A moment of contemplation and anger. What will future movies say about this time in American history?

by Nathaniel R
I've hesitated writing anything about the current state of the US since this isn't a politics site but a film site. But it's naturally been difficult to concentrate on movies these past few days. You may have noticed the postings were fairly sparse after our big Friday event (which was recorded a couple of weeks back). The real world is definitely burning. Sometimes you can only stare at the flames and wonder how much they'll consume. And wonder what is your individual and/or collective place in stoking them or extinguishing them, because aren't we always doing one or the other if we're not preventing them in the first place?
The US is a scary place right now. It's an especially scary time for black people of course. Black Lives Matter. That should be obvious to everyone. It's soul-crushing that it still apparently isn't to far too many people. The US has an anger problem (in general) but in this case the anger fueling the protests is entirely justified...
In my most hopeless moments I feel like this is the end. How can this country even survive until an election (it's half a year away still!) And even once it gets here, the election will surely be fraught with mischief from the ruling party and their trigger-happy racism and power lust. The President has already essentially declared war on his own citizens by sending in the military to peaceful protests and with his threat to make Antifa, which stands for Anti-Fascism, a "terrorist organization". It's obvious but it needs to be said over and over again. Antifa a) isn't an organization and b) literally every single American who is smart enough and decent enough to understand the concept of democracy IS anti-fascist. If dissent is "terrorism" than we have already lost our democracy. What a wretched disappointment we are the memories of Americans who fought and died in World War II to save the world from fascism.
We have a sociopathic narcissist childman in the White House. We have almost no elected GOP leaders with the backbone to oppose him and disrupt their own party's enabling of his most destructive autocratic fantasies. (They have proven time and again that they will cower too him; They all must be voted out.) We have a radicalized right-wing that is armed to the teeth with zero love for the concepts of unity, fairness, racial equality, and democracy. Our only hope is to vote Democratic in such massive numbers in November that no amount of fraud or voter suppression or fear can stop us. And then we'll have more hard work to do to restore the country to some semblance of a functioning place again and work to improve it for people of color. (And, hell, while we're at the improvements, for all of us. Consider that it might have been nice to have universal healthcare and a robust social safety network in place during a pandemic, you know.)
The current government cannot fix any of our problems. They have neither the will nor the backbone nor the basic morality.
It's a scary time. One dear friend of mine who has been living in this country for 30 years, told me he's flying back to his home country in a week's time (with no return ticket). I wanted to climb through the phone and into his suitcase.
Let's end with a note on the movies because it's easy to get caught in this swirling fear and depression about our immediate future. Films have always been our favourite escape. Two or three years ago I attended a panel about Presidential depictions in film at the Middleburg Film Festival and the topic kept coming back to Nixon, previously the most hated US president. Not coincidentally he's the one that Hollywood has been most fascinated by. The panel suggested that Trump would eventually have many movies made about him given his innate corruption and disruption. It sounded like an accurate if upsetting prediction (Trump would love that). Hillary warned us and even before she did many of us knew this could only spiral towards immense trouble for the country. If the world survives the our Failed State implosion, what kind of movies will be made about this time? We should each be thinking of the ways we want to be remembered. Fascists and their supporters and enablers are never the heroes in the movies or in the long arc of history.
We now return to the the regularly scheduled movie programming. We hope The Film Experience and its reel obsessions can be some kind of oasis for you from the horrrible real world. Writing about movies (when we're able to concentrate that is) is an oasis for us here behind the scenes. But please use this space if you have any feelings you just need to get out right now. Sometimes you have to just let it out. We hope all TFE readers are well and safe and hanging on and finding little pockets of happiness where they can.

Reader Comments (44)
Unfortunately I look to movies about this era with dread. I don't want to relive these politics ever, and am working to bring them to end this November.
2020 has been fucking HORRIBLE... The only glimmer of hope I have is November when I can vote this orange piece of shit out and into obscurity forever.
"We hope The Film Experience and its reel obsessions can be some kind of oasis for you from the horrrible real world."
IT IS. And thank you for being that.
I feel both privileged and helpless, staying in my home most evenings. The movies are getting me through. Last night I watched Support the Girls, which felt like a good way to experience something about America that's both joyful and exhausted.
My thoughts go out to your country and your democracy. We're rooting for you.
The Ukraine
Terrible times. Let’s keep our hopes high!
Hopefully a foreing country will invade us to bring democracy back.
The pandemic already ruined the movie season by making multiplexes a health hazard. Black complaints about racism can no longer be seen as an excuse or playing the race card. Video footage of racially motivated Black murder for several years now should be evidence enough the community isn't lying.
You should actually feel inspired in the chaos. Use already available movies as activism. Documentary or narrative feature and make a point to connect it with the now. Black cinema isn't your strong suit so outside writers will be necessary. Particularly Black American writers.
The Democrats, like the Republicans, are one of the architects of systemic racism in the U.S.
I feel every word of this piece. Everything is so overwhelming right now and all the uncertainties makes me feel helpless and speechless.
Any thoughts on possibly participating in Blackout Tuesday today?
Let's not get carried away here- yes we might be going through a rough time- the 1960s was turbulent era with race issues and Vietnam and the country survived that. The problem now is that with social media which seems to feed on chaos it makes everything seem worst than it is- yes there is not denying that there are issues but the way to solve them is by peaceful protest and actually voting- I'm amazed how many of these outrage people in social media did not even bother to vote in the last election . Looting and setting buildings on fire might look spectacular on screen but we are now some people seem to want to star in their own version of "The Purge" I hope that the upheaval does lead to great cinema not the usual comic book stuff we've been getting lately
In Spain we have politial prisioners and police brutality with a socialist president.
I'm sad about everything that is happening, but I have hope in my heart this will start real change.
btw, "I can imagine this moment in future movies" is my "this is going to the history books" and I've had many of those moments in the past week.
I thought we solved the world when Parasite won Best Picture.
Beautifully written as always, Nathaniel, and crystallizes everything that's been filling my mind lately. It's difficult to focus on anything else, and it's difficult not to despair. But we can't despair. We have to fight.
You are a substantially privileged white man, anybody who can see multiple Broadway shows a year (regardless of 'cheap tickets' is), but your uncharacteristic talking on an important issue is very helpful and appreciated. When Nathaniel can't sidestep a political issue we know it must be big! Loving this Ally in action look on you.
Beautifully written.
The last few days I've fallen into a kind of depression, which I am prone to as a bipolar individual. I can thankfully see that I have been on information overload. Reading the online newspapers and spending entirely too much time on Twitter (which has many nutjobs). I spoke with a friend today and admitted all that and made a promise to myself I would keep my media involvement low today. I do have other things to focus on (such as the movies), a good set of shows I am currently watching, the pleasure of watching Rocketman (probably tonight), and a set of interests/hobbies that have nothing to do with politics or the news.
Thanks Nathanial for your thoughts and encouragement to us to express ourselves about what's been going on this past week.
Hugs to you and yours. This site is an oasis in a sea of pain. We WILL get through this.
Americans you have to vote! There are a lot of hurdles, especially for certain demographics, locales, etc, but you really have to put the effort in. Offer help to anybody you may think has trouble accessing voting stations, enrollments, etc. And for God's sake, don't just vote in Presidential elections and leave it at that. House of Reps. Senate and even local elections are all vital!
If Trump loses the election, I see us having a Civil War.... his followers are all gun crazy!!!!
Marcelo - Although the governing is not as harsh, Australia and Britain are consistently choosing Governments that roll back our progression and it's a scary trend. I wonder if there's been a look at , say, the last ten years of elections in a wide range of countries and just how many have gone conservative/right.
Kylie, it is a scary trend, sure.
It’s 2020, 21st century, we are still talking about democracy and respect for diversity.
I haven’t lost hope though.
A welcome piece, Nathaniel, and well said. From the UK I send my best wishes to everyone in the US struggling against the forces of hate. It hasn't been plain-sailing over here in the UK politically in the last few years either - as Kylie M. has pointed out - but we all have to hope that things will get better, and we must do what we can, each of us, no matter how small an action. Positive change resides in large-scale protests but also in small everyday actions in support of the oppressed.
And rrrich7: do try to limit your social media usage. I mean, I don't even have a Twitter account but I sometimes only have to read a few minutes of it and I start to feel as though the world is falling in.
You have a good heart, Nathaniel.
Thanks, rrrich7, I needed that reminder to limit my exposure to cable news and twitter.
Thank you Nathaniel, your site has always been an escape for me. I only have love for all of you in Amerca currently. I reside in Ireland and am realising I need to use my force stronger to speak out on things because this is all a world problem.
I believe things will get better and while I'm made uncomfortable by these current times I'm aware I must be made to feel this way because when things turn around the feeling will feel greater. The thing that depresses me most is that with our current global pandamic that these peacefull protests are gonna lead to more cases and deaths worldwide. The protests are necessary but I truly am frightened that the world populations will continue to drop so drastically
It's really scary and seeing that man in the darkened house expressing nazi iconagraphy and insciting violence I truly am scared for all who currently reside in the states
Fuck 2020. That's all I have to say.
It's a terrible time to have a terrible president.
Yeah, the moment we all vote for Biden and Kamala racism will vanish.
PWns -- no one thinks that. dont be a troll
Will the US actually survive this year? Trump has declared war on his own citizens. If he loses the elections, the potential of a heavily armed and militarized racist right wing could be the ones who "restore order and freedom to the country." If he wins, it's four more years of this, only with the right wing emboldened even further. The way they are now is them acting with restraint.
If the military obeys Trump's irrational orders, it's effectively a martial law in everything but name. If they disobey, it's anarchy. If the police continues as they are, the threat of arrest and assault continues and people of color don't get any respite, or justice. If the police are defunded, then a military force that is equally entrenched in a racist power structure can take over. Either that or a privately backed, corporate security force -- not comforting.
The two sides are now entrenched and negotiation is impossible. There is no neutrality: it's literally us vs them, however you define the us versus them. I'm with the Black Lives Matter movement, I'm with the anti-Trump movement, and I don't see the middle ground anymore. There is no "both sides" argument.
Maybe this will peter out. Maybe the fire and the rage go to a simmer, go dormant like a volcano just waiting for the next eruption. Maybe it's forever stamped out. I hope not. I want things to change. What I am realizing now though, is that I'm actually ready to fight for it, tooth and nail, in a cleansing, galvanizing, clarifying way. I don't expect that of everyone. Know where you stand though, and if you're on my side of the fence, I hope you defend and protect and support and amplify and donate when and where you can, when and where you're able. Not everyone can be on the street, nor should everyone be on the street, because this fight is in multiple places and multiple fronts.
If all goes well and a movie is made of it 10-15 years in the future and it's one where we weren't murdered on the streets in the name of Republican law and order, I would like to be portrayed stopping a tear gas canister with a pylon in a five second cameo by the spiritual gay love child of Steven Yeun and Michael B. Jordan. starting out in his career, and hopefully it will be one where he won't be characterized as a violent, disease carrying thug just as he's starting out.
As a nation we survived the Presidency of Richard Nixon. The era is best remembered for an illegal war. Movies that capture the era best are The Deer Hunter and All the President's Men.
As a nation we survived the Presidency of Ronald Reagan. The era is best remembered for a pandemic that robbed the lives of a generation. It was mourning in America, The movie that captures the era best is Angels in America.
As a nation we survived the Presidency of George W. Bush. The era is best remembered for a lie that resulted in decades of armed conflict that has killed thousands. The movies that capture the era best are only now being made. We see Vice and The Hurt Locker. Neither seems definitive. We are waiting.
As a nation I hope we will survive the Presidency of Donald Trump. The era may best be remembered for a pandemic that could have been prevented, a nation of women who stood up to sexual abuse from powerful men, and a rage against police brutality. The movie that best captures the era may have already been made - Do The Right Thing.
Earlier in January, I said that 2020 will turn out to be good as I like the alliterative iterative ring to it. Five months later, I can't believe what just happened to the first half of 2020. This pandemic rearranged and reassembled social relations in ways that I thought only possible in science fiction narratives. Diseases are really outcomes of several forms of violence (class, gender, race, status, others) when viewed from the lenses of historical-materialist epidemiology. But you don't have to believe me, you can also check with Engels, Darwin, Levins, and from black science fiction writers like Octavia Butler and Samuel Delany, and even from what Marianne and Connell go through in "Normal People". Violence comes in various guises from racial violence (George Floyd, Trayvon Martin; Native Americans) to institutionalised violence (access to food and health care) to "violence we do to ourselves" as one of the characters said in Sense8.
At times I turn to science fiction to vicariously live in alternate futures only to be confronted with even more dystopian scenarios similar to what I saw in Dark City (1998) and ones concocted by Nnedi Okorafor and the Strugatsky Brothers. I am drawn to these things as much as I am equally horrified at the fate of people who were actually living in those landscapes of despair that include not only Offred and Theo Faron, but also of actual people like Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor.
A recent death in our family (cancer; stage 4) during lockdown did not prepare me for a different form of devastation. It is heartbreaking to lose someone, doubly so in times like these as it robs people of formal and proper ways to say goodbye to a loved one. So yeah, overall 2020 has been difficult and challenging to say the least. But people like me should use whatever privilege or platform they have to do various forms of activism to help those battered by the system and those reeling from other griefs.
I would even add China to the list although I stress that it is not an excuse to be racist towards Asians. From June 2019-now, Hong Kongers have been protesting against an Extradition Law that could give a reason for China to encroach on the mandate of “One Country Two Systems” until 2046. Excessive police brutality has been used because the government justified the protests had been akin to “terrorism” and this has been financially (as well as “weapons” like umbrellas and helmets) supported by “foreign intervention” (US is the main source of influences now).
Fast forward to now, no policemen has been charged even though there were mysterious corpses (mostly young adults) fallen from buildings and in the ocean. On the other hand, the legislation has approved a bill to increase the budget of the police department so they can hire more people. Now China has passed a National Security Law without introducing it in Hong Kong legislation that would aim at promoting national unity, hate speech towards government officials, and foreign influences. The details of the law are still unclear at of this moment. And now Hong Kong is a pawn stuck between China and Trump struggle to be the dominant power.
This is a bit long, but I want to raise awareness to this issue, and again please separate the people from the government.
Stop bombing foreign countries in the name of democracy, James
Thanks for this post. Perhaps the Film Experience could use it’s specialist platform to highlight, recommend and discuss some films (especially lesser-known ones) that address racism and activism? Becoming better informed is one of the things all allies need to work harder on and films (especially docs) can be very powerful to this end. There are undoubtedly important and prescient films that have slipped below the radar due to distribution networks privileging work by white film-makers. It would be great if you felt able to use your expertise to amplify these voices.
James - I think the definitive films of the Bush era were the trio of great films from 2007, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, and Michael Clayton. Greed, power, and violence is at the heart of all three.
Nathaniel thank you for an eloquence. We are a community here at TFE, and it is heartening to read your post and all of the messages from across the US and from other nations..
I have lived 6 decades in Canada, continually observing the US from the outside. I can remember 1968, Kent State, Rodney King, Aids, George W. and this ranks the closest to 1968. There is not the same level of violence mind you, nor are there political assassinations. (thank god) But this time white people are more aware of racism and it's destructive effects.
That video of George Floyd was like the famous clip of the protest in Tienanmen square - it went round the world.
Trump is like a combination of Mayor Daley and George Wallace. Plus the propaganda machine that is Fox News.. But please don't give in to despair. VOTE
Interestingly, the person that the majority of Americans trust is Joe Biden.
He may not be FDR, Obama, or Elizabeth Warren, but he is a stable, sane leader and isn't tainted by corruption. So my message is simple, please vote. Use a mail in ballot because there will be cheating by the GOP and interference from Russia.
Movies that capture this era? I thought the 70's was "Nashville" with "Network" and "All the President's Men" You may not get an actor playing Trump, but you will get actors reacting to what Trump did, said, and represented. And that would probably be the best insight into this era. Because we are all reacting, across the world.
Out of sheer ignorance on how the American political system works, just one question. Isn't there a mechanism for the opposition parties to force an earlier election? If any other President in any another country called out the Army against the people, we would be using the words coup d'etat.
Anon -- well the House already tried to get Trump out early (before COVID-19 hit) but the Senate voted it down (the Senate is GOP controlled of course). So we're on our own as citizens. The GOP has been blocking all moves to rid us of the Trump problem.
Well, I've just seen 13th on YouTube -it's free- and the biggest period of black incarceration was during the Clinton presidency so I don't see how voting for Biden is going to make any difference.
Oh, and the whole Russian conspiracy is ludicrous. We fuck this country on our own.
Firmin -- this way of thinking is useless. It suggests "well, things will always be bad so why try?". Yes, we will always have problems. Doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to fix them!
Having a non-racist basically decent guy who believes in Democracy in office will make a huge difference over our current situation of having a racist sociopath who could give two shits about the country and doesn't even believe in democrazy and publicly expressions admiration for dictators and has only ever cared about himself and his own wealth.
I'm voting for Bernie!
To anyone who's reading this right now,
Because of the Anti-Terror Bill, freedom of speech, right to peaceful assembly, and due process are all under threat in the Philippines. We are in the middle of a pandemic, but instead of prioritizing support to health care, they are taking advantage of this to obliterate dissent of any form.
Please don't forget us here in the Philippines.