Almost There: It's time to vote!

Every week since December 30th, 2019, we've had a new Almost There episode to enjoy, Apologies, dear readers, but the series' taking a break this week. However, this mini interruption is a good opportunity to, once again, have you chose what you want to read about via these reader polls. While two Almost There slots have already been decided for November, there are still two vacant spots in need of filling. That's where you come in.
For next week, the 1987 theme shall persist in anticipation of the Supporting Actress Smackdown. With that in mind, here are ten performances which vied for nominations at the 60th Academy Awards, but ended up empty-handed.
After those '87 related matters, it's time to focus on some new to streaming titles. Looking at the varied selection from the main platforms, I've come up with this list of potential contenders:
If you choose wisely (or unwisely), we might even have the first negative Almost There piece ever. As much as it's fun to write endless praise, it can also be a challenge to do a vitriolic pan. In any case, the choice is yours.
You have until next Saturday, November 7th, to make your choice. You can vote once a day, if so inclined.

Reader Comments (20)
"Roxanne" is one of the several snubs that Steve Martin suffered. I still believe he should have won Supporting Actor for "Little Shop of Horrors", which was criminally underrated by the Oscars (no wins and only two - very deserving - nominations: Song and Visual Effects).
Kathleen Turner better run AWAY with this vote!
i voted for bad performances in both columns because i think that would be most interesting to read after lots of columns on brilliant performances.
GISH GISH GISH bc you can never have too much WHALES OF AUGUST content.
Baker and Ermy literally would have been my supporting winners that year and Kathleen Turner would have been my best actress winner for Romancing the Stone. Her best IMO
But honestly there are some pretty interesting options in 1987. I think several of these performances would have been legitimate candidates for the award. And all the love for Wish You Were Here has made me almost anxious to see it. Was never even on my radar until now.
Of all the Mrs Lovetts I've experienced, Helena Bonham Carter's was the least abrasive, most tragic, weakest sung one of all. A fascinating, flawed (but obvious, given the director) casting choice. Definitely begging for a Cláudio analysis.
I vote for THE SERVANT because it's an underrated masterpiece.
Instead of Susan Woolridge, I would single out Ian Bannen for Hope and Glory. He stole every scene he was in.
Barbra Nuts and Kathleen Romancing. Make My Days Great Again.
Which are the bad performances you chose Nat.
When discussing Gish I hope someone comments on Bette Davis,mostly the criticism of her in TWOA is her infirmness but that's who she is playing,an old woman near the end of her life with all the baggage that brings,she wasn't going to be sprinting round the set and neither was Gish.
^^^ Streisand / DiCaprio
Lillian Gish because she's wonderful in the film but also because it was the capper of her career.
Dirk Bogarde, he isn't discussed nearly enough and he's great in The Servant.
I voted for Dunaway, maybe her last great performance in Barfly and Walach, he never got a nomination.
Kathy Baker by a MILE if people saw it.
emily lloyd - for her one brief shining moment
joan allen - because i was 100% sure she was winning...right up until nomination morning
Jesus Alonso -- It's a crime that the Academy has always snubbed him. He's been marvelous many times and profoundly Oscar-worthy too. My favorite of his star turns is probably PENNIES FROM HEAVEN, one of the most depressing musicals I've ever seen.
Peter -- I'm excited to watch all those 1987 titles, even if they don't win this vote.
Working stiff -- I have a lot of conflicting thoughts about that performance, but your analysis is certainly ringing true with me.
Jonathan -- I've never seen it, but have heard marvelous things about it.
ken s -- I chose her out of the cast because she won the BAFTA. I've never seen this picture, to be honest. I still have a lot of catching up to do before the smackdown.
Thank you all for the positive feedback and your votes too.
Joan Allen For The Win: The Sequel!
My choices were Ermey (my Supporting 1987 champ) and Jordan (my Leading 2013 champ).
Would also be happy with Allen because I nominate her too.
A great/intriguing line-up - I can’t wait regardless!
i'm very surprised by the 1987 votes so far
Dunaway is quite memorable in BARFLY. She got my vote (though Baker and Ermey were close).
Also, Eli Wallach is incredible in BABY DOLL, guys. It’s a performance so salacious that it makes you wonder how the movie ever saw the light of day.