't get Jane Fonda across the finish line. The on paper front runner HAS to be Ryan Gosling in First Man.
My early ballot guess for Lead Actor:
1. Ryan Gosling, First Man
2. Christian Bale, Backseat
3. Ewan McGregor, Christopher Robin
4. Steve Carell, The Women of Marwen
5. Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
Anybody got a tip on where to find The Landlord for the 1970 Smackdown?
Last year I revisited Five Easy Pieces. I was in a state of shock. I remember that when I saw the film on its release, I was in awe. I just loved it. It was nominated for Best Picture!
And now, there it was. Floppy filmaking, terrible camera work. Some of the takes seemed to be captured during rehearsals. Nicholson and Black, particularly, were very good and deserving of their nominations. But the whole package seemed amateurish. And, no. It was not naturalistic filmaking.
Sigh. Nobody?
Mike in Canada - I think the only option may be youtube.